Page 30 of Under Covers

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Chapter 11

Iwas sitting on the couch with Thor, his soft body purring under my touch. My empty eyes were staring at the TV without paying attention to what was on. It’d only been a few hours since I’d dropped Mila off with an awkward platonic handshake, yet her scent still clung to my skin no matter how many times I showered. Mission open-window had failed.

Strange scenes played in front of my eyes. Scenes of the day she’d find out who I really was. The moment her eyes would tear up, wide with shock and disgust.

Maybe she’d forgive me, and we could start dating after all of this was done. There was no law prohibiting that, and even if I lost my job over it, to be honest, I didn’t give a damn if it meant I could finally make her mine—body, heart, and soul.

Every time I thought about that childish happily-ever-after ending, I felt a heavy weight drop off my shoulders. As if I could finally breathe again. But then that cruel little thing called reality came kicking at my door. She’d never forgive me. She’d hate me for the rest of her life, use my picture as a shooting target, eagerly waiting for her brother to kill me.

“Fuck,” I mumbled to myself, picking up my whiskey glass from the coffee table. I had poured it hours ago, its contents still untouched.

I reached for the remote to change the channel when my phone vibrated. My sudden jerk to reach for it on the coffee table startled Thor, and he pounced off my lap.

The familiar excitement rushed through me when I realized it was from her. My cell’s clock read 11:00 p.m. when I eagerly opened her text.

You awake?it read.

I wanted to laugh. I hadn’t slept in weeks because of her.

Yes. What’s up?

I don’t want to come off weird or something, but would you mind if I come over for a bit?

Come over for a bit? I threw my head into the backrest of my couch. A million different responses from ‘come right now, baby’to ‘sorry, I have work tomorrow’flooded me like a tsunami. Thank God she texted again before I could reply.

I had a fight with my brother and need some time away from him. There’s really nobody else I’d feel comfortable texting this late.

I launched to my feet as I hit the call button. After all, her brother was a killer. Would he hurt her? Was she safe?

She rejected the call. It went straight to her voicemail.

Are you okay? I can come to get you right now.

Everything is fine. I’ll just have our driver drop me off if that’s okay?

Of course. My address is 231 Winston-Setz Ave Apt. 5

I’ll be over in 10. Make sure to tell the other girls to leave before I arrive.??

Ha! I wish. Just me and the cat watching TV.

Exactly what I need

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