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The creature towered me and ripped the Santa hat off my head as its talons clawed down my arm, shredding skin, dragging me to my feet. I cried out from the scorching pain, the sensation of knives slicing through me. I gritted my teeth, held back the tears, and clicked the lighter once more with clumsy fingers. It sparked alight.

The beast’s eyes widened, and it unleashed an ear-piercing howl.

The ground quivered beneath my boots as if a stampede approached.

But I focused on the monster in front of me and tossed the fire at the creature. It leaped back as flames took to the whiskey that must have splashed across its legs. It belched out a terrifying roar, and I didn’t wait. I whirled around and darted away from the van, from the fiend, who was rolling in the snow, patting down the fire. The acrid smell of burning fur flooded my nostrils. Why hadn’t I burned the fucker completely?

I ran.


Following the road, it would lead me to the other town.

The crunch of snow was on my heels.

Fear throttled me, and I glanced over my shoulder to now find a deer chasing me. My mouth fell open. It was the freaking stalker one with the gray mark on its brow that had run out in front of our car. Where the fuck had it come from?

Hot air steamed from its flaring nostrils, and the look in its eyes was that of savagery. It would bowl me over and spear me to death. What the hell was wrong with the animals in these woods?

Behind the deer, two others surrounded the black demon. Yep, they were all in cahoots. Had they been following me from my new home?

I spun around, sprinting, needing to get out.


I couldn’t leave Britta alone.

Please, God, help me.

But when my foot caught on a dead branch, I flew forward from the momentum. My stomach dropped like lead. Everything moved so slowly. The deer was at my side now, snorting, its antlers lowering, pointed my way.

Fear spiked through me.

The moment my head hit the ground hard, my world darkened.

Death had come for me.

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