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Ian drove the SUV with one hand on the wheel and the other propped on the windowsill. I watched him for a moment, waiting for some kind of explanation. When he didn’t speak again, I crossed my arms over my chest, glared, and cleared my throat pointedly. Without turning his head, his eyes slid my way once before returning to the road. “That sounds pretty bad,” he said lightly. “Might want to get that checked out or else you really will be calling out of work because of some fast acting illness.”

I whirled and stared at him. “Since you brought it up, what the hell makes you think you have the right to call out of work for me?”

He lifted one shoulder and let it fall. “You had training today.”

“Funny,” I said in a tone that blatantly stated just how un-funny it all was, “I didn’t know I had training until I woke up with a man in my bed. Tell me, Ian, why exactly are you so preoccupied with stalking me? Can’t get another girl on the line?” The question instantly made my stomach turn, and I knew no matter how much I wanted to push them away, they weremine.

He dropped his arm from the windowsill, both of his hands curling over the steering wheel. He flashed me a wickedly dark smile. “Oh, you know there’s no other girl for me, baby. I only need one naughty little brat in my life, and that’s you.”

Until that moment, I hadn’t thought of it, but I wondered … it’d been five years, after all. Sure, I hadn’t had sex. I’d been too busy going through the motions of the Witness Protection Program. Taking classes, being retrained as Mary Peterson since they’d erased my life as America Perelli. “You didn’t…” I started, not sure I wanted to hear the answer, but masochistic enough to know that I needed it. “I mean … you weren’t with me anymore. You could’ve…” Ian looked over at me, his eyes serious as they bore into me.

“No one else, Mare,” he said with such severity that I knew I’d risk the fucking spanking of a lifetime if I even questioned it. “Since the moment we fucking laid eyes on you, my little brat, it’s always been you.”

Tears misted over my eyes and I turned my head abruptly away to keep from showing how much his words affected me. My heart wrenched in my chest, relief filling me. I didn’t realize until now how much I needed to hear those words. Actions had always spoken louder than words. They’d waited for me, searched forme. To know that I was truly theirs like they always claimed, but as soon as he said them, declared them with such intensity, I knew they were true.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to dislodge the lump that had formed this time, and Ian returned his focus on driving. After a few moments, I peeked back at him, outlining the strength and cut of his jawline with my eyes.

“That doesn’t explain why you’re following me,” I pointed out, going back to my original line of questioning. As much as I loved knowing they felt as deeply as I did, I wasn’t going to stop questioning this. At least not until I had some semblance of an answer.

“You belong to us,” he stated simply. “You’re ours, and until such a time as that changes—which will be fucking never if I have anything to say about it—your whereabouts are my business.”

Cue fucking eyeroll. “Wow, caveman much?” I asked.

His eyes slid to me and before I knew it, he was cutting the SUV down a short back road and pulling up short, slapping the vehicle into park. “You want me to prove it to you?” he demanded.

Staring at him, wide-eyed, I gaped. “W-what?”

“I can prove that I own your luscious ass, Mare, right now.” He held out his hand. “Hand over your panties.”

Shock rolled through me. “What? No, I’m not going to do that.” I glanced around the street, but thankfully it seemed deserted. Still, this wasn’t exactly private. “Not here.”

“Oh yes, you are,” he replied, keeping that hand up, palm out. “Give me your underwear and if I find them as dry as the Sahara, then I’ll retract my claim of ownership.”

I frowned. There was no fucking way they’d be dry. My panties were soaked. Had been since the moment he’d shown up at the library, hovering over Ben like an angry warrior protecting his territory. Maybe it was weird that I found his possessiveness such a turn on, but who the fuck cared? I looked away from his expectant gaze.

“I can’t give you my panties here,” I said, my voice lowering. “Someone could walk by.”

He shook his head. “You don’t need to concern yourself with that,” he said. “You let me worry about whether or not we’ll get caught. You think I don’t know where to get you alone?” He dropped his hand and unclipped his seatbelt to lean across the console. “I know every nook and fucking cranny of this city, Mare. I know where I can take you so we’re undisturbed,” he said, his breath hot on my cheek. My thighs clenched automatically while his lips turned up at the corners. He fucking knew what he was doing to me. “We’ve been watching you for a long time, my little brat.” He reached down and unclipped my seatbelt. “Now, hand over your fucking panties and let me see if my little girl’s pussy is as wet as I think it is.”

I fuckingpulsed. Staring into his commanding gaze, my heart thundered in my chest. My fingers shook as I dipped them to the top of my pants. Closing my eyes for a brief respite from his eyes, I inhaled a breath. Shoving my pants down, I struggled to get out of my shoes and slipped them over my hips until I was clad in nothing more than my t-shirt, jacket, and the panties Ian was so interested in.

“I’m waiting, Mare.” There it was. That reminder of what he expected.

Biting my lip, I shoved the thin pair of satiny briefs down my legs, ripping them off and balling them up in my fist as I pressed my thighs closer together. I debated throwing them at him, and as if he could sense my intention, the bastard shook his head and grinned. “In my hand, sweetheart,” he directed. “Place them in the center of my palm.”

I reached forward, my whole body shivering in anticipation. I held my hand with the crumpled panties in my fist over his and with each finger that released the fabric, my heart rate kicked up another notch. Finally, they were dropped in his hand and I sat back, watching with wide eyes as he lifted them to his nose and inhaled deeply, his eyes closing as if he were taking in the most exquisite aroma. When they reopened and centered on me, he smiled. “Oh, baby,” he said, “you really are mine, aren’t you?” Leaning forward he tucked the panties into his back pocket. “You can put your pants and shoes back on, Mare. We’ve got to get you home.”

“W-what?” I stared at him. He couldn’t be fucking serious.

He chuckled low. “You’ve got work early in the morning, sweetheart. Consider this your punishment for not giving them to me when I asked. Maybe next time you’ll be the good girl I know you can be and do what I say the first time I say it.”

I blinked at him, struggling to come to terms with the fact that I wanted to punch the most attractive man to ever get me out of my panties. But as he pulled away from the curb and started towards the side of town where I lived, I realized that he was fucking serious. The cool air of the vehicle’s air conditioner blew over my flesh making goosebumps rise on the surface of my skin. Bending down, I retrieved my shoes and pants from the floorboards. Struggling slightly, I pulled them both back on and readjusted my seatbelt that had gotten fucked up in the midst of Ian’s demanding request. It felt strange wearing pants without panties. I squirmed slightly, trying to not draw Ian’s attention, but I knew he would see my movements no matter how well I adjusted. Without any barrier of my underwear, it made me even more hyper aware of just how wet I was. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the headrest as I reached for my seatbelt.

“Oh, and one more thing, Mare,” Ian said, capturing my attention once more as he flashed a look my way. “When you go to work tomorrow, you’re not allowed to wear panties. I want your little pussy bare for me.” When I didn’t immediately respond, he shot me a look. “What do you say when I give you an order, Mare?” he demanded.

And like a well-trained good girl, I answered. “Yes, Sir.”
