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"All of these things are amazing, but they are like frosting on a cake. The cake is what I'm really after, and that's you."

Beckham beamed, his face brightening. Looking closer I realized that it was literally lighting up. Like I had done earlier, his skin was actually glowing.

"Um, Beckham…you might want to look in the mirror," I told him hurriedly.

He looked at me puzzled, but stood up and walked over to a mirror on the wall.

"Oh!" he said, sounding shocked. "Well, this is unusual," he muttered, examining himself in the mirror.

"It happened to me earlier at the game," I told him. "It didn't go away until I started taking deep breaths and relaxing. What do you think it is?"

"Well I told you that Mason thinks we are something similar to each other, correct?"

"Yes?" I answered.

"This rarely happens to me. I can probably count it on one hand in thousands of years. I have to be supremely happy to light up for even a second. I guess it would make sense that it would be happening now, since I've never been as happy as I am with you," he said affectionately.

I thought for a moment. I had been supremely happy at the game today. Maybe that was it. Beckham looked over at me, his glow fading now that he was relaxing.

"Did you know you always seem to have a faint glow about you?" he asked me, studying me closely now.

I stared down at my skin.

"I do?" I asked.

"It caught me eye at the Grammy's. I was talking to someone and I saw a glow from across the room. It was like you were a light flickering in the dark, drawing me in."

"You definitely have a way with words," I told him, hopping into his lap and giving him a kiss.

"I don't like how he looks at you," said Beckham, his voice oozing with frustration.

"He isn't looking at me that way," I answered, equally frustrated in having to have this conversation with Beckham again. "I have to deal with him since Mother is ill. That's all this is," I told him for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Let me at least come with you to the meeting," he implored. "The more Lord Tiberius sees us together, the less likely he will get any ideas about opportunities available to be king."

I didn't like this insecure side of Beckham. I sighed, and tried to see it from his point of view. I had never done anything that I could think of to purposely make him jealous. I hadn't even so much as admired someone else since I had met him as a child. Beckham was older than I was, and I had suffered through watching him in several relationships before I reached an age that he could take me seriously as actually being interested in him more than a child's crush.

I turned and touched his cheek softly.

"If I'm to be taken seriously, I must do this myself, my love. I can't imagine a world existing where you aren't waiting for me at the end of that aisle on our wedding day. Please support me by trusting me now."

Beckham signed and nodded reluctantly. I kissed him on the cheek succinctly, needing to hurry off to the meeting with my Father and Lord Tiberius. My mother had always told me "A queen is never late," but I didn't want to start off my first meeting in her role by being tardy.

Looking back at Beckham, I frowned. He looked troubled, as if he sensed something in the future that I was missing. I flashed him a smile and blew him a kiss as I walked away.

"Eva?" Beckham's voice pulled my from the vision.

"Sorry," I said, smiling ruefully, my mind going over the latest addition to the scene unfolding before me. "Just in la la land as usual," I joked.

For some reason I didn't want to share what I had been seeing with him yet. Not until I figured out what they meant, what Beckham was to me. A text sounded, Beckham frowned as he picked up his phone.

"Damon's wondering when he's going to get to see you, "he explained.

By the pursed look on his lips, Damon's comment was obviously a little more than that.

"I should probably go," I said.

As much as I was soaking up every second with Beckham after a week apart, a piece of my heart still wanted to be near Damon, especially to celebrate his performance that day.

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