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"No!" Talin insisted. "I honestly didn't think it was weird that she wouldn't take off her gloves. I was kinda thinking it gave me a reason to keep mine on. A lot of wealthy ladies won't. Don't want to dirty their hands, or something like that."

I stood to refill my glass again, moving around the low table that held our selection. "I wasn't the only person with them on."

I wobbled, and Eladehl caught my hips, pulling me back into his lap. "We've already established that Talin doesn't count, silly."

"No!" I mewled. "The two guys that sat with me first!"

Eladehl wrapped his arms around me, holding me away from the drinks. "Oh? The ones you seduced before Talin? How many men did you twist around that pretty little finger of yours?"

I turned to playfully smack him, but he caught my wrist, dragging me even closer. Before I knew it, I was straddling him, and he held me caged in his arms. With one hand, I pushed him back, the other wagging a finger in his face.

"You would not have liked them. They smelledhorrible!"

"Are you tipsy?" Eladehl asked.

I flapped my finger at him again. "You did this."

And he leaned in to wrap his mouth around it. The heat hit me first, then the realization that his tongue was wrapped around my skin, slowly sliding against it. My teeth closed on my lower lip, because the giggles had just vanished.

"Now that's hot," Talin said.

"That," Wraythe told him, "is normal. Haven't decided yet which one likes showing off more."

"Let's see," Talin teased, pushing himself from his couch to move closer. "Need something bigger to suck." And he leaned around me to push a finger at Eladehl's mouth.

My partner grabbed his wrist, swallowed my finger again, then switched to Talin's. Slowly, sliding off the tip, he turned the hand to me. "You have to try that, Nari."

So I did the same, mimicking the way he'd sucked, letting my tongue tease Talin's hand. Around me, the room had gone completely silent, but not the worried kind. When Eladehl guided the finger out of my mouth, Talin was breathing harder.

"Yeah," he whispered. "Right about now, I'm glad I have a thing for pain."

"Oh my god, I'm sorry," I gasped, realizing what he meant.

Talin just pressed between us, shoving his mouth to mine. My legs tightened on Eladehl's thighs, and his hands caught my waist, holding me in place. As Talin's tongue met mine, his knee landed on the couch, and he crawled closer. But when Eladehl leaned in to kiss Talin's neck, I was the one who groaned.

Talin lifted his lips from mine and turned to Eladehl, so I reached for Talin's neck, letting my hand slide over his chest. The other was still on Eladehl, moving toward his neck. Slipping my palm around the back, I let my fingers tangle in Eladehl's golden hair. My mouth teased the edge of Talin's jaw, feeling it move each time he kissed my man.

"Ok," Wraythe said. "Cool it down before I start to bawl over here."

"Sorry," I said.

Talin just leaned back to look in Eladehl's eyes. "There's something a little dangerous about you."

"So, is this going to be a thing?" Eladehl asked.

Talin glanced over at me. "Well, I'm not dying, but I think that's up to my girl."

"Mygirl," Eladehl corrected.

"Ours," Wraythe said, "and you're killing me."

"Just think about fucking the High Priest," Eladehl teased. "Old guy, right? Shit all over your dick?"

"I'mgood!" Wraythe said. "Next time, you can just mention hairy ass, ok?"

"Nah, he probably waxes," Talin said. "Everyone in the temple does."

Wraythe scoffed. "I don't."
