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He kissed her lips softly, and a small ball of fury welled up inside of me at the sight of his lips on something that was mine. I shook it off, and averted my eyes when he deepened it. He then swiftly walked out of the room without saying anything to me. Typical asshole Damon.

I turned to look at Eva. She was looking after Damon, her eyes soft with love. I could tell she was already missing him. My stomach began acting up again. The more time I spent with Eva, the more I felt like she was mine, that she had always been mine.

Sometimes in my dreams, images would flutter through my mind, so clear that they seemed like memories more than anything else. I was always with Eva in them. Kissing Eva, loving Eva, wanting Eva. It was a bitter pill to swallow that Eva haunted my every moment, waking and asleep, yet I didn't occupy all of hers. I almost didn't want my dreams to be memories of something we had both forgotten. What could be worse than knowing that I had once been her everything, and that somehow I had lost her?

Eva turned towards me and smiled. I hadn't forgotten that something had happened last night while she was out with Lexi. I had learned though that Eva wasn't a big sharer. She would clam up if you tried to push her into telling you something. She had to tell me on her own time even if it drove me crazy from not knowing what was bothering her.

What happened last night was just one of the things I was waiting for her to talk to me about. The other, was where she kept disappearing to around me. She would often go into a trance, not responding despite my repeated attempts to rouse her. When she would come out of it she would try to play it off like it was nothing, but I had noticed she would get really quiet afterwards, like she was studying something in her mind.

I hadn't been crazy about Eva going to a club without one of us. Anyone who met her basically became her stalker, and I wasn't sure that Lexi was up to the task of protecting her. I tried to temper back my overprotectiveness though. That was Damon's job to be the arrogant, overprotective bastard. If he wasn't careful, it would eventually push Eva away. Wouldn't that be nice…

Lexi was a conundrum to me. I didn't know if the other guys noticed, but she was always popping around no matter what we were doing. Of course, she always had a perfectly reasonable explanation for why she was there too, but it still seemed suspicious. I got that she wanted to be best friends with Eva, but there was something about her that rubbed me wrong. Like everything she was doing wasn't as it seemed.

"Beckham?" Eva said, her voice bringing me out of my reverie. She was looking at me inquiringly. I grinned reassuringly at her.

"Want to get breakfast with me? And then I thought we could catch a movie before your shift?" I asked her hopefully. It wasn't often that Damon was busy, and I could be ensured that he wouldn't interrupt us. I was grateful that Mason was held up on his tour. I knew he was probably dying right now, literally and figuratively, without being able to see her in person. I was still quizzical how he was going to go so long without feeding on anything but the emotions generated during his concerts. I was pretty sure he had been having some sort of sexual activity every day before he met Eva.

"Can we go see your new movie?" she asked hopefully. I groaned. I hated watching myself in movies. And trying to gauge if she was liking it the whole time would be miserable.

"I saw Beyond Eden. You were breathtaking in it," she told me, her eyes lighting up as she described her favorite parts. Suddenly her seeing as many movies of mine as possible didn't seem like such a bad idea. Damon and Mason had both been able to impress her with their skills, I needed to start trying to impress her with mine.

As was her new habit according to Damon, Eva got dressed in her closet. I hated to break it to her, but it got me hot just thinking about her changing clothes in the same room as me, even if I couldn't see anything. Eva emerged from the closet, looking amazing as usual in tight black skinny jeans, and an off the shoulder black top. She applied some red lipstick in a mirror and I struggled to hide my reaction. Visions of those lips wrapped around my cock surged into my head and I had to start thinking of movie quotes to calm myself down.

Unaware of my thoughts, Eva put her arm in mine. I grabbed a baseball cap to try and disguise myself until we could make it to the car waiting out front. This was going to be an incredible day.

Chapter 23


My shift at Moxie had run very, very late. The restaurant seemed to grow in popularity every week, and Derek and I had been running all over trying to keep our tables happy. The guys had been trying to get me to quit my job, but I loved the independence the money I made from it gave me. I had been able to start saving up a nice little nest egg. Derek had become a pretty good friend as well, and I enjoyed hanging out with him during my shifts.

I probably should have called Damon like he had requested, but the cool night air felt good on my face compared to the stifling heat of the restaurant, and I liked pushing back at his bossiness sometimes. I walked along the sidewalk, thinking about nothing in particular, savoring the sounds of the city as usual. I would never take New York City and her beauty for granted.

The streets were quieter than usual, the ever-present crowd dwindled in presence due to the late hour. My thoughts turned to my glorious day with Beckham. His new movie had been even better than the other one, and I loved seeing the light flush to his cheeks when I praised his work.

I heard rustling behind me, catching my attention and making me look behind me to see if anyone was there. I didn't see anything. Nevertheless, I quickened my pace, the ease of my walk faltering. There was one spot in my walk that I always hated, where I had to go down a narrower alley, and it was coming up. I was tempted to try and stop and get a cab, but I hadn't seen one pass my route tonight, and I would rather get home quicker than waiting around for one. I took my ear plugs out of my ears, hopeful that my newly acquired sense of sound would come in handy if anyone was actually following me.

Furthering my resolve to make it home on my own, I hurried my steps even more, determined to make it through the upcoming alley at a breakneck pace. I made it to the end of the alley, relieved to see the streetlights in front me signaling I was close to the college. I stepped past the wall into the street, when suddenly a coarse bag was forced over my head, making me fall forward onto my hands and knees on the sidewalk. I struggled as rough hands grabbed me harshly by the arms, pulling me up off the ground, and attempting to pull me forward. I began to struggle, attempting to scream, but I was sure the bag was preventing any sound from getting out.

A cord was tied around my wrists, the cord digging and ripping my skin as I struggled. I was dragged, kicking and screaming the whole way. I was thrown into an enclosure, realizing it was some kind of vehicle when I heard the engine start up. I panicked even more and began to throw myself around the cabin of the vehicle, desperately trying to garner some attention from outside. Something solid hit me in my temple hard. Everything immediately went black.

I groggily opened my eyes and immediately began to struggle again, only this time I could move even less since someone had sat me on a chair and tied my legs and arms to it so I couldn't move. My head was pounding from where I was hit, and there was an ache in my left shoulder. I was in a dimly lit room in what looked like someone's basement. There was a single light bulb in the center of the room, and I could see wood stairs in the corner of the room leading upwards. As I continued to look at my surroundings, my horror grew.

There was a block of metal in the ground with what looked like chains attached to it. There was a dingy twin mattress beside it, with a faded quilt folded up at the foot of it. In another corner, there was a temporary toilet. I recognized it only because Mrs. Anderson had been a fanatic about food storage and emergency preparedness, so she had owned a few. I knew they had contemplated putting one of those temporary toilets in the attic so they wouldn't have to let me out at all. Mr. Anderson had convinced his wife that it wasn't a good idea, I'm sure so he could continue to fondle me when he let me out of the attic to use the restroom.

Shaking my head at this unhelpful train of thought, I examined the room again looking for anything else. None of the room items were a good sign. I had read enough books to know that situations like this meant that the kidnapper had prepared to hold you for the long haul. My throat started to close up as panic overtook me. Stupidly the first thought I had was about missing class. I loved my classes and everything about college, and who knew how long it would be before I was let go or I escaped, if I ever escaped at all. I began to rock back and forth futilely until the chair tipped over. I hit my head again on the floor as the chair crashed on the hard concrete. My head was spinning. The combination of the hit from earlier, and now the knock on the concrete, meant that I had to have a concussion. I wretched from the pain in my head, the vomit splattering all over my hair, face, and clothes. I sobbed involuntarily.

How had I gone from having everything I could want, to this? I tried to listen to see if I could hear anything, but my ears had begun ringing too much from my head trauma to make anything out. I stopped struggling, and just laid there continuing to weep. The basement was cold. Combined with the concrete floor and my injury, I had begun shivering uncontrollably.

My 18th birthday had been five days from when I was kidnapped. I wasn't sure how long I had been passed out, so I didn't know how close my birthday was now. I wondered if any amazing powers would appear like the guys had thought would happen. I mean escaping would be a nice present too, I laughed to myself. I bet the boys had planned something big for my birthday. I began to daydream what they had planned, while the cold continued to seep into my bones. Hours passed, my vomit from earlier had congealed and I could feel that my hair was now in clumps. I couldn't believe that no one had come for me yet. My mind imagined scenarios where I had actually been left somewhere alone for good, doomed to die alone in this basement of starvation or thirst. I eventually cried myself to sleep, overwhelmed with tiredness from my head injury and from crying so much.

I awoke when I felt a wet washcloth sliding across my face, softly cleaning up the vomit from before. My head still ached, and my eyes had trouble focusing. The confusion of being woken up by touch stayed as I realized who was in front of me cleaning me up. It was Anna Darcy, the Reverend's wife.

"Mrs. Darcy?" I inquired stupidly.

She refused to look at me, keeping her eyes focused on the task of cleaning me up. I was still tied to the chair so I began to rock back and forth again on the floor where I had fallen, trying to get her to look at me.

"You have to help me. I've been kidnapped. Please help me!" I cried to her.

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