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My father made a wide, sweeping motion. “Lativa, my youngest, will be marrying her school sweetheart, Gandry.”

Warmth spread through my chest. What wonderful news. Lativa and Gandry had dated since they’d been fifteen. They still couldn’t take their eyes off each other. They were always together—practically joined at the hip. It made me a little sick, to be honest. But I was still thrilled by this announcement because they truly were perfect for each other.

Gandry sailed up to his fiancée. Lativa squealed and kissed him.

The crowd went wild with applause. I did, too, throwing in a whistle, and a few nobles stared at me as if I’d grown sharp teeth or something. But I just ignored them as usual. It wasn’t every day I got to celebrate such wonderful news, and I wasn’t going to let them spoil it for me.

Triton motioned for everyone to calm down, and a quiet fell on the assembly. “I am a proud father today, not once, but twice, as I also announce the engagement of my second eldest daughter Nyssa.”

What the heck? Was this a joke? I wasn’t engaged.

The king pressed his massive hands together. “For years, I have desired a union between my adopted son and dear general, Faraall, with one of my children. Today I am proud to announce this one.”

Shock stole the warmth from my blood.Shellfishno. Not Faraall. He was six years older than I was and one of the most horrid people in Tritonia. Of all the merfolk—not him. I’d rather be digested in the belly of a whale.

An uneasy silence fell on the hall. Confused glances jumped between the members of the gathering, especially between my mother, Nimian, and Lativa. Aquina’s cackle scratched in my mind.

A drowning sensation captured my gut. This couldn’t be happening. I didn’t want to marry anyone. My father knew that.

“But, Father,” I protested. “Under merfolk law, I am entitled to choose a mate. Why am I not being allowed the same consideration as my sisters?”

For the third time, my father’s eyes flickered green. “You have come of age,” he replied, his voice stained with impatience, as if I were a little child again refusing to go to bed. “I have chosen for you.”

My mother’s eyes were round with shock. “Husband,” she said, touching the king’s arm.

Triton held up his hand to silence her, too. When the king had made up his mind, his wife did not argue further; she supported her husband.

Nimian’s gaze met mine. Her face was a mask of revulsion and helplessness. Probably the exact same expression I carried. She reached out for me and clasped my hands. I squeezed her fingers for dear life.

The commander pranced up to the throne. He snatched my wrist from my sister and crushed it. My limbs felt heavy as he dragged me beside him. A wicked grin of success plastered Faraall’s face as he dug his fingers into my skin.

I yelped and pulled back. Didn’t my father love me enough to speak with me about it before handing me over to some horrid brute? The pain of betrayal stung deep.

“Father.” My voice cracked as I sent only my father this message. “This isn’t right. I won’t marry this pig.” I dared not think about how enraged such a comment would make the commander.

“Nyssa.” My father’s hand clamped down on my wrist. “I wish for you to take my place after I’m gone. Rule with Faraall by your side. Together, you will be a force to be reckoned with.”

“But, Father?” Aquina intervened. “I am the heir.”

“Succession is not always a birthright in the merrealm.” My father reminded her of how he acquired the throne.

Upon announcing his heir, my grandfather had skipped his eldest son and had appointed my father the crown. After my grandfather’s death, a two-year war had raged between his sons for control of the merrealm. To end the bloodshed and destruction, my father had divided the kingdom into two realms. He ruled Tritonia and gave Fable, another ocean away, to his brother. Growing up and witnessing the horrors of war on my father’s kingdom, I did not want to be starting another between my sister and me.

I shook my hand free. “I cannot accept. Aquina is the rightful heir.”

My father waved his great, big hand through the water between us. “You’re not ready, Aquina. If you cannot show kindness and consideration to our servants, how will you rule a realm? Putting you on the throne would be like appointing my brother all over again.”

I didn’t disagree with my father’s words. My uncle was a cruel merman. Treated his subjects terribly, and destroyed the beautiful reefs and caverns of his kingdom. Many had defected from his realm, finding refuge in ours.

“Father?” Aquina pleaded. “Don’t do this.”

“Hush, child,” said my father. “It is decided.”

Aquina shot Papa a look icier than mountains in Whitepeaks. She pushed forward in a hasty swim, her head high and elbows tucked closer to her body. When she passed a servant carrying a tray, she swept the items off it, and they floated to the ground.

Even with all this in mind, the idea of raising a family with Faraall made me want to vomit. Was my father going senile? He knew I disliked the commander as much as I hated eating sea spinach.

My father’s brows relaxed. His palms found my shoulders. “The merfolk want a leader who loves and protects them. Aquina is incapable of that.”

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