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“I’ll find something.” I always did.

She kissed my cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

And then she was gone, and I was alone again. If I could find a purpose, then I might feel less bored and frustrated. Back in my home realm, I’d fly and patrol the land to make sure it was safe from our enemies. Or I’d train. There, I felt useful and needed. In the human realm I was nothing.

I had to look on the bright side, I had Katerina. I’d figure something out. This world was new to me. I couldn’t judge the place from living here for only one week. Settling in took time.

That’s what Dymitri would tell me. Just give it time.

When her car had disappeared from sight, the emptiness hit me like a solid blow to the gut. I looked about the house. How could I help her next?

My gaze landed on her front yard. The space had clearly been neglected for some time. The lawn was trimmed just enough to prove someone lived at the house. Her flowers looked awfully thirsty and were obviously struggling to survive.

Her yard in back was rather sad to behold in general. She had a few potted flowers, and the tiniest of patios. Maybe she’d enjoy her backyard more if it was a beautiful space to be. That was something I could help with!

I found a blank piece of paper and began to sketch out a plan. A better patio. No, she should have a deck in the back! With a place to have a nice fire pit for bonfires in the evening. The thought of cuddling up to her in front of a fire brought a smile to my face. I could make a spot for flowers along its edges. She would like that, and then I’d make her a vegetable garden.

When I finished sketching out the plans, I nodded in satisfaction. Now, I just had to build the thing. Katerina had tools in her garage. Surprisingly, a lot of them. All I needed was the wood. It seemed the human realm sold wood, cut and ready for use.

Thanks to some cash Katerina had left for me, I was able to get my order within a few hours. By the time Katerina came home, I had it all organized in piles, along with all the other supplies needed.

She didn’t notice. Her backyard was a chaotic disaster, and she didn’t once glance out the windows.

When I walked inside to greet her, she yawned loudly. “Ugh, I’m exhausted. Are you okay with just cuddling on the couch tonight? I don’t care what we watch. I’m just so...” She yawned again.

“Whatever you need,” I said, meaning every word. “I’ll make dinner for us. Go ahead and relax. Your day must have been tough.”

“Those kids have too much energy. I can’t keep up sometimes,” she said, meandering over to the couch.

I frowned, disappointed at the fact she couldn’t see the beginning stages of my latest project. However, this created a new opportunity. If she was always tired upon coming home, which she seemed to be, then I could reveal the new deck to her once it was finished. It’d be a great surprise!

So that’s what I worked on every day to pass the time—the only way I felt I could be of use to her since she always seemed so run down and tired. All the while, I pondered how I could find my place in the human world.

When Friday rolled around, I was excited for the change of scenery and to see more of Katerina’s world. She drove us to her school. It was a small brick building, yet it buzzed with activity as every student, their parents and teachers, all talked and played outside on the playground. Teachers at a table handed out ice cream.

As soon as we got out of the car, students were shouting for Katerina.

“Miss Kat! Miss Kat!” one girl called out. Her gaze settled on me, and her eyes went wide. “Is he your boyfriend!”

Katerina gazed up at me and laughed. “Something like that, yeah.”

Not quite the response I was hoping for, but it was better than her saying “no”. The realization that she was attaching a level of commitment to our relationship was a good thing, though.

Shedidwant me. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have taken me out to meet her students and co-workers. That gave me hope that she wanted the future I did too.

This is going to work. We are going to be okay.

“He’s really tall,” a boy said, coming over. “And big! I can’t see! The sun is in my eyes.”

I knelt down so I was closer to his height. “Is this better?”

The boy narrowed his eyes at me, studying me. “I guess you’re okay.”

I chuckled as he ran off and took Katerina’s hand. We moved toward the playground, the kids talking so fast I could barely keep up. Katerina declined the ice cream when we passed the table.

“My stomach is still feeling off,” she’d said, putting her hand to her belly. A problem she’d been having a lot more lately. Was she ill? Maybe going out was a bad idea...

“Are you okay?” I asked, squeezing her hand.
