Page 2 of Seductive

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“I want us to hit the town tonight. It’s been all work, and I’ve got the perfect spot for us to unwind. My friend owns the place, so...”

“Umm, I can’t make it. My desk is bursting with work.”

“I want you there. I’m a few blocks away from your house. If I have to drag you all the way there, then I will.”

I chuckled, set my ass down on the dining chair, and began to eat. "I know you're kidding. I can't do it today. We've got a new client."

"Try me," Terry said, and the line clicked off.

I returned my focus to the food, savoring the taste of the Uber Eats meal. After wolfing down the food, I returned to my work. Since I had some grub in my stomach now, I thought it might be easier to figure out what was wrong with my code. Debugging on an empty stomach wasn't a good idea in the first place.

Another ring sounded from my door just as I got to my workstation. I knew it was Terry. Shaking my head, I let him in with the usual command.

“You’re not dressed for the party yet?”

“I told you; I have work to do.”

Terry rolled his eyes. “Take a break, man. You are killing yourself with work. Come on, have some fun. When was the last time you were at a house party, or a club, or a concert?” There was no use trying to remember. It had been too long.

“Just for tonight, let’s go and have some fun. You can resume coding tomorrow morning.”

I looked into Terry's eyes and saw that he was determined to drag me along. Since we became friends, I couldn't remember when he had put his foot down on something this way.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

It took a few minutes for me to get dressed, and we hit the road. We went in Terry's gray SUV. I didn't say much for the duration of the ride; my mind kept going back to the code I had left behind. My fingers itched to feel my keyboard. I had become an addict.

Coding has become my best friend. I was more comfortable speaking the language of machines than humans. I wished everyone around me would understand this and let me live my life in solitude, surrounded by screens and laptops and gaming PCs and—

“Oh, we arrived at the perfect time,” Terry cut off my thoughts, pulling the car to a stop.

I had no idea what was perfect about the time. When Terry got out, I followed suit, adjusting the collar of my shirt. The building was an expensive-looking bar with dazzling neon lights. A bouncer smiled at Terry as we got to the glass door.

“He’s with me,” Terry said when he noticed the bouncer staring at me.

As soon as we entered the club, my eyes settled on a long-haired girl with a slender body. She wore a bodice that shimmered in the dark, radiating on the dimly lit stage. The material barely covered her boobs and ass as she glided, shimmied, and spun on stage, dancing to the rhythm of a live band. The band in turn provided the dancers in the club with delightful music, and I felt the urge to thank Terry for dragging me along with him. The dancing girl glanced my way, and her brown eyes held mine. Her teasing body dared me to come her way. If she was the gypsy queen of hypnosis, I would have fallen under her spell without putting up a fight.

The dancer had a name doodled on her exposed thigh; a pattern of ink revealed it to me. “Raven,” I rasped, my voice unfamiliar to my ears.

“Definitely her stage name,” Terry mused. He gently elbowed my rib cage. “She’s looking at you.”

She was doing more than looking at me. In those moments, the rest of the room dissipated. It became just her and me in the entire club. We had discovered our Eden. She was a temptress and I, Adam—eager to be fed the forbidden fruit.

“Hmm, yeah. I can see,” I muttered, shaking myself out of the vision in my head.

The music hit harder, and at some point, the girl danced over and pulled me from the bar stool. Before I could say a word, I was on the dance floor, moving my body in tandem with Raven. Up close, her features were even more impressive. I could feel her hair caress my hands and my arms as she swayed before me. I placed my hands on her thin waist and felt her curvy hips and long dancer legs teasing my body as she rested her body against mine, and we glided across the floor. I wanted to have her like that forever. Her earthy scent wafted in my nostrils: Jasmine with hints of sandalwood. The heady sensation I got from holding her was addictive.

I didn't wish to let go of her. She must have thought the same because she held onto me even as the music came to an agonizing end.

A flicker of mischief crossed her beautiful face, and the temptress held me by the hand and guided me away from the dance floor. I felt a mix of longing and worry as we pushed through a sea of clubbers until we arrived at a brown door. Was she trying to lure me into her den? It was needless for her to put in the effort, I would follow without blinking.

As soon as we walked through the door, I found myself in a dark hallway that smelled of liquor and sweaty bodies. A different kind of music played here; a slow, quiet sound that could put one in a nostalgic state. It was different from the loud, fast music of the live band. Without exchanging words, I yanked her to me—rewarded by a sharp intake of breath as our bodies collided, and I pulled her into a kiss. Raven's lips were full, and her breath smelled of wine. My hands encircled her neck, and I deepened the kiss, humming at the back of my throat when she dug her hands into my hair. Her sweaty body rubbed against mine. My cock pulsed as my tongue explored her mouth. It pushed against her groin as my body pinned hers against the wall. This had to be the craziest thing I had experienced in a long time. Carson Rodericks wasn't the guy who kissed nameless girls in the dark shadows of nightclubs. But here I was, moaning into this girl's mouth as she rubbed my dick. It suddenly didn’t matter if I didn’t know her real name.

Overtaken by my desire, I reached for her breasts and began to fondle them. They were medium-sized, the perfect fit for my hands. Her nipples were erect, and they brushed against my probing palms. I thought about turning her around, bending her over, and giving it to her hard from behind. Thinking about these things made my cock throb. The little guy wanted some action.

Just then, my phone began to ring. It was my hotline, so I knew it was urgent. The kiss was hot, but I had business to attend to that couldn’t wait. I pulled away from her and began to search my pockets. The number was unfamiliar, another reason I couldn’t ignore the call.

“Sorry, I have to take this,” I whispered against her hair.
