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“Thank you.”

I hugged Koria again because Veon needed more beautiful people like her who loved and not hated.

Corran stepped into the room and shut the door behind them. “Do you mind if I raid your garden? I have a few things I need to prepare downstairs in Derrial’s old lab.”

“Of course.” She was nodding and waving him away as she would do her own child, and I loved how comfortable everyone was here. Taking Dad’s arm, she guided him down the hallway. “Come, let me show you your room.”

I stared at them, seeing the lighter step in Dad’s walk like his determination to fight resurfaced, and I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would have been like for him in the prisons under the Khonsu’s ruthlessness.

I shook off the shivers, refusing to let myself go there or I’d drown in sorrow.

Thane hugged me from behind while Corran left the room and Derrial called out from the kitchen, “Take a seat, while I help Corran.”

I softened against Thane’s embrace. So much had happened lately, and I knew the guys were still upset with me. But to have Dad here with me was everything to me, so they’d just have to understand and accept my decisions.

“You think everything will work out?” I asked, holding onto Thane’s arms looped around me.

He kissed the top of my head. “Our enemies could set this world on fire, kitten, but I’d never allow a single flame to touch you.”

My heart gave a skip at his words and I looked up at him, at the sincerity behind those ocean blue eyes. My heart started racing at his intensity, at the captivation in his gaze. He wanted me as much as I desired him. And I let myself fall… let myself believe that maybe in this insane world of war and hatred, in a place that wouldn’t accept us easily, I could find a way to have a future with these men. Maybe I was being foolish…

“Any chance of having a quick shower?” I asked, and Thane walked me to the bathroom. Inside I noticed the plastic large tube that stretched from floor to ceiling in the corner of the room. Just like the cylinder clothes changer wardrobe I’d used in the house during the trials. My heart soared at the sight because I needed one of these in my home badly.

“Want me to join you?” Thane teased, and as much as I’d love to get all soapy with him, I couldn’t do it with my dad in the house.

I pushed a palm against his chest and drove him backward and out into the corridor. “Not here, but you can picture me running my hands all over my body.” I winked, and the sexual glaze lashing over his gaze came so instantly, I knew he would do exactly that.

“See you soon.” I shut the door and couldn’t wait to wash myself and feel semi-normal.

Half an hour later, I stood in front of the mirror dressed in a teal skirt that tumbled to my knees and a body-fitting, white buttoned-up shirt with three-quarter sleeves. I straightened the collar and the top sat open around my throat, showing just a smidgen of cleavage. Running my fingers through my towel-dried hair, I pushed the dark strands off my face and stared at how much thinner I looked since first arriving here. There was a glow in my cheeks, a wildness in my eyes, and despite running around, I couldn’t help but feel like this was the prettiest I’d ever looked and felt. Maybe running for my life constantly was good for my health in a weird ironic way.

I returned to the main room where everyone but Corran sat around chatting. They glanced up at my arrival, everyone smiling, and I gaited over to sit between my men, feeling lighter after that wash.

“You look delicious by the way,” Thane whispered in my ear.

Just then, Corran returned, carrying a glass of a deep purple juice like this was the world’s salvation. The rest of us were sitting around the main room talking about donuts. Trying to explain to Derrial’s mom what they were and her insistence she’d attempt to make them.

“Drink this.” Corran handed me the glass that was surprisingly warm to the touch. “It needs to be in your system warm, then we need to go.”

“Go?” I looked up at him.

Derrial was already on his feet as was Thane, standing tall like sentinels.

“This will awaken your immune system to a state that will allow our blood connection to merge once again. But it’ll only stay active in your system for a short time. Maybe an hour or two.”

“Hell, then let’s bottle it and I’ll take it a bit later when we’re ready.” My cheeks blushed at trying to hint the need for exchanging blood with each other came in the form of sexual contact. And I was not going to sneak into one of the bedrooms here with all three guys while our parents were out here. I died a little on the inside at the thought.

“Drink it while it’s warm and fresh or it won’t work,” Corran said.

Steeling myself, I pressed the glass to my lips and gulped it all back, the concoction tasting gritty and sour with a hint of lemon.

Corran collected the glass which he placed on the coffee table, while Derrial drew me to my feet by my arms, and I kept licking grit on my teeth, feeling like I’d just drank a glass of muddy water. “That didn’t taste great.”

“We gotta go,” he explained to his mom. “I’ll be in contact soon.”

I turned to my father and rushed over to him as he climbed out of his seat with care. Without a word, I embraced him. “I’m going to miss you, but you’ll be safe here. And I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“You won’t get hurt with this blood connection, will you?”

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