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I jerked my cheek away.

"Reverend, what exactly is going on?" I asked, knowing inside that I didn't want to hear the answer.

"Kylan, call me Kylan, Eva. We're going to be getting to know each other really well. I searched for you for weeks you know, and when I found you, I started to watch you. I saw you Eva. I saw how all of those men were taking advantage of you. I know you didn't actually want that, and they were forcing you to do what they said. But you don't have to worry about that anymore. I'm going to take care of you," he said, in the same abnormal voice.

"You seem to be failing in that regard," I told him saucily, gathering courage from somewhere inside of me, and gesturing with my head to where I laid still tied to the fallen chair, soaked in piss and vomit. An irritated look flashed briefly on his face before he took a breath and relaxed again.

"It is unfortunate that you have had to be in these conditions for so long, but Anna said she tried to help you and you tried to attack her."

My anger at Anna increased tenfold with the news that not only had she refused to help me earlier, but then she had lied to make my situation worse. I had never done anything to her to deserve her hate.

"If I untie you, will you cooperate?" the Reverend asked me.

At this point I was willing to not try anything if it included me getting some water and being able to get cleaned up. I nodded my head. He seemed to approve of this and pulled out a pocket knife from his back pocket, and started to saw at the ropes binding my arms and legs. I collapsed in a heap when the ropes were finally cut, my limbs numb from being constrained for so long. The Reverend gathered my wrists in his hands, and started to massage them. I wanted to throw up again, or at least yank my hands away, but I couldn't move them quite yet. He didn't seem to mind the fact that I was soaked in pee and vomit. He continued to massage my wrists with one hand, while he tucked my hair behind my ears with another. I shuddered and refused to look at him.

Sensing that I wasn't going to talk to him, he finally stood up, and then bent down to pick me up. His arousal was obvious as he slid me up his body. I couldn't see how he could even be attracted to me in my current state. I began to tear up again. I couldn't see how this situation would end up with anything other than him taking something from me that I didn't want to give. He carried me up the stairs, past a kitchen and a living room, and into a bathroom. He started to pull at my clothes, as if he wanted me to strip. I immediately burst into tears and tried to get away from him.

"You need to shower Eva," he said sharply.

"I'm not showering with you in here," I replied.

"It's either Anna, or it's me," he answered.

"Anna," I spit at him.

"I'll get her this time, but you need to get used to me touching you," he said before walking out of the bathroom.

I looked around the room, trying to see if there was anything I could hide in my clothes as some sort of weapon. Before I could search closely, the door creaked open wider and Anna walked into the room.

"Reverend Darcy asked me to watch you," she said stiffly, before settling herself on the toilet.

"I'm not changing in front of you, and are we allowed to close the door?" I asked, gesturing to the wide open door. She seemed to think for a second.

"I suppose that will be all right," she said, getting up to close the door.

She then returned to the toilet to continue staring at me. I got in the shower, closed the shower curtain and began to undress. I saw Anna's hand reach out as if to grab the curtain.

"Please, at least give me this," I said softly.

She paused, with her hand outstretched towards the curtain while she thought about my request. Finally, she retracted her hand and sat silently, giving me the go ahead to start my shower with some privacy. My clothes were stuck to my skin from the vomit, pee, and whatever other bodily fluids that had gotten on me while down in the basement for so long. It was a relief to strip them off although I didn't know what I was going to wear after the shower. I placed my clothes into a pile right outside the curtain, careful to keep it as closed as possible in case Anna got any ideas about needing to watch me again.

I turned on the shower and winced as the cold water sprayed all over me. I had gotten spoiled spending so much time at Damon and Beckham's places. His water temperature and pressure were always perfect. I laughed to myself, the quality of the shower was certainly not something I needed to be worrying about. A pang of loss welled up in me thinking about them.

Luckily there was shampoo and soap in the shower with me. I didn't have a washcloth, and didn't want to ask for one, so I rubbed the soap all over me, hoping that the soap hadn't touched a lot of other people. I noticed that there was a strange tingling sensation by my shoulder blades, I wondered if it had something to do with how I had been laying on the floor. I rubbed my back, trying to make the tingling go away.

I finally had delayed the shower for as long as it could go, and my skin was starting to prune. I turned the water there and stood there for a moment.

"Are there any towels I can use?" I tried to ask politely.

She stood up and opened up a cabinet under the sink, pulling out a towel. After she handed it to me, I wrapped it tightly around myself, not knowing what to do next, or if I was expected to put on my old clothes again. I reached out for the clothes. deciding it would be better to have those than have the Reverend see me in nothing but a towel.

"I have clothes for you," Anna said sharply.

I dropped the putrid clothes in my hand. She hesitated for a second before grabbing my bra that had been rolled up with the rest of my clothes. She then signaled for me to follow her out of the bathroom. I hesitated, fearful that he was going to be waiting out there for me.

"He's visiting with guests," she said, seeming to understand the look of indecision and fear on my face.

I followed her out of the bathroom, paying attention to my surroundings for the first time since I had come upstairs. We went the opposite way than we had come in, walking into a large room that appeared to be the master bedroom. Anna walked over to a door that opened into a closet. She looked through a few things before pulling out a pair of simple cotton underwear, a black long sleeve shirt, and what looked like leggings. She walked back towards me and handed me the clothes.

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