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“That would explain why I’ve not been feeling myself lately,” he said.

As I came to the end of my tale, relaying the part about my kidnapping, threatened rape, and trading to the pirates, my father’s face was twisted with horror and shock.

“How could he?” he roared, slamming his magical trident against the wall, smashing off a bit of rock. “After everything I did for him. That swine!”

I was used to his outbursts, but a few of the healers flinched, and Gill jerked as his healer stabbed him deeper with the suture hook.

Triton paced along the cavern. He always tended to stomp around—usually in the palace gardens—as doing so seemed to help calm his temper. The atmosphere thickened with tension. Nervous glances darted between everyone present. The poor healers jolted at each strike of my father’s trident on the floor.

Nemo floated up behind me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and took hold of both my elbows.

Coming to a stop, my father cupped his chin between his thumb and forefinger. His expression softened as he crossed the cavern to me.

I pushed Nemo away. Now was not the time to reveal I’d taken not just one lover, but three. Perhaps later, when my father had sufficient time to process everything, we could discuss these things. But who knew how long that might be? Days. Weeks. Months. He’d devoted half his lifetime to nurturing Faraall, making certain he received an adequate education and training. My father had raised the slimy slug like his own son and afforded him one of the highest honors in the kingdom by making him commander of the merfolk army. Forgetting a betrayal like that wouldn’t happen overnight. I knew I wouldn’t lose those memories that quickly. Maybe not ever.

My father grasped my hands. “Oh, my precious daughter. Can you forgive me for not heeding your warnings?”

I sighed. None of this was my his fault. He’d put too much trust in someone. I’d blame his desperate desire for a son.

“There is nothing to forgive,” I replied, squeezing his hands in return.

“Nyssa.” My father drew a long breath. “You know I would never force you to marry someone you didn’t love.”

Thank Poseidon! My heart twirled in my chest like sea flower seeds carried in the currents.

My father leaned in close and whispered. “Although, I have been waiting for you to find that special someone.” His eyebrows waggled suggestively at me.

“Well…” I started, not sure how to answer.

Nemo embraced me again.

“This is your princess, son,” my father said in a commanding tone. “You dare get familiar with her?”

I placed a hand on my father’s chest.

“About that, Father.” Words pressed to the back of my throat, demanding to be released. But I wasn’t the best at being diplomatic and tactful. Speaking the truth often got me into trouble. This was potentially going to be one of those explosive moments. No better way to say it came to mind, so I just let my father have it. “Thereisa special merman. Three, actually.”

My father reared back. “Sea god, help me. Three?” It was an unusual day when my father could barely speak.

“Yes, Father.” I sailed over to Fin. “This is Fin, captain in your army.” Next, I moved on to Nemo. “And Nemo, a mersoldier.” Lastly, I was by Gill’s side. “And Gill, also a soldier. All valiant warriors who were kidnapped by the pirates and helped me destroy Faraall and the sea witch.”

Fin helped Gill over to my side. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sire.” Fin bowed, as was customary.

Nemo whacked Gill on the back, and he followed suit. I could tell they weren’t used to being in the presence of royalty and didn’t understand the customs.

I held my breath, waiting for my father to give me his blessing, but it didn’t come. The air between us stifled, and I stared at my father. He was not impressed. That much I could tell from his expression.

“You only met them not three moons ago,” he roared.

“But, Father,” I protested. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone. Imagine my surprise when I realized my heart beats wild for all of them.”

I hadn’t planned on finding myself in this crazy situation any more than I’d wanted to be kidnapped. My heart knew what it wanted and refused the advice of my mind. How was I to deny it?

My father’s gaze panned over Nemo and Gill. “Two of them commoners. Over my dead body.”

My temper flared. How dare he speak to my mermen that way? After everything we had done for him. Risked our lives for my father’s and the kingdom’s prosperity. This talk was not progressing how I’d imagined it would.

I raised my voice, refusing to bow down. “You owe them a great debt.”

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