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“There’s only one case I need to investigate.” I looked at Whitney closely and a plan started to form in my head. “Actually, maybe there’s a way you can help.” I didn’t actually need Whitney’s help with my investigation, but I liked the excuse of keeping her around.

Chapter 18


I wasn’tsure I was prepared for whatever Jack wanted to rope me into. Between the sudden move, the accident, the flood, and buying a new house, I didn’t think I could add anything else to my plate.

Especially if it meant working side by side with Jack.

It only took spending one day with him for me to start lowering my guard. For me to start trusting him again. He dismantled the wall I had built, brick by brick. I needed to fortify it before he breached it entirely.

Suddenly I stood up, needing to do something with my hands, something that would calm the nerves that threatened to take over. Automatically I walked to the kitchen and started opening and closing cupboards looking for the supplies I needed.

Baking would help me. It’d be the perfect antidote to whatever was happening between Jack and me. He still infuriated me, but I could no longer pretend that my feelings for him were just based in hate.

Being around him aroused all those other feelings that I worked so hard to suppress.

“Aha!” I found a set of mixing bowls and other baking supplies: a spatula, measuring cups and a few other decorating tools that I was surprised to find in Jack’s house. For a second, I wondered if he had lived with a woman. That would explain all the good supplies.

I brushed away that thought, not wanting to give it any merit.

I heard Jack’s steps as he entered the kitchen and opened another cabinet. He pulled down sugar, flour, vanilla extract, baking soda, baking powder. Everything I could possibly need to bake whatever the hell it was I planned to bake.

A peek in the fridge revealed eggs and milk. I had all the fixings to make a cake.

Exactly what I needed at this very moment in time.

I pulled out a springform pan that had been stashed away behind some of the other cookware, running it under some water to clean it off.

Jack pulled up a barstool and silently watched me as I went about my business taking over his kitchen without permission.

Maybe baking was a huge mistake after all.

It felt so normal to do this. Me baking, him watching.

Although in high school neither of us would be drinking. And we certainly weren’t silent like we were now. We’d be trying to do our homework, cracking jokes, and making fun of the latest stupid thing his teammates had done.

But for some strange reason, I didn’t mind the quiet. I didn’t want to hear him sweet talking to me about our happy shared past or ask why I had disappeared on him all those years ago.

Nothing could prepare me forthatconversation. Instead, I actively avoided it.

“So that thing I need help with,” Jack finally broke the silence.

I lifted my head from where I stirred all the ingredients together. Sure, a hand mixer would have been faster but sometimes the manual work did a better job at calming me down.

“Why don’t you get me a sparkling water and then you can ask your questions,” I told him. Wanting to give him another reason to stall. I had enough to drink tonight.

When he set the ice-cold can next to me, I set down my mixing bowl and took a long sip, then grabbed another slice of pizza for good measure.

“So, what’s the job?”

Jack ran a hand through his unkempt hair. I’d say he needed a haircut if the long hair didn’t look so damn good on him. My fingers itched to touch it and run through the silky strands.

“I have a case.” He paused, as if trying to decide exactly how much information he wanted to tell me. “There’s a party being hosted by the coach of the Haver’s Creek High School football team, and I have a source that tells me we might be able to find some evidence at that party.”

I slowed down my stirring. “What kind of evidence are you looking for?”

Jack sighed. “I really shouldn’t be telling you this.” He dragged his hand through his hair again. “There is a student who says the coach is forcing players to take performance enhancers.”
