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"Corran had the syringes ready just in case," said Derrial casually, like he was talking about the weather rather than drugging his mate.

That comment made up my mind for me. I didn't care if these were the right syringes, I was so upset that maybe I didn't care at that moment if the syringes were filled with something dangerous.

No, I didn't mean that.

But what they had just said cleared the way for me to use this medicine on them. As far as I was concerned, if it wasn't the right one, it was their fault.

I carefully emptied both syringes into a cup and took them back to the room where I had first been held.

My next order of business was figuring out if there were, in fact, the smaller safety ships on this ship. If not, I was going to have to knock them all out and take the ship back to the Khonsu’s city.

I made my way down the various corridors of the ship. It was a lot larger than it appeared from the outside and I wondered if that was another invention of Corran. After 30 minutes of searching, I was starting to get nervous. What if I didn't find where they were kept in time and we traveled all the way back to the Capitol?

I guess I could hijack the ship after they got off to find the fix for the blood bond. I didn't want to wait that long though. That meant I would be traveling the entire distance back to the Khonsu city by myself. I wasn't sure I was ready for that. Somehow it didn't seem so bad to only have to retrace our steps halfway.

I finally got to an entrance that looked more industrial than the others. I felt around the outside, trying to figure out how Corran operated the entrance. When he walked through, they seemed to just appear, but other times when Thane and Derrial passed through the entrances, it had opened like a regular door.

I waved my hand in front of the door just in case it had a motion sensor, probably looking like a lunatic. When that didn't work, I then started to feel around the edge of the door, hoping there was some kind of invisible button or something I had to press that would open it. I had gotten all the way around the other side of the door when it suddenly opened.

Lo and behold, two, small, one-to-two person-sized ships were sitting there.

Perfect, I whispered to myself.

I retraced my steps back to the mess hall. I had Corran’s machine create a small meal for all of us. I included some of the guys’ favorites. Then I incorporated the liquid from the syringes, hoping that they were tasteless and that they worked when taken orally.

Taking the tray, I walked to the Bridge, butterflies filling my stomach. I couldn't believe I was about to do this. I almost talked myself out of it several times. It was only the memory of Thane and Derrial talking so casually about knocking me out that kept my feet moving forward.

I walked into the Bridge. Thane and Derrial hadn’t come back yet. Corran looked at me in surprise as I walked in, his face flushed with pleasure as he saw my loaded tray.

"What's all of this?" he asked, walking towards me and taking the tray from me so that he could set it down on the table.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you. You guys are always taking care of me," I responded, the words feeling dirty as they left my mouth.

Corran brushed another of his gentle kisses across my lips. "Thank you," he said.

He put his hand to his ear, speaking into the communicator that they all seemed to have. "Come eat," he said, his voice definitely not as sweet as when he was talking to me.

A few minutes later, Thane and Derrial walked into the room. Their faces held the same pleasure as Corran’s had as they saw the food spread out. "Did you do this?” Thane asked.

"Just wanted to say thank you," I repeated, forcing a smile on my face. I wasn’t sure why this was making them so happy. Maybe I hadn’t done as many nice things for them as I should have.

Our lives were always so up in the air, that I couldn’t remember a time since our stay together on Earth where I had actually had time to do something like bring them dinner.

If we ever got back together after this, I was probably going to have to make a lot of dinners to make up for what I was about to do. But then again, I wasn't sure if there was anything they could do to make up for what they had done to me.

I nibbled on my food, trying not to stare at them too closely as I waited for the medicine to kick in. It happened to Corran first, I assumed because he was the smallest of the three. He began to look drowsy, his eyes opening and closing slowly as he tried to fight it. He looked over at me questioningly, but before he could say anything he passed out.

Thane was next, following Corran into slumber just a couple of seconds later.

Derrial was the last one. He stood up in his chair to walk towards me, a look of betrayal written across his face. I got up as well and started to back away from him. He only lasted a couple of steps until he sank to his knees and passed out.

It was time to go.

I was sure I didn't have a lot of time. I sprinted down the corridor, running as fast as I could until I got to the room where the ships were kept. I jumped into the closest one. Looking around at the controls, I tried to figure out where everything was located. Despite its size, it still had most of the same controls that Corran had showed me earlier.

I went through in my head what Corran had shown me and then started pressing buttons. Once I got the ship turned on and it seemed like I had inputted for the ship to return to the last destination inputted, I turned my attention to opening up the main door of the spacecraft to let my smaller ship out.

I looked around in a panic, trying to see which button looked correct. I just knew that they would wake up at any time now and run in to stop me.

Finally, I saw a green button on the left side of the ship that wasn't a part of any of the controls that Corran had shown me earlier.

Taking a deep breath and sending a silent prayer that it wasn’t a blaster or something, I pressed it.

A few seconds later the doors of the main ship opened. Pressing the control I knew moved the ship forward, I flew out away from Corran’s spacecraft.

I never in a million years dreamed that I would be flying in an alien spacecraft on an alien planet.

It was as terrifying as it was invigorating.

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