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Chapter 11

Home happened to be another one of the guys’ safe houses. I had never been happier than I was as I walked into what I hoped would be our home for at least a while.

Considering this was a safe house, it actually was my favorite place that I'd seen on Veon. And that wasn't just because of the experience we had just had.

The house was located on the edge of Veon’s lavender ocean. There wasn't another soul around for miles. The colorful trees went all the way up to the shoreline, and the dwelling was situated in the midst of the trees, hidden from sight just in case a Council ship flew over. But the men weren’t too worried about that, this area was so remote that the Council had never paid attention very much to it in the past.

The outside of the dome structure was a soft brown color, and I was grateful that it wasn't white like the facility had been. The trees around us held a multitude of colors and combined with the lavender sea, I felt like I had fallen into a beautiful dream world.

Corran had designed the inside so that you could see through the walls, so it felt like you were living amidst the trees, even though no one could see in.

It was perfect.

Corran must've used the same technology as he had on his ship because the inside of the house seemed to stretch on forever despite the fact that it looked like a very humble dwelling from the outside. We each had separate rooms complete with our own bathrooms. There was a large living area, an office that resembled the inside of a computer it had so much technology in it, a gym, and a gourmet kitchen that contained the same machine as Corran’s ships, meaning that I could get ice cream whenever I wanted it.

I collapsed on my bed as soon as I walked in, immediately knowing which bedroom mine was since it had the largest closet. The closet was of course filled with more clothing than I could wear in a lifetime, but it made me feel normal to see it, like we were back in our house on Earth and we were just living a normal life.

I stared through the wall at the candy-colored trees as they blew gently in the breeze. Derrial had said it was safe to go out into the ocean, but for now, I was content to stay hidden in the house. It felt like for the first time in a long time, I didn't have to look over my shoulder.

Thane walked in with his hands behind his back. The guys had been hovering just outside my door for the last hour. I guess they felt as needy as I did at the moment.

“I have a surprise for you,” he said with a big grin.

I sat up. “What is it?” I asked, so sleepy it was hard to muster up any excitement.

Thane pulled a tiny purple piglet out from behind his back, and I immediately started squealing.

"Thane," I said excitedly, jumping off the bed to grab him. "I mean Thane Jr.," I amended laughingly, looking up at Thane’s annoyed face.

"But how did you get him here?" I asked, lovingly petting the tiny purple creature. I felt like a terrible alien pet parent considering I hadn’t really thought about him with everything that was going on. Although really do most people think about their pet piglets when they’re being forcibly impregnated, hunted by an evil alien race, or fighting for their mates’ lives?

I didn’t think so.

Thane Jr. snuggled into me, squeaking excitedly. I’d forgotten how cute the noises were that he made. Now, this really felt like home.

"We had left him with Corran’s parents before everything happened. My father actually brought him on his ship to meet up with us." Thane explained. “I think he was happy to hand him off,” he said with a laugh. “Evidently our little piggy caused a lot of messes.”

I was barely listening in my excitement at having my pet back. " are so cute. Did you miss mommy?" I cooed at Thane Jr.

Thane’s arms went around me, and he snuggled into my neck, petting Thane Jr. as he held me. "I’d love for you to talk that sweetly to me," he said, licking the side of my neck. His touch sent delicious shivers down my whole body. I was exhausted, but he was making me think about how much energy I could muster up for some extracurricular activities.

I turned around and tried to kiss him. But Thane only let our lips touch for a second before he pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused at his reaction.

Thane knelt down and put our foreheads together. "You need to rest, and then we need to talk about everything before I can have the privilege of being back in your bed,” he said softly.

Everything he had just said made sense. I might have decided that I loved them too much to leave them, but we still had a lot to talk about.

I looked back at my bed, holding Thane Jr. close. “How about if you get in my bed just to nap?" I asked as I yawned.

He gave me a little smile. "I think that's within my rules," he said.

"Oh good," I answered, already climbing back into my bed. "But Thane Jr. is joining us," I warned him.

Thane got in the bed with me, spooning me from behind. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Just as long as he doesn't cock block me later," he replied. I fell asleep before I could answer him.

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