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Dr. Cryon immediately objected. "Considering the risk and that this human is our best possible chance for a successful Vepar surrogacy, it would be unwise to attempt to do the embryo transfer without Corran’s missing research."

"The Council is not going to wait. You need to do the transfer now, and then I suggest you start working your asses off to make sure that you uncover the missing information,” Zeni ordered.

Dr. Cryon opened her mouth to object once more.

“Have you heard about the new law passed by the Council?” Zeni asked with a very satisfied look on her face.

“No, I haven’t,” Dr. Cryon explained stiffly. “But I’m sure that you’re about to tell me.”

Zeni’s face flushed scarlet at the doctor’s impotence. “Anyone found to be disobeying the Council’s direct orders will be immediately imprisoned with the potential for further discipline if needed.”

She looked over at me. “You can thank your mates for that,” she said with a smirk.

The doctor and her companion both looked ill at the possibility of imprisonment. I could tell them it wasn’t a walk in the park from first-hand experience.

Tears burned in my eyes. There was no way they weren’t going to do the procedure now.

"You know it really is a pity," said Zeni. "This all could have been avoided if you had just taken me up on my offer and left when you had the chance."

I seriously doubted that I would've been allowed to leave the planet. Zeni would probably have arranged to have me shot down and killed or something like that.

"At least you can take comfort that if you die, absolutely no one will miss you," said Zeni sweetly.

“Are you meaning to talk about yourself?" I responded snidely. "Because we both know that the males around you have a habit of picking me over you.”

“Let’s get this started,” Zeni barked at the doctor, her face turning red with fury at my words.

A resigned look passed over the doctor’s face. She placed a hand over her ear. “Get the team in here,” she ordered through the communicator device I knew that most of the Vepar had stored in their ear.

A team of at least ten Vepar began to flood the room.

This was really happening, my panic-filled stomach clenched. I tugged against the restraints frantically.

“A big congrats to the mother-to-be,” cooed Zeni.

I had never hated someone more.

“I’m sorry about this,” Dr. Cryon whispered to me, actually looking sorry.

I guess it was one thing to force someone to get pregnant. It was another thing to knowingly kill that person.

I didn’t accept her apology.

“See you soon...or maybe never,” Zeni crowed delightedly.

It was really too bad that the last thing I was going to remember was her disgusting face.

Dr. Cryon approached me with a needle that I knew would put me to sleep again.

All I could think as the room started to fade around me was that I wished I could have seen their faces one last time.

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