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I leaned over covering her mouth. “Keep it down, will you? This house is big, but it’s notthatbig.” I waited to hear footsteps on the stairs for a few seconds. I let out a sigh of relief when I realized Jack wasn’t going to come and check on us after Sav’s outburst. “If I release my hand, will you promise not to scream or squeal?” Savannah nodded, so I released her.

“And? How was it?” Savannah put her hand gingerly under her chin.

“Honestly, fucking amazing.” I got warm just thinking about how he claimed me with his mouth. Jack’s confidence was sexy as hell, and he certainly knew what he was doing with that kiss. Not that I was surprised. I imagined Jack was quite experienced.

Not that I wanted to think about that. I shook my head imagining him with Katie and a wave of nausea slammed into me.

Luckily, Savannah brought me back to the present.

“He kissed you, you kissed him back, and it was as magical as you always thought it would be.” Savannah’s voice got higher the more excited she got. “This is the best news ever! What happens now, are you like, together?” I could tell she hoped we were based on her tone.

I shrugged. “We are definitelynottogether. One kiss doesn’t magically fix everything. This isn’t a fairytale. Honestly, I don’t know what we are. It was all just some big misunderstanding and while I’m relieved, I’m also still strangely hurt.”

All these years I had coped without him. Figured out little ways to make my heartbreak hurt a little less.

Even though I had gotten things wrong all those years ago, my heart didn’t just repair itself with the snap of my fingers. The jagged pieces were all still there. Trying to mend themselves together, imperfect in their quest.

Savannah thought about it. “Like you said before, you’re still processing all of this.”

I gave a sad laugh. “My brain is going to need a lot more processing power to think through all this.” I sank down, laying my head on a pillow. Jack really did have impeccable taste when it came to buying things for his house. I planned to steal this pillow once it was time to finally leave. “I told him I loved him in high school, and he kissed me. He did admit to liking me back then too. I just don’t know what to think.”

“And let me guess, you clammed up and didn’t bother talking about it after you kissed?”

Damn, she knew me so well.

She didn’t wait for a response.

“You might be the older sister and in many ways you are smart and put together, but for some reason that all falls apart when it comes to Jack Montgomery. Talk. To. Him,” she said while clapping her hands. “Don’t make the same mistake again. Haven’t you wasted enough time already?” She got up, patted my head, and left the room, leaving me to think about what she said.

Chapter 23


I satin my office sipping my third cup of coffee when the chief knocked on my door.

“Come on in.” I waved to him with one hand and put my mug down with the other. “What’s going on?”

The chief looked uncomfortable, his uniform tighter than I’d seen it. He adjusted in his seat, pulling on his collar.

“Everything alright, sir?” He started to make me nervous. His face looked fuller than normal, a little unhealthy. I wondered when that happened.

“Eh,” the chief grunted. “Barb’s getting on me about my weight, so I went to the doctor and need to start taking some blood pressure medicine. They want me to lose a few pounds too, but you know my wife’s cooking. That’s going to be a challenge.”

I didn’t envy him. If I married Barb, it would be a battle to keep my weight in check, especially if I had full access to those pies she made.

Speaking of which, I should probably stop by and pick up a few slices for Whitney and Savannah on the way home from work.

“How’s everything with the gala? Barb keeps asking me for updates, so I told her I’d ask.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “You can report that it’s going fine. I think we have a venue.”

One firm nod and a “good” was all I got from the chief.

“I also want to know the plan for dealing with Coach Ramstrom,” he continued. “This is a very delicate situation. You know this town and their love of football. If we do this, we need to do it right.”

I steepled my fingers underneath my chin. “Basically, don’t fuck it up you mean.”

It was the chief’s turn to laugh. “Exactly.”
