Page 67 of Captured

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“Now, I am going to bend down, pick up my radio and contact security.”

At that moment, the radio decides to announce that Albert Cunningham needs the exact coordinates of a navy-blue sedan that is leaving Calveron and that anyone who has seen one needs to alert it to him immediately. The radio announced that it was a potential kidnapping and the girl driving the car was highly unstable and dangerous.

I laugh. Highly unstable and dangerous? At least they got one thing right. The man looks from the car to me, then back at the car and back towards me. “Is master Cunningham in that car?” He asks.

“No,” I say, and for once I’m not lying.

He looks back and tries to look through the window, possibly because he sees the shadow of a person. He takes a step closer to the car, turning away from me. As soon as he turns, I grab his arm with the gun in it, and twist it until he screams out in pain and the gun drops to the floor. I scramble to pick it up. I aim it at his head.

“Open the gate.”

“I can’t do that.”

I load the gun and see him gulp at the sound, “let me repeat myself. Open the gate.”

He turns back around to face me, “you can’t shoot me. You need me alive to open it.”

“Untrue. I’ve seen it done. All I need is your finger. It doesn’t matter what happens to the rest of you.” He stands there unmoving, and I tap my foot impatiently.

“I don’t have time for this. Either you open the gate, or I shoot you and you open the gate. Choose what one you would prefer.”

He walks over to the control desk, eyes never leaving the gun in my hand. He presses a finger to the button and the gate slowly opens. “Thank you,” I say, lowering the gun.

He runs over to try and get the radio off of the ground, but before he can reach it, I shoot it and it is obliterated, pieces of it flying around everywhere.

He looks at me in disbelief, as if never expecting that I would actually fire the gun. I walk back over to the car and open the door, “have a great day, sir.” I smile my sweetest smile and get in. Slamming my foot on the gas, I leave a trail of dust behind me as I go.

Chapter 37 - Emerson Clarke

“That was incredible,” Luna says as we drive away.

“It was nothing,” I say, and really it was. I was just doing what needed to be done to get what I wanted.

“Don’t downplay it, Em, that was so cool. You weren’t even scared. I wish I was like you.”

“No, you don’t, Luna. Trust me. You don’t.”

We spend the rest of the drive to Beast Eye in a comfortable silence, filled with anticipation and expectation for what the future will hold. By the time we arrive at the second gate to enter Beast Eye, the sun is almost setting.

Although there are more soldiers lining the fence at Beast Eye, this gate is a lot easier to get through. No one cares about who goes into Beast Eye, they just care about who comes out. That doesn’t faze me, though. When I’m home, I have no intention of ever leaving again.

“Do you think they’ll like me?” Luna asks worriedly, breaking the silence.

“They’re going to love you.” I reassure her.

She smiles in return, “I can’t wait to meet them.”

We turn down a few streets and Luna stares out the window in fascination. I remember that this is all new to her. The old rundown buildings that are falling apart, the soldiers that line the streets, constantly patrolling, the people in rags for clothes, lining up on the side of the road, begging the soldiers for mercy, the small children running in the middle of the street, playing with an almost flat ball.

This is my home.

This is now her home too.

I should be embarrassed, taking her here when she has spent her life living in the luxury of Calveron. But the smile on her face tells me that she has no regrets. “What do you think?” I ask.

“I think it’s beautiful.” At first, I think she’s just talking about the surroundings, but then I realise it’s deeper than that. She’s talking about the beauty of freedom. Of open space. Of the cold, dusk air that is thick with dust, as the air always is in Beast Eye. She has fallen in love.

I bring the car to a stop out the front of Mason’s parent’s house. I am acutely aware of people staring at the car, but I don’t care. I’m home.

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