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“I’m outside.” Easton says over the line.

“All right. I’m on my way out.” I hang up, looking over at Cara who’s dozing on the couch with Wesley. “I’ll be back.” I go over to her and kiss her on the forehead.

“Where’re you going?” She moans, stretching gently with a sleeping Wesley on her belly.

“Easton’s here. I’m going to go talk to him for a little bit. I’ll be right back.”

She nods her head, and I know she’s dead tired from all the packing she’s been doing. We move next week. I got the call from Rich earlier today saying they were bringing in our house and it should be there within the next few days. Cara is elated. I’ve never seen her so excited.

It makes me realize that this is a good thing. I’m making the right decision.

I make my way outside to Easton’s truck. He’s waiting outside the passenger door to help me with the chair. Once I’m in and the wheelchair is loaded in the back, Easton hops in and takes off.

“So, tell me. How’d it go?” I ask.

Easton shrugs. “It was good. Fine.”

I look at him with a disgusted look. “Yeah, okay. Shut the fuck up with that and tell me what went down.”

He rolls his eyes, the tension clear as day in his eyes. “We went there… made the deal with them.”


“They don’t want it.”

I laugh bitterly. Of course, they don’t. “Yeah, I saw that shit coming from a mile away. What’d they say?”

“It’s not enough. They want more.”

Anger fills my mouth like acid. “Please tell me you guys aren’t backing down and giving it to them.”

“Fuck no.” He whips his head towards mine. “No way in hell am I okay with any of this. I haven’t been okay with it from the beginning. I’ve gone through with it because that’s what Rich has wanted. I didn’t think it was going to fly, and surprise, it didn’t.”

I shake my head. “So, what now?”

“I don’t know. They left it at that. I don’t know what they think is going to happen now. Our ears aren’t saying anything, so I’m going to assume nothing’s happening yet.” He shrugs. “Just waiting for the next ball to drop, I guess.”

“Well, we shouldn’t wait to be blindsided. We’ve got to come up with something.” My body thrums with adrenaline. I so badly want to get up and fight. Fight with the need that’s in my blood to defend what’s mine. Not having that ability is literally tearing me apart.

“I know. We’ll meet with Hugo, Rich, and Colin within the next few days to discuss what we need to do.”

I nod, wondering if I’ll be invited to such event.

“I’ll pick you up beforehand. We’ll head to the warehouse together.” My body settles and I nod again.


“So, tell me about this one on one you had with Rich. You leavin’ me, bro?” He cocks his head, turning down a random street. We’re just rolling through town. Things are different now that we have the girls and Wesley. Not many places to discuss things privately. A car ride is our safest bet.

“Yeah, man. Sorry I didn’t talk to you about it before I went to Rich. I’ve got to say, though, it’s the right choice. We need this.”

Easton gives me an understanding look. “I know, man. I know. Too much bad blood in the park nowadays. We all need a fresh start. Rose has been hassling me, too.”

My eyes go wide. “What, you thinkin’ about movin’, too?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. Haven’t decided yet. Haven’t brought it up to Rich, either. But it’s something Rose wants to do, and your idea isn’t so bad. You’re still close, and that place is private as fuck. If we went on that land too, we could get some mega fucking security on the property so we don’t have to deal with the bullshit anymore.”
