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Ihadn’t left the mansion in days, so I was unaware what else surrounded the place aside from what I spotted from the windows down on the grounds. As Derrial led me outside, carrying both of our bags, I spied a giant pool that looked like it could be a miniature water park, and beyond that, what looked like a helicopter pad. Both the pool and the helicopter pad were located behind the building with no view from the windows.

The sound of blades chopping in the wind confirmed that indeed, the Vepar had a freaking helicopter pad complete with helicopter on their property. The chopper landed, and a flurry of winds collided into us, tugging at my hair and clothes. Derrial put his hand on my lower back to guide me forward, sparks erupting down my spine at his touch, responding to his closeness. For days, I’d hated myself for giving in to him so easily, but in truth I was starting to realize that maybe there was more happening between us than me being weak in his presence.

I glanced backwards, expecting Thane and Corran to be somewhere nearby watching us leave, but there was no sign of them. For some reason, I felt disappointed that they hadn’t offered me a farewell, but I immediately cursed at myself, wondering if I was beginning to develop Stockholm Syndrome or something.

We climbed into the helicopter and buckled up in our seats. There were two attractive, mountain man staffed with guns, wearing all black, sitting on one side of the helicopter. Great...more Vepar. I glanced over at Derrial, offering him my confused look. Once we placed our ear protectors on, which were complete with microphones and listening devices, Derrial explained that it was customary for all of the leaders to bring armed guards even though it would be suicide to try to hurt any of the Vepar attending.

I stared outside as the country flew underneath, trying to work out where exactly the mansion was located. Derrial’s arm was on my thigh and he squeezed my hand to look at him, and he shook his head as if reading my thoughts. I swallowed hard and looked over at the two guards who were studying me. What would they do if I ripped my hand free from Derrial? Probably nothing as I suspected Derrial wouldn’t accept it well.

So, I sat there, obediently, still unsure why he insisted on taking me on this trip. An hour into the trip and my ass numb from the vibrating seat, my stomach lurched as we started our descent. I gripped my seat, and Derrial took my hand, holding me.

It wasn’t everyday a girl got to travel in a helicopter. Once we landed, jostling us about, the door slid open and the whirring sound of the blades overhead grew deafening. Wind whistled inside, ripping at my ponytail with its invisible hand. The guard stepped out first, followed by Derrial, who turned around and extended his hand to me.

Leaning over, I accepted his help, and once I reached the doorway, he grabbed my waist and helped me down. We hunched low from the spinning blades, Derrial took my hand, and we rushed across the tarmac, buffeted against the gust of air across our backs.

Finally, we slowed down, and I looked at the small building ahead of us, along with noting that this wasn’t a major airport, but a private location surrounded by a chained fence. The guards carried our bags and flanked our sides, and up ahead waited a black limousine with two more muscled men in black. One of them had the back-seat door opened for us, everything creating a million more questions about who exactly Derrial was. It was obvious that I had misjudged just who these Vepar were. Again, I wondered what they were doing with me?

Once we were inside the car that smelled strongly of vanilla, a glass of champagne was pushed into my hand and we were off. Across from us sat two of the guards, both of them staring outside at the freeway we’d entered, while Derrial swirled the ice in his whiskey around in his glass.

“Is this normal travel for you?” I asked and took a sip of my bubbly, which was slightly sweet and tickled my nose.

I’d once tasted this stuff, but clearly it wasn’t the good stuff, because this drink was incredible. I downed it in two gulps, and Derrial collected my glass before tucking it into a compartment in the door.

“I prefer to travel lighter,” he replied, and shifted in his seat, obviously uncomfortable. In a strange way, it made me feel better to know it wasn't just me feeling like a fish out of water. Was this how he felt all the time on Earth? Knowing everyone around him hated his kind?

“You don’t like this?” He glanced over at me; his eyebrow cocked as if disappointed.

I shrugged. “Hard to compare when I don’t even have a car.” The laugh that followed my statement felt forced, and part of that was because being so close to Derrial still left me confused. My emotions were a jumbled mess around him. I couldn’t stop thinking of how easily he brought me to climax, how damn much I loved it, and even how I’d experienced a dream with him taking me again and again. I was being a fool.

He was a Vepar. Dangerous. Secretive. Not to mention my freaking kidnapper.

I had to get my head screwed on right and remember what was going on.

I was the victim who would pretend to be content with the current situation while waiting for an opportunity to escape. Sure, I hadn’t worked out the finer details of how I’d avoid them once I did run away, but that was my goal now--uncover their weakness, what made them tick, and how to vanish from their lives for good. Until then, I’d bide my time and make them trust me.

“You okay?” he asked, staring at me, trying to read my thoughts, but I smiled widely.

“All good.” And I turned toward the window and stared out into the world as we passed it by. A world that seemed so far away from me and out of my grasp that I felt like the alien. I hoped that when I did escape, I would be able to find a place again.

* * *

A soft voicesang in my ear. “Wake up, kitten. We’re here.”

My eyes fluttered open, still in the back seat of the limousine. Sitting up and looking around I saw that we were parked in the front of some kind of building. I rubbed my eyes as someone opened the door and I climbed out onto the sidewalk, Derrial on my heels. A soft breeze swished past, bringing with it a cocktail of smells from the garlic aroma of pizza to the subtle scent of aftershave coming from the concierge standing near me.

“This way ma’am.”

I didn’t move though because I was captivated, lost in the grandeur of the hotel towering in front of us. Glass doors stood ahead of us with a young man welcoming us with a bow. He opened the door, while two other men in penguin suits rushed to collect our bags from the trunk.

Derrial placed his hand on my lower back, urging me to move, and I let him guide me through the doors into a circular hotel lobby. Visiting hotels wasn’t something I did regularly or ever. Reception sat in front of a set of gorgeous steps that curled up around the wall to the next floor. My boots tapped the shiny floor, and I spun on the spot, taking in the glorious surroundings, the loft ceilings, the guests in their expensive clothes, the way everyone whispered when they talked. I’d never even set foot in such a place, let alone even fathomed staying in one.

Derrial was talking to a man in a tailored black suit and moments later he strolled over to me, smiling. “Ready, kitten?” He handed me his hand to take, so I did, and we made our way to the elevator, the guards following us every step of the way.

By the time we reached the top floor, butterflies somersaulted in my stomach. I shouldn’t have been excited, but I was so giddy I could scream.

“Is this the penthouse?” I might have squeaked a bit.

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