Page 8 of Under Covers

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Chapter 3

This last week and a half had been an absolute nightmare. What started as a textbook undercover operation turned into a game of cat and mouse—and I had no clue if I was the cat or the mouse. It had been days since I first met Mila. Days of animal control calls that were routed to me, days of stopping at the vet’s office with injured animals, and days of bad timing for doing so. When I stopped by the next day to get Thor, she wasn’t there. Every time I showed up from then on, the same three employees worked with me on handling the animals, but none of them were Mila. Instead, I had to deal with a grumpy old vet tech, a young front desk staff named Susan—who, by the way, was hitting on me hard every moment she got—and even the vet himself, a man named Dan, who was pretty arrogant and treated me like shit.

And now this...

“What do you mean you have no room for him?” I said to the animal control shelter staff as I leaned over the high countertop of the front desk. The lady pushed her bright red glasses back on her big nose and simply shrugged her shoulders.

“Like I told you before, it means that we have no room for an old cat like him in the adoption center. We can barely adopt the younger cats. If we take him in, we’ll have to put him down.”

In shock, my gaze dropped down to the floor at Thor’s carrier.


“Just sign here, and we’ll take him into the back. He’s an old cat. It’s no biggie.”

The woman pushed a paper in front of me and placed a pen on top of it. Then she turned back to her computer as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Heartless dragon!

I sighed loudly in protest, anger, and despair. I’d had the little guy with me for a few days simply because he wasn’t doing so well after the surgery, and I didn’t want to drop him off at another shelter right away. So he’d lived at my fake apartment for a bit. It was kinda nice having him around for a little while, but that’s all there was to it. Or at least that’s what I’d thought.

I ran my fingers through my thick hair as I exhaled once more.

“And you really have to put him down?”

The rude woman didn’t even answer me, and I had to take her silence as a yes.

“Forget about it,” I barked at her, pushing the paper across her front desk. I didn’t wait around to see if she’d managed to grab it before it tumbled to the floor. I grabbed the carrier and walked out.

Back in the truck, I placed Thor on the seat next to me and tilted my head back against the headrest. I was tired. Having served years on the force, I was used to lack of sleep from work, but last week had been a bit, well, strange. Every now and then, I found myself tossing in my bed, horny, hard. The hottest dreams had plagued me, always revolving around the same woman. A woman I barely knew.


I closed my eyes and revisited the dream I’d had last night.

“Baby,” I’d moaned in my dream as my head was thrown back in the exact same way it was right now. I was sitting on my couch, naked. Mila was kneeling between my legs, her full lips running down my muscular six-pack to my hard cock. I dug my hands into her full brown hair and growled in unbelievable pleasure.

“Come in my mouth,” she begged before she took me in her mouth and started running her tongue around the tip. That’s when I always woke up—after nothing more than a little taste of the forbidden fruit, never able to get a turn, never able to finish.

“Fuck,” I cursed and opened my eyes to find myself back in the parking lot. I was rock hard again, my cock pressing tightly against my pants. If I was younger, I’d finish off somewhere in a bathroom, thinking of her until it brought me relief. But I wasn’t younger. I was a grown man, a cop on duty. I looked over at Thor, wondering if he was judging me. But Thor was sleeping happily in his crate as if nothing in the world could ever mess with his cool.

“I used to be like that,” I said to him as I started my truck. “And you’re welcome, by the way. I just saved your old ass.”

Thor just kept on sleeping.

“I hope you don’t expect salmon for dinner every night. My salary is barely enough to keep us both alive in a city like Boston.”

I was exaggerating. Not about the shitty salary, but as fortune had it, my parents, God bless their souls, had left me the home I’d grown up in—a townhouse in Back Bay East near the water. Back then, sixty years ago, they could barely pay the mortgage for that thing, but they were smart enough to never sell, and now it was a goldmine.

“Would you like to meet your siblings?” I joked as I opened his crate to let him back out. I was referring to the plants I grew on my little patch at the community garden. I’d already stopped by Mila’s vet clinic today without any luck. She wasn’t there. My secret meeting outside of town with the chief wasn’t for a few days, so why not look after my garden for a bit? I needed something to help me push that woman out of my mind. And gardening always brought me peace before, just as it had for my mother.

I was stopped at a red light when I first noticed the silver BMW in my rearview. The car was an M-class, very nice. But as I kept glancing back at the vehicle, I realized it was following me.

A long time ago, I had adapted to driving not the fastest route but the most unusual with the shortest ETA. On more than one occasion, this little trick my chief had taught me helped identify cars that were following me.

The first nonsexual tingle in over a week rushed through my body like gasoline set on fire. The list of suspects following me was pretty damn short at this time. Especially since I’d been living in my fake apartment, met no one, and had adopted the boring life of Noah Davis, animal control officer working for a new city program.

I made a few odd turns. The BMW had followed me like a mouse a trail of cheese.

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