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Chapter 21

It took my merman and the rescued camp of merfolk two days to reach the ocean. Half of the group, including my men and I, traveled on foot, while the others who were exhausted and could not walk rode the horses. On our journey, we had stopped at a river for a few hours to rehydrate, but we didn’t dwell long because they longed for home and their families.

The salty wind flicked my hair into my eyes from my position on the dunes. Waves crashed onshore, calling for me to join them. Headlands rose up around the small inlet we’d found. Birds squawked over by the rocky pools to my right. Palm tree leaves rustled behind us.

The group of merfolk crowded around me as if they wondered why I had not entered the water. My mermen stood off to the side. Gill rested his arm on his trident. Nemo and Fin held theirs to their sides.

Now that we were back at the sea, it was time for my mersoldiers and I to depart. But before we did, I had to seek the safety and silence of this group.

“Shortly, we must go our separate ways,” I said to them. “I wish I could return with you to the kingdom, but I have pressing business to attend to.”

I hadn’t wanted to frighten them further with the horror of what Faraall had done to their king. Not after everything they’d been through. But I couldn’t risk word getting back to my father of my return to the sea. If he knew, he might dispatch soldiers to retrieve me. I could not let that happen before I removed the spell Faraall had placed on the king.

“Stay in your homes,” I said, looking each one in the eye. “You will be safe there. Promise me you will not go to the king before the sea horn tolls.”

The horn was the palace’s way of calling all it’s people to the square for announcements and celebrations.

They bombarded me with questions and statements.

“Why aren’t you coming with us, Princess?” one young woman asked.

“Where are you going?”

“Why can’t we tell the king that his people are being kidnapped?”

“How will we save the rest of the merfolk?”

I silenced any further words by holding my palms in the air. “All I can tell you is that the king is danger. These mersoldiers and I must eliminate that threat first. Only when the sea horn tolls, may you go to the king.”

All eyes flew to my mermen standing behind me.

Only one young man, who reminded me of Gill but who was a few years younger, said, “Yes, Princess.”

The rest of the crowd stared at me with pensive brows, confused eyes, and tight mouths.

I didn’t like what I was about to do, but it was the only way to get their cooperation. “That is an order, you understand?”

The rest of the group nodded.

“Come,” said Gill’s sister, placing her arms around the backs of two of the merfolk and leading them down the beach. When she glanced over her shoulder, I waved at her.

Gill rushed down the beach to see her off. She stayed until last, ensuring the rest of the group departed, then she and Gill hugged for a few moments before she, too, vanished into the ocean.

My stomach locked tight for them all.

“Sea god,” I said to the wind and waves. “Grant my people safe passage home. Protect them all from harm. Give me and my mermen the strength to rescue my father and defeat the evil that has infiltrated the merrealm.”

Fin picked up his trident as if preparing to leave. It was time. He removed the cloth holding the sea pearl and handed it to me. I unwrapped it, checking it was still there, and then shoved it down inside my corset.

“That’s my sexy girl,” Gill said, giving me a slap on the butt and then stripping off his clothes.

Poseidon, I hoped to be able to enjoy that gorgeous body again before I died.


This was the defining moment.We’d been through hell and back, had traveled all this way to save my father, but I couldn’t move. My mind was a blur of fear. The sulfur, thick in the water surrounding the sea witch’s lair, choked and burned me, and I couldn’t think straight.

Now, the time had come to cut a horrible deal with her to free my father. But in doing so, I’d be giving her the one item she needed to overthrow my father’s rule and take the sea kingdom for herself. Who was the lesser of two evils? Faraall or the witch? I made certain the peal was tucked between my breasts. There it would be safe until I needed it.

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