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After two hours, he finishes the last staple and wipes his brow. “I have stopped the bleeding, but she has still lost a significant amount of blood. I think it would be best to bring her to the hospital. I don’t know what is going on here, or why you’re so secluded out here, but this woman has recently given birth. She was not taken care of properly afterward, and now has damage to her vagina.

He looks at me in anger and horror. I let him see the anguish on my face, and my guilt. It’s not like he’s going to live to report me. As soon as Cat is better, he will take a nice swim with the sharks.




Afew weeks have passed since I buried my sister, my best friend, and I’m broken. I feel dead inside, but I’m faking it for the people around me. Too much has happened lately, and I don’t need to add more stress. Especially on my dad.

He’s barely keeping things together. The military gave him some much needed time off, but at this rate, I worry he may drink himself into an early grave. He doesn’t leave Nicole’s room, and he’s not eating. I’m worried about him, but I’m not ready to face all of our issues.

Rexley has been acting stranger and stranger, too. Disappearing for days, answering calls in the middle of the night when we’re together. Is it bad that I’m hoping he might be cheating on me? That he may finally dump me, and I’ll be free.

My door swings open, and I quietly groan. “You’re not ready yet?” Rexley growls at me lying on my bed, and I shrug.

“Do we really have to go?” He grunts but won’t look at me, moving over to my closet to pick out my clothes. Not that they will fit. I have lost all the baby weight and more.

I thought we were over this, but the other day, he blamed me for the death of our baby. I’ll admit that hurt. I know he is still mad about me suggesting an abortion. Not that it matters since we lost her anyway, but maybe if he had just listened to me, we wouldn’t be dealing with this crushing loss. Maybe my sister would still be here, since I wouldn’t have been on painkillers and restricted from driving. Maybe I would be on a beach in Italy with her, soaking up the sun and clubbing at night.

I climb off the bed and shuffle into my bathroom, starting the shower. I avoid looking in the mirror. I don’t want to see the small stitches under my belly button, or how my breasts have changed. Or the dead look in my eyes. I was once full of life. Seems like a different girl.

I strip out of my clothes and step under the spray. I let the water heat my skin, then drop to my ass and lean against the tiled wall, letting the misery take me once more.

* * *

We arriveat the party late, and Rex immediately goes to the kitchen for a drink. Lorna comes up to me and wraps me in a soft hug.

“How are you?” she whispers, and I shrug. She gives me a smile full of pity, and I cringe. She knows how I felt about everything. She looks over her shoulder, making sure we are alone, and pulls me closer to the wall. “I don’t think you should be here right now, Cat, Lena’s here, and she’s telling all sorts of lies and shit about you and Rex.” She pauses for a minute and takes in a breath. “She’s saying that he’s been cheating on you this whole time and only wanted to use you to ruin your dad’s life. Some form of revenge or something.”

I take a quick breath in and grip the wall beside me. My head starts to spin, and I know I’m on the verge of a panic attack. I shake my head and give her a small smile.

“Catty bitch, I wouldn’t listen to her, but thank you for telling me.” I give her a grateful smile, then ask her how she is. Keeping up the perfect mask. Just a few hours and I can go back to my misery.

We chat for a few minutes, then Lorna leaves to go talk to someone else, and I haven’t seen Rex in a while. I’ll probably get bitched at later about not staying by his side, but right now I’m enjoying the peace of being alone. I roll my eyes and sip the soda I grabbed a few minutes ago. Someone leans against the wall next to me, and I sigh. Spoke too soon.

“Hey, Cat right?” I glance over and pause. A tall, tatted, seriously hot guy is beside me, and he has a smirk on his lips. I nod and try to shift away from him. I really don’t need the drama of someone hitting on me right now, and if Rex sees. Fuck.

“You’re dating Rexley Scott, right?” He continues to talk to me, and I nod once more. A warm hand brushes my arm, and I jump.

“Hey, sorry. You look like you're about to split or break down. Are you okay?” I look into his warm sea-blue eyes and take a deep breath.

“Yes, sorry. I’m fine. Just been through a lot of shit lately,” I comment then take another sip of my pop. He snorts and laughs.

“I can imagine, you're dating that sociopath Rex. If I was you, I’d run fast and far before you end up missing too.” I lean forward to ask him what he means, when someone’s firm arm lays across my shoulders and grips my arm tightly.

“Bradley Houser, I haven’t seen you in a few years,” Rexley growls, shifting me behind him. “I see you found my girl.” He continues, and the malice in his tone has me backing away slowly. Rex catches me out of the corner of his eye, and I stop.

“Rex. I see you're still traumatizing your girlfriends. Let’s just hope this one doesn’t end up on a missing persons poster like my sister did.” I gasp, and I watch as Rex’s body turns tense.

His knuckles fist, and I’m not surprised when he takes a swing. I step back away from the fight, and Bradley moves closer, giving it to Rex as good as he’s getting it. They are hit for hit.

Lorna comes up beside me and fans herself at the show of manly aggression. I look around for Nick, and he steps into the fray to break it up with a few other guys from the team.

After they peel Rex off Bradley, and he has calmed down a bit, I pull him aside to ice his knuckles. “What was that, Rexley? Who is his sister, and why does he think you're the reason she’s missing? Are you the reason?” He snatches the ice pack and snaps in my face. “Don’t be fucking stupid, Cat.” I step back from him, and he follows until I’m pressed against the kitchen wall. He gets into my face, and I flinch when he touches my neck.

“Such a pretty little neck. Do you know how easy it would be to snap it? How fast I could cut off your breathing? Just a little pressure right…” I gasp as he cuts off my air. He stares into my eyes with a smile on his face as I smack and claw at his arms.
