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"I don't know what happened. You fell forward into me though and I was able to lay you on the ground," she explained. She stood up and brushed off her knees before reaching out a hand for me.

"We need to go," she said urgently. "I'm afraid more of them will appear."

I grabbed her hand and we hurried away, my mind whirling with questions.

Chapter 21

We finally made it back to the car where Max had been parked waiting for us. As we approached the car, we saw that Max was surrounded by a group of girls who all looked to be flirting with him. Our faces must have shown that something had happened because he immediately excused himself and hurried over to open the car door for us.

"Everything okay ladies?" he asked warily.

"We need to get out of here," said Lexi tersely, all signs of her earlier flirtatious manner gone.

We didn't talk in the car on the way back to campus, both of us shaken from our encounter with the specter. Max drove us back to campus.

"Where am I dropping you off, ladies?" he asked.

"Eva's dorm is fine," said Lexi in the same clipped tone as before.

Max pulled up in front of my dorm, and Lexi and I got out. Before we could walk inside, Max pulled Lexi aside and started whispering urgently in her ear. She nodded and kissed him softly on the cheek before hurrying over to me, and pulling me by the arm in the direction of my dorm.

Once we got inside, Lexi started pacing frantically.

"We can't tell your guys about this," she finally said. "They will never let me hang out with you again."

I kind of agreed with her with how protective they tended to be.

"We don't have to tell anyone. But that means you're going to have to answer my million questions," I said.

She looked at me resigned and then walked over and sat next to me on the bed.

"Fire away," she said.

"First of all, how do you know about supernaturals?" Lexi fidgeted next to me.

"I know about them…because I am one," she said, grimacing and refusing to look at my face.

I sat there shocked. It couldn't be a coincidence that the four people I was closest to in my new life were not exactly normal.

"You're not a vampire right?" I asked, not sure what I would do if she said yes.

I had seen the hungry looks that the vampires in the club had been giving us, and I wasn't sure that I could deal with my best friend giving me those kinds of looks. Lexi giggled at the look on my face.

"No, I'm not a vampire," she answered. "I'm sort of…a witch."

"What does "sort of a witch" mean exactly?" I asked in an interested tone. Lexi sighed, settling next to me, her shoulder brushing against mine as she shifted her weight.

"Your majesty, the plague is getting worse. The Eastern region has reported that all of their crops have shriveled. The ground is covered in ash. There is panic everywhere."

I looked at my advisor and bodyguard. Alexina or "Lexi," had been by my side ever since I could remember. Her mother had been my mother's bodyguard and advisor for her entire reign. Lexi's family came from a long line of powerful witches that had served the crown for thousands of years. Lexi had never known anything other than these palace walls and service to my family. She was more than my servant though; she was my best friend. With the exception of Beckham, I trusted no one more than her.

"Have the seers come forward with anything?" I asked anxiously.

That flower dying in Mother's garden had been just the beginning. Within days, other portions of the land had begun to black and wither, a phenomenon unheard of in Tir Na Nog, especially considering my Mother was considered one of the strongest queens to ever rule.

"They haven't been able to see anything, your majesty. Mathias told me that all they can see is black fog when they try to see anything past your mother's death."

I choked back a sob. Mathias was the head seer of the palace. Earlier this week he had personally delivered the news to me that he had foreseen my mother's imminent death. That the ancient, hardened, seer had tears in his eyes when delivering the news was a testament to how loved my mother was. I had forbid him from mentioning the news to my mother. I'm sure she was well aware of what was happening to herself. I sent him back to the seer tower, begging him to try and see anything else.

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