Page 56 of Under Covers

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I shook my head, trying to forget. “Not really. Her passion was more manic than anything. She had bad schizophrenia.”

A brief moment of silence brought back the vision of my mother laughing and pushing magazines in front of a little boy. I felt Mila squeeze my hand again. I turned to look at her. Her face was a mixture of sympathy and love.

“So what?” she said.


“Just because she saw things differently sometimes doesn’t mean she wasn’t right about Croatia. I mean,” she shrugged, “I’ve heard from more than one person that it’s their favorite holiday destination, and those were all people who’ve traveled the world.”

“Wow,” I mumbled as I focused back on the road, shaking my head in awe.

“Wow what?”


I could see her happy smile in the corner of my eyes as I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed it.

“It’s decided then.”

“What is?”

“You’re coming to Croatia with me.”

Mila laughed. “Now?”

“If you want to. Just say the word, and I’ll take us to the airport.”

The crazy thing was, I wasn’t entirely joking. In the back of my head was this ridiculous, insane thought that we could flee all this crap. Start over somewhere else. I wasn’t rich, but the sale of my parents’ house would bring in a large sum to start with. It was outdated as hell, with all the charms of an old Victorian townhome. Contractors would kick down my door for a chance to flip that home and sell it for well over two mil. I’d never thought about selling my home. It was all I had left of my childhood and parents—but for Mila, I would do it in a heartbeat.

“As crazy as it sounds, with you, I’d actually do it,” Mila said, her face serious. All the laughs and jokes were gone.

“Really?” I was dead serious now as well. She nodded.

“I’d still have to make some preparations and say goodbye to my brother, of course, but yes. Why the hell not? I could finish my studies anywhere.”

Life, why do you have to be so cruel? I wasn’t an idiot; I knew we couldn’t run off like in the movies. I was minutes away from confessing who I really was and what was going on with Andrei. After that, she wouldn’t runawaywith me; she’d runfromme.

“You think I’m kidding, but I’m not,” she said again. “It’s scary, but the thought of freedom with you somewhere out there in the world...God, I think I just got goosebumps.”

“I have a really important stop to make, but if you still want to flee with me after that, I promise you on everything that means anything to me—which I guess would be you and Thor—that I’ll take you. But he might have to come with us.” I laughed at the thought of how crazy we’d look running around with a cat carrier at the airport in Croatia.

She laughed as well. “I’d never leave him behind. Of course he’s coming with us.” She leaned forward in excitement. “I have to say, Noah Davis, for a moment when you stood there in front of my hotel door, I wasn’t sure what to think, but now it’s all crystal clear to me.”

“Ah yeah?”

“Mm-hmm. We’re both nuts, and I absolutely love it!”

We laughed, and I enjoyed every second of it. It might be the last laugh I’d have in a long time.

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