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We're now walking back to my room. I'm exhausted, but happier than I can ever remember being. It's such a far cry from my years spent in the Andersons' attic that it's hard to comprehend that this is actually my life. I have a million questions to ask Aiden about what my introduction into society actually means now and if I will actually start helping him with royal matters, but I decide that it can all wait until tomorrow. I can't burden this magical night with any business talk.

Aiden opens the door to my room for me, motioning for me to go inside. He pauses at the threshold, staring at me intensely with want, but obviously waiting for some kind of sign from me that the night is actually going to lead where it's been building to.

I take a few steps into my room until I'm standing next to my bed, and gaze back at him, hoping I look at least a little bit seductive. I turn around and pull my hair to the front of my body and look back at him.

"Will you help me with this dress?" I ask softly.

His eyes flash as he steps into the room, shutting the door behind him. The room is softly lit from the full moon outside my window. His black hair reflects the silver light now, making him look more than ever like the Fairy King he is.

He slowly approaches me, taking his time to look at me as if he is memorizing this moment. His hands wait at the top of the back of my dress, waiting it seems for me to change my mind.

"Go ahead," I tell him in a throaty, sensual voice that I scarcely recognize. His fingers deftly begin to unhook the clasps and an ugly thought passes through my mind that he doesn't seem to be out of practice. I push the thought away and concentrate on the feeling of him standing so close to me, his body heat enveloping mine.

The clasps are finally undone enough that the dress starts to slide down my body. One more clasp and it slips all the way to the floor. I delicately step out of the dress and walk a little further into the light so that he can see what I had on underneath my dress. Again, I'm a little shocked at my brazen behavior. It's unlike me to be so confident. I can't help but feel beautiful with how Aiden is devouring my body like he would die if he looked away from me.

"Come here," he orders in a deeper than normal voice.

I slowly walk towards him, my hips swaying slightly as if they can't help themselves. He hesitantly lays his hands on my hips, as if he can't believe that he's really touching me. We stare at one another for a moment before his grip deepens and his lips crash down upon mine. I'm swept up in the feel of his hands caressing my body. His tongue slides into my mouth, moving in time with his hand's descent all over my body.

I keep on expecting there to be some familiarity to this moment since we've no doubt done this millions of times, but it all feels brand new. And despite the heat and the wanting that my body is still very much feeling, only pushed higher by Aiden's artful seduction, there's a little piece of my brain that is telling me for some reason that these are the wrong hands touching me. That something about this scene isn't right. I follow my body's lead for a few minutes longer, swept up in the feeling of Aiden's lips sliding down my chest, and his hands making their way beneath my barely-there lingerie. I'm only able to listen to the voice in my brain when I feel the sharp unmistakable sting of some kind of bug bite on my back.

I give a sharp yelp and push Aiden away. He stumbles backwards from the suddenness of my movements.

"What's wrong?" he asks, his voice heavy with the arousal we were both feeling.

"Something bit me," I reply, starting to feel lightheaded.

Aiden pulls me away from the bed and looks behind me. I give another tiny scream. There, sitting on my bed, is the largest spider I've ever seen. It's black and furry, with fangs so large that it's easy to tell that there is some kind of venom dripping from them. Basically, everyone's nightmare is crawling across my bed.

Aiden lets out a growl and walks towards it, but I miss whatever he does to it as my lightheadedness turns into a full out loss of consciousness. I feel Aiden's arms catch me right before I crash to the floor.


Bright sunlight streaming in from my balcony rouses me from my slumber. I try to sit up, and give a start when I notice the weight of someone's arm around me. Looking behind me, I calm down when I see that it's Aiden. He look so peaceful in his sleep, a far cry from the force of nature he is when awake.

I carefully slide out from under his arm, my skin tingling a bit as his calloused hand passes over my almost naked body. My raging lust from the night before has disappeared. Gazing down at him he's still beautiful. But unlike last night, it just does nothing to me. Last night feels like a dream, like another person was inhabiting my body. When I stand up, I feel a pain in my back reminding me how the night ended though. I hurry to the full length mirror in my room and examine my skin. There's a giant welt on my back with a red ring around it. Clearly a spider bite. I pull a robe on and walk out to the balcony, gazing at the clear, lavender sky that signals another perfect day. I wonder if Fairie just only has perfect weather. I look down at the village again and once again see that it looks perfectly still, as if there's not a single soul who inhabits it.

I hear Aiden get out of bed and walk towards me. He envelops me in his body and wraps both of his arms around me. I try not to flinch. In the bright light of day I again wonder at my actions last night.

"How are you this morning, My Queen?" he whispers into my ear.

His hard length is pressed against me, the magic of last night evidently not lost for him.

I try to keep my voice even. "Quite well thank you. Last night was wonderful, well everything besides being attacked by a giant spider. How did that even get in my room? Is that a common bug for Fairie?"

"That was one of the more poisonous species that we have in Fairie. I would not have expected it to be in these lands, let alone in your bedroom. We're lucky that your Fae healing abilities seem to be kicking in stronger. That could have been serious. I fell asleep making sure you were alright."

I'm touched he was so worried, but the fact that I've been attacked by three species of creatures since I've been here is a little concerning. I turn to face him, pulling my robe tighter around me as I do so. He pretends not to notice.

"Aiden, is there something else going on that I need to know about with these attacks the last few weeks?"

He attempts to smile reassuringly but its belied by the fact that I can clearly see how concerned he is by the worried look in his eyes.

"I'm sure it's nothing my darling. The introduction of your powerful magic to the land after so long is probably just changing Fairie a bit. I'm sure the wildlife, and anyone else, will settle down soon."

The "and anyone else" part of his sentence is what has me concerned.

My mind switches to a different kind of worry however when he softly grasps my face, smoothing my cheek with his hand. He leans in, brushing his lips against mine. Despite my best intentions, I stiffen, unable to return the kiss for some reason.

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