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"What did you want?" Yana asked.

Talin glanced away. "A life. I dreamed of running my own business and showing my family that I could succeed on my own. Granted, I was twelve when I was surrendered, so it wasn't well thought out. In school, I often thought about sneaking away, but my father made it clear that I would be returned or disowned. So you see, Priestess, the only thing that feels like my purpose is helping the girl who is as out of sorts as I ever was. Nariana spent her childhood trying to pick a Path. I spent mine trying to pick a life. It's why I feel so... protective of her."

"Interesting," she mumbled, making a note on her paperwork. "Nariana, you can get dressed. I believe your mentor, Saval, has some things to go over about your course options. Amerlee, would you join me for a moment?"

I grabbed my robe, pulling it on as I sat up, but Saval simply lifted a finger to her lips. The gesture was both a hint to listen, yet also that we could be heard. So, once I had my body covered, making me feel a bit less like a spectacle, I headed to the closet and began looking for a real outfit.

In my living room, Amerlee's words could barely be heard. "So the marks are real?"

"I cannot rule out something new," Yana admitted, "but I'm unable to determine a difference in any of the lines. In her file, it says that her sixth year lace was more than expected?"

"Yes, like evening gloves, reaching up to above her elbows," Amerlee explained. "Before that, it was only her fingers and palms."

"So how do you explain the change?"

"Well," Amerlee said, "she was surrendered without any warning. Her father told her to lie about her age, said that if she did, she'd get to eat. He didn't mention that she would stay with us, or any of the things most parents say to prepare their children. He simply got her to the priest, then tried to walk away. Nariana felt abandoned. That child took it hard. I think she felt unwanted, so Jamik and I tried to prove to her that there are other families. Made families. She still calls him her big brother. My point is, I think that she channeled her feeling of being discarded into embracing her god and temple. The girl's aspirations are moderate, but she clings, Yana. To her, the stronger she believes, the safer she feels, because it means she will not be left behind."

"So, she's devoted?"

"Amazingly," Amerlee agreed. "Almost desperately. The girl was always obedient, but also a little needy. I think that's a part of why she was never able to choose a Path. She didn't want to disappoint anyone. I was convinced she would end up in Action, but she was worried that it was too low of a Path and that we'd be disappointed in her, so she kept talking herself out of it. For a while, we thought she'd follow the Path of the Body, but between her childhood friend abandoning her for another girl, one who is now his ward, and her seeing me after an assignment had gone wrong, well, she became nervous about it. I think I showed her too many of the downsides in my attempt to prove that the Path of Action was a good option. I may have made it worse."

"We all make mistakes," Yana soothed. "The girl seems like she will be a good priestess. If her marks had been normal, she probably would've excelled in the Path of the Body."

"And now?" Amerlee asked. "You see, we assumed that was meant to be her main Path when a guardian was identified as her match, but the truth is that we're all just as confused as you are. Even Nariana. She expected her decision to be made for her, and instead, she's left even more lost after her Choosing."

"But she has a partner, correct?"

"Yes," Amerlee said. "Eladehl. I'm sure you've seen him, the beautiful man with honeyed skin, tousled blonde hair, and so much swagger?"

"Ah, yes," Yana agreed. "Heisrather hard to miss."

"Well, they became friends in her sixth or seventh year. I can't remember. Unlike other young girls, she knew she couldn't ask him to be faithful, so she never did. Instead, they made a bond of friendship. That need to belong somewhere I was telling you about? She decided she belonged with them, and those two boys - her partner and his guardian - seemed to agree. They call themselves afamily."

Yana's voice dropped a little more, making me strain to listen. "How have they handled the change from childhood to adulthood?"

"Better than expected. I think bringing her guardian into their group was the hardest part. Tensions rose, but never as much as I expected. In truth, I'm still waiting for Eladehl and Talin to have it out. I think only Eladehl's attraction to the new guy has made it possible."

"Ah..." Yana murmured. "But that will wane when he finally realizes that the affection cannot be returned. Still, I agree with you that it sounds like she should be assigned to the Path of the Body. I will recommend that the other marks are lesser - which they are - and in my opinion, signify various angles of her main Path."

"I think that would be easiest on her," Amerlee agreed. "Train her to be a confidante for the angle represented by the Word, and a performer for the angle shown by the Path of Action. Maybe as a submissive for the Path of Protection, since it will teach her how to handle the aggression without risking herself. And the Path of Obligation can be assumed to represent her place in her temple, correct?"

"I think that is a fair assessment. Although you are aware that her marks show she may one day replace you as the most desired priestess of your Path?"

Amerlee chuckled. "Yana, I'm almost thirty-seven years old. When my student is promoted to disciple, I hope to ask the High Priest to consider my transfer into the Path of the Word."

"And Jamik?"

"He will do the same. In truth, he hopes to teach the students. It seems he has a fondness for working with youngsters. He's been very active in helping to mold Nariana into a devoted priestess."

"Just give it a bit," Yana warned her. "Kinen is livid about this girl, convinced that somehow the Choosing was cheated, or that it's no longer trustworthy. He wants to throw her out, Amerlee."

"He can't," she hissed. "She's done nothing wrong."

"Unless she faked her god-marks. I can already tell you that he's not going to like my report, and he's been talking about having her tested again."

"Again?" Amerlee sounded like she was losing control of her temper. "She'd have to wait until the next Choosing."

"No," Yana said softly. "Using the ceremony for a request to alter her Path. No different than when you move into the Path of the Word."
