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I clasped my hands together. What a fabulous role and well-suited to Gill who, as a child, had struggled for his own inner peace.

Gill’s jaw hung open. He hadn’t expected the privilege.

I threw my arms around him and held him. This was the most wonderful news. Now, all three of my mermen had been elevated to important positions within the kingdom. Maybe, just maybe, there might be a chance for marriage after all. Although I wasn’t counting my fry before they hatched.

“And to my daughter,” bellowed my father, claiming the last token, a trident pendant hanging from a gold chain. He did me the honor of lifting it over my neck and settling it at my clavicle. “Were it not for you bringing together this band of mermen, risking your own life, and battling evil most foul, I might not be standing here today.”

I stroked the trident, the symbol of my father’s merkingdom.

The whistles of my mermen topped the applause from the nobles. I glanced at my family. My mother clutched her hands to her chest. Aquina reluctantly clapped and rolled her eyes as if the ceremony were beneath her. Sea god, she was a bitch sometimes. Lativa and her beau were smiling and clapping. Even Nimian applauded, some of her ice having obviously melted.

“To my daughter,” my father said. “I appoint you ambassador of Tritonia. You will deal with the ward on land and bring harmony to my kingdom.”

For once, I’d been awarded a burden I was happy to bear. To help Snow take back her home and appoint her as rightful ward of the Tritonian land would be an honor. The kingdom of Tritonia was no longer going to be victim to that evil witch wreaking havoc on my father’s territory.


Today was the big day.My stomach fluttered with excitement. I’d been counting down the hours, wishing for them to pass more quickly, and now the time had finally arrived! Crystal boxes, furniture, clothing, and various items were scattered across my quarters. Fin’s arms were filled with two boxes of my belongings. On his way past me, I leaped up, grabbed the sides of his face, and laid a quick one on him. I didn’t linger for long. Time was of the essence. We had a new life to commence.

After six moon cycles together, my mermen and I were moving into our new apartment. Thank the sea god! Ever since the king had assigned us our new appointments, we hadn’t seen as much of each other. I had to be content to see my mermen at meals, after dinner, and when I snuck them into my quarters.

As an added precaution after the episode with Faraall, my father had posted an extra four guards at my door. After some negotiation, the new guards and I had come to an arrangement: they permitted my secret trysts with my mermen, as long as I awarded them extra paid days off. In return, I had their loyalty and silence. Should any of my family—or a person who might report the trysts to the king—approach, the guards sent out an aquablast. For their loyalty, I was incredibly grateful, as it had permitted me more time to spend with my loves.

My father had taken some time to convince when it came to me moving out. Each day, we’d built his trust, until finally, he’d given us his blessing to live together. His decision hadn’t come a moment too soon either.

“Allow me.” Nemo tried to snatch the corsets and pillows I carried.

“No, you don’t.” I playfully whacked him with a pillow. “I’m not a helpless princess.”

“No. But you’re a damn sexy one.” He kissed me on the cheek and patted me on the behind.

I found his lips, and he licked mine.

“Captain Corny.” Gill shook his head and exited with more of my things.

Nemo raised his hands in the air. “She loves it. Don’t you, Princess?”

I rolled my eyes and left him behind.

“You love it in the bedroom,” Nemo mumbled upon my exit.

“Aha,” Gill said, hurrying to join me.

We both sailed together through the halls of the palace. I really appreciated their help in moving. The quicker we were out of my old quarters, the sooner we’d be together in our new apartment.

It was early morning, and the morning glow of the sun, reflected and enhanced by crystals, trickled through to the depths of the palace. The light caught on the tiled, mother-of-pearl mosaics along the wall. Sea plants swayed in the soft flow of water through the halls. Several servants carried platters of food to the dining hall.

I would miss this part of the palace. The whale song in the sea grass fields below waking me in the morning. The click of dolphins playing in the afternoon. Scents from the kitchen drifting in the water.

Gill and I arrived at the whale sleigh, where Fin was stacking boxes.

The whale hauling the chariot flicked its head in greeting. This was the king’s personal escort for all official palace business. My father had loaned it to us to transport all our belongings to our new apartment on the other side of the palace. There, we had an even more spectacular view of the coral reefs, teeming with aquatic life, and our windows looked down on the palace gardens.

Once we were all packed, my mermen jumped into the sleigh.

I stroked the tail of the great beast and said, “To the palace gardens.” I sat back into my seat.

The whale pumped its tail, hauling us through the water. Fish scattered out of the way. Curious merfolk glanced at us as we sailed around the city to the opposite side of the palace. I gave them an excited wave. The children bounced up and down, waving back, until their mothers ushered them away.

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