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Despite the confusion about his bite, the terror of being watched, Thane managed to push ahead and make love to me like it was just the two of us in this world.

Going faster, I writhed, needing him so desperately, so much, I cried out in pure bliss.

In a sudden movement, he spread my legs on either side of him and collected me into his arms while he remained imbedded inside me. I now straddled him while he kneeled on the ground, and I wrapped myself around him, staring into his eyes. They belonged to my Thane, not the disguise he wore.

Hands on my hips, he moved me up and down with haste over his cock, the sound and smells delicious. I gripped his shoulders, riding him, my body shuddering as he thrust over and over. When I couldn’t take it any longer, euphoria snapped within me and tore through my body. I convulsed against Thane, and as if sensing my own climax, he grunted and stilled, his cock pulsing inside me with his orgasm.

Pressing me tight against his body, he held me, his mouth on my ear. “I meant what I said earlier. You’re mine and I’ll never let you go.”

I wanted to stay in his arms like this forever, to never face reality, to not be running for our lives constantly. But when the siren went off somewhere in the distance, the horror of where we were punched me in the gut.

He lifted me to my feet as he climbed up, and hot liquid dampened the inside of my thighs. What I wouldn’t give for a bathroom break right now.

The savages were now headed down the mountain, their women over a shoulder, and I grimaced. Before Thane grabbed me and did the same, I hurriedly snatched the hospital gown and slid it over my head.

“Let’s go,” he snarled as he did up his pants. He then swept me off my feet and threw me over his shoulder. His hand sat perfectly positioned over my ass so I wouldn’t flash the whole world. Thank goodness for small gestures.

I jostled over his shoulder, the world upside down, my stomach churning with sickness at being shaken about.

By the time he slid me down to my feet, my world spun, and it took me several moments to find my bearings.

Thane walked over to a table strewn with pieces of clothing and came back with a midnight blue dress. He pushed it into my hands. “Put that on.”

I glanced around to the other couples in the small field, the spectators watching us from farther away. The other females were naked and were just pulling on their new garments, so I quickly took off my hospital gown that was splattered in blood from my neck, dirt, and bits of leaves.

I quickly dragged the blue dress over my head and down my body. It hung like a sack over me, falling to my knees, sleeves loose to my wrists. I looked like some cult mistress but at least every other woman was dressed the same way.

Thane grabbed my hand and hauled me after him and the rest of the couples. We walked quickly over the grounds and headed for an oversized building up ahead. Black as the night, the one-story building had a flat roof with windows peppered all along the walls.

What in the world now?

By the time we stepped inside, my heart was pounding. I wasn’t sure how many more surprises I could take. Being taken by Thane in public was pushing me to my limits. We needed to escape and get as far from the Khonsu as freaking possible.

Behind others, we headed inside hand in hand to find an enormous hall set up with rows and rows of wooden tables layered with platters of food and drinks. Down the middle of each long table was a roasted animal. I didn’t recognize any of the species. The walls were lined with large wooden wine barrels and taps on each one, surprising me they looked so human like. On the far-right hand side, an enormous fireplace roared and crackled, warming up the room. Yellow lanterns dangled from the ceiling, giving the place a magical kind of feel, which was so wrong. This was a celebrational feast for savages who had just hunted down and raped their new wives.

Everyone moved with haste to a table, and Thane took me to one closest to the door. He pulled out the long bench that was lined with fur pelts and I sat down. In front of each place setting stood a hollowed-out horn sitting inside a metal bracket that was evidently meant to be used to hold the wine according to Thane.

Thane collected both our horns and headed to the barrels on the wall. He filled them up and then returned. He handed me the horn and I sniffed it. It certainly smelled like wine, and a quick taste confirmed it. I needed to drink a whole barrel to forget what I went through today.

In front of me, I stared at the flowing cuts of meats, fruits and strange vegetables. There were also piles of nuts and breads strewn around the table.

“Eat,” Thane commanded. “Fit in.”

A quick look around to the rest of the room showed that the women were smiling and eating, while the Khonsu drank and laughed with their friends. This was a wedding festival I realized. It was amazing to me that the women seemed to have recovered so quickly.

I piled my plate with roasted root vegetables and something that resembled grilled fish.

Two Khonsu came and sat at our table on my free side, one of them so close that I gave him a death glare to try and get him to move. Two beefy looking brutes, both with short hair, one cleanly shaven, the other with a scruffy beard. They stared at me like I might be their meal.

I trembled and shuffled closer to Thane who wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

When the newcomer’s hand reached for my thigh, I slapped him away. “I’m taken.”

Please don’t let there be another rule about mate sharing.

“You don’t need to be scared of me,” he said, and I recognized that voice in an instant. “Derrial?” I gasped.

He gave a small nod and smirked, then I glanced over at the bearded one. “Corran?”

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