Page 26 of Nightfall

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“There are a few facilities like this across the country—both government and privately funded,” he explained to me. “The vampires used in programs like this are the most messed up, the ones that can’t keep their fangs out of humans, leaving mutilated bodies in their wake. I used to be one of the hunters who captured them. When instructed, I’d pick some test subjects from the vampires I faced. Brought them to places like this instead of staking them dead.”

I regarded him with horror at being handed this new piece of the Declan Reyes puzzle.

“How many did you capture?” I asked.

“Not as many as you might think. Maybe a couple dozen.”

“That’s...a lot.”

“Only a drop in the proverbial bucket. I only did it for a couple years. Jackson’s kept at it, which is what he likely does for Reynolds here.”

“Does it pay well?” I asked.

“Well enough. The less damage to the vampire from the capture, the better the payout. Jackson was much better than me at being gentle with something trying to tear my throat out.”

“Jackson doesn’t strike me as the gentle type.”

“No. But he likes his money. He supported himself and Jennifer after their parents died. Put her through college on his own dime. He’s always had his eye on the bottom line.”

For every bad thing I learned about Jackson Gale, there was something good to counter it.

“He loves her,” I said.

“Only thing in the world he’s ever loved,” Declan agreed. “He’d do anything for Jenny.”

I eyed him. “Jenny?”

He shrugged. “She liked to be called that when she was a kid.”

“A kid madly in love with you.”

He scoffed. “Yeah, well. Trust me, she moved on to bigger and better things.”

“Glad to hear it. I don’t want you experimenting with anyone else, any time soon.”

I earned a soft snort of amusement for that.

“Noted,” he replied.

I took a moment to steady myself. Vampire test subjects or not, I knew today was going to be a rocky ride toward my bright and Nightshade-free future. “You’ll stay with me today, right?”

“Of course,” he said, holding my gaze. “That is, if you want me to.”

“I want you to,” I confirmed. “Absolutely.”

Declan would stay with me until all of this was over. Through the pain. Through the drama. When everything was pain-free and drama-free, I had absolutely no idea if he’d stay with me beyond that, or if he’d let me move on to bigger and better things, like Jennifer Gale allegedly had. I guess I’d have to just take things an hour at a time. Hell, a minute at a time might be a better plan.

A familiar muscle-bound form greeted us at the elevator.

“Jackson,” Declan said flatly.

“Declan,” the hunter replied, then flicked a look at me. “Jill. Great to see you again.”

“Would it be rude if I didn’t agree?” I asked.

“A little.”

I shrugged. “Oh well.”
