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The stress of thinking about my wings causes my wings to erupt from my back once again. This time the remaining threads of my dress snap and I don't catch the front of my dress in time, leaving my breasts bare to him for the first time.

He doesn't appear to even see my wings, his eyes are too busy devouring my exposed chest.

"Beautiful," he whispers reverently. I blush but don't make a move to cover myself. His worshipful gaze makes me feel achingly alive. His hand slowly moves towards me, but instead of touching my chest which is now burning with desire, his arm reaches behind me, softly and tentatively stroking the feathers on my wings. My incubus's touch, unlike His earlier touch, sends the good kind of shivers down my back and I feel goosebumps form on my skin. My wings respond in kind, fluttering lightly in almost a flirtatious way.

"Hello to you too," he tells them with a smile. Somehow it feels natural for him to address them, like they somehow have a mind of their own, or at least that they are connected to a part of my subconscious that I haven't discovered yet.

Surprising me yet again, he lays down on my bed, pulling me down as well and cuddling me to his chest. He makes no move to instigate anything between us and I irrationally feel self-conscious that he has rejected me. His ability to sense my emotions must be turned on because he whispers in my ear, "We're not going to go any further tonight. I don't want anything we do to be tainted by Him. He's already taken too much from us, he doesn't get that too."

His words make me relax into him and though in the back of my mind I know it's not a good idea for him to fall asleep here with me, I can't help but fall asleep with his arms wrapped around me.

The next morning the rattle of the lock stirs me awake and all I have time to do before the door bangs open is push my incubus off the side of the bed, which thankfully is hidden from view of the door. Coming quickly to his senses, he slides under the bed right before He walks in.

"Sleeping late this morning," He remarks. I try for a nonchalant shrug, but I feel like my face must be bright red. If my incubus even breathes a hair too loud, He will hear and find him.

"That was quite the show you put on last night," He tells me with heat in His gaze, showing that He enjoyed it a little too much.

"Yes, you killing that poor boy for no reason was quite the show," I spit at Him. He surprises me by bursting into laughter.

"This fire in you just makes me want you even more," He tells me through His laughter. "So please do continue to push back, it will only make when you kneel before me that much sweeter, My Princess." I take a deep breath, trying to control the magic that is itching under my skin.

"Why are you in my room?" I ask Him once I feel like I can speak without cursing Him.

"I figured that you might want to learn how to fly," He tells me casually.

Despite my best attempts, He can see the interest His comment has sparked in me. After all, what's the use of wings if you can't fly?

"And how might you teach me to fly exactly? I don't see wings on your back."

"Get dressed and find out." He stands there waiting for me to move but I currently don't have a top on so I can't leave the safety of my bed while He's in the room.

"I'd like some privacy," I tell Him staunchly.

"I'm sure you would," He replies softly, that same heat from earlier still in His gaze.

After another minute of watching me, He must finally believe that I'm not going to be moving and giving Him a show, so He walks out, locking the door behind Him. I wait until I hear His footsteps fade in the distance before I look under the bed where the incubus is hiding. He crawls out and dusts himself off.

"I hate that bastard," he tells me through gritted teeth. "Why do you stay here with that monster? We should both get away from here together. Eventually we could get far enough that even He wouldn't be able to find us. Come with me," he pleads.

I want to leave with him so badly that I take an unwilling step towards where he stands with his outstretched hand. Then, I think of the boy's head rolling on the ground, an expression of shock still frozen on his face. I think of my deceased mother, the fairy tale castle I have lost, of my kingdom that is falling into ruin. I think of the black line in the distance that gets closer and closer every day. No, as much as I want to run off into the sunset with him, that isn't an option for me.

"I have a plan," I tell him, the first time we have really talked about any of this. "I'm building my power every day, soon I will be strong enough to defeat him. I'll be able to figure out a way to reverse the curse and save Fairie after that."

"You don't owe this land or its people anything," he says with gritted teeth. "Look at where you've ended up. A prisoner in every way. Where are your people? Where are all of the Fae who are trying to save you while you give up everything to try and save them?"

I can feel the power that lies under my skin lurch, like his comments have made it angry. I hold my ground, my eyes pleading with him to understand.

"The Queen of Fairie is an extension of Fairie. I can no more abandon Fairie than it can abandon me. It lives in me. I must do everything I can to save it no matter what. It is my duty, my obligation for the power that has been given to me."

"Fuck that," he snaps at me. "I will not sit here and watch you die a slow death. I have been a prisoner in this hell for hundreds of years. I won't be a prisoner to your memory as well."

With that statement he storms towards the window, props himself on the windowsill, and without looking back once, disappears from view.

I'm numb when I finally summon the strength to walk out in the hallway where He is waiting. He looks at me inquiringly, but I just stare at the ground, following Him to where my flight instructor awaits.

"This is the gargoyle who will be teaching you," He says. "Unfortunately, there weren't any other flying creatures readily available, so this monster will have to do," He says in an annoyed tone, gesturing to where the stone creature is standing. The stone being snarls at His comment and I gasp out loud at his blatant disregard for Him. In my time here, no one has dared to show anything beyond the utmost respect to Him. We've all seen what happens when we don't.

Surprisingly, the gargoyle doesn't end up with his head cut off. Instead He just smirks at him. "Don't make me cut something else off," He says striding towards the door. "I expect her to be flying by the end of the day," He calls behind Him as He leaves the room, slamming the door behind as always.

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