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"And then what?" I asked.

"Guess he gets to wait?" Eladehl shrugged, proving that was only a guess. "Granted, if my family came saying my parent was dying, I'd tell them where to shove it."

"Not the same," Wraythe pointed out. "I'm sure some titled brat probably gets to see his folks all the time.Ourparents were happy to get rid of us."

"So he gets special treatment?" I asked.

Eladehl huffed at that. "I'm pretty sure that if your daddy paid all the bills, you'd get special treatment too. Keeps the gas for the lights on, Nari. That and the High Priest and Baron of our district are supposed to be equals. Sending one of their kids to serve the gods is a pretty big token of commitment. I mean, it's not like they can't afford to feed them all."

"Yeah," I agreed, but the boy in green had turned to steal a glance at us. "He's looking," I whispered.

Eladehl smiled, then Wraythe ruined it by turning to check. The two of us groaned at how blatant he was. Except that it worked. The boy looked in the direction where our instructor had taken the woman, and then he walked over toward us.

"Peyron," he introduced himself. "Acolyte of Perception." Then he ducked his head. "But you probably knew that, and I am not making my god look impressive."

"Nariana," I said, offering my hand.

He clasped it with his, the motion exposing the edge of his markings just above his wrist. "I wanted to intern with Temptation, but the class filled up too fast. I think your duties are fascinating."

Eladehl offered both his hand and his name, and then Wraythe did the same. Peyron clasped them all, smiling at the three of us, but I couldn't get a read on him at all. His eyes didn't jump to any of us in particular, and now that he was standing with us, it felt like all of his shyness had vanished.

"So who'd you end up with?" Eladehl asked.

"Inspiration," he said. "It's the closest to Temptation I could get. Can I ask something horribly rude?"

"Sure," Eladehl told him.

"I know that students of Temptation are encouraged to pair up before their Choosing. We, however, are warned that sex is a reason to be immediately demoted to Obligation. How does that work in your temple?"

I had this. "Our education on matters of the body is a little more intensive than yours. We're allowed to do some things, but penetration is strictly prohibited. Like you, it'll get us demoted."

"Groping, basically," Eladehl told him. "Although it's a pretty broad limit. Oral sex is discouraged, but usually only ends up with a lecture."

"So when do you learn how to, um... serve?"

"After our Paths are decided," Wraythe told him. "They don't really say it, but I think they want the guardians to stay virgins, you know? So we don't really miss what we've never had."

Peyron's eyes moved from him, to Eladehl, and then to me. "By we, I can only assume you mean that's your Path? So the two of you are following Body?"

"I am," Eladehl told him. "Nari's still undecided."

"Still?" Surprise flickered across his face before he controlled it. "I think my entire class has already picked theirs. Just decide to change your mind recently, or..."

"I evidently have a problem choosing just one," I admitted. "I want parts of them all, and don't want others. I also figure that if I don't get my hopes up, then I won't get let down."

"That's amazing," he said, and for the first time, his eyes slipped down my body. "You'd make an excellent Priestess of the Body, though. I get the impression that the two of you would work well together."

Eladehl smiled. "Saying you're interested?"

Peyron just smiled. "I'm saying that I just got both of your names, and we are allowed to trade services once we've been chosen." Then he reached over and flicked the end of Eladehl's chin. "You should've come and talked to me. I tried to get away from my group as much as possible, but it seems that Temptation prefers things to be a little more direct." Then he met my eyes, smiled, and headed back just before his instructor called her class to head back to their room.

"Zeal's smooth and sexy balls," Eladehl breathed. "I think I'm in love again."

"Again?" I asked.

He flashed me a smile. "Well, can't forget you, now can I? But the things we coulddoto that boy?"

Wraythe turned his head but couldn't stop the chuckle. "You are sad, my friend. So sad. Some scrawny boy looks at you, and you start thinking with your dick?"
