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You light up the room,

I'm struck dumb at the sight of you,

My whole life has been changed,

I used to be lust over love, now I've been struck from above,

Baby, Thank God I've met you…

The song went on, each verse better than the one before. I played it over and over again, tears streaming down my face at this priceless gift. Mason's gravelly voice shot straight into my heart.

After I had listened to it probably a million times, I finally turned the song off and cuddled up in the pillows he had set up. I basked in the warmth of his love. It lingered in the room, despite his absence.

I wouldn't remember until later that I had never asked Mason about the Courtney girl who had shown up at the concert. I had been so distracted once he started singing, and then the surprise he had left for me in my dorm room. There was no way he had a girlfriend with how he had acted towards me…right?

Chapter 16

It was finally game day. After Mason had left, I had enjoyed the rest of my first week of classes. Damon and I couldn't get enough of each other, and spent every second together that we weren't in separate classes or at practice. We hadn't talked any more about the fact that he was angel and what exactly that meant, but I was content for now to just continue to slowly get to know him. After all, we supposedly had forever to find out everything there was to know about one another.

I had continued avoiding difficult conversations with Mason as well. Although I had carved out time to Facetime with Mason every day, I hadn't asked about Courtney…or what exactly he was. Just as he had explained, the book he had made me had his exact schedule. He was so busy with interviews, promotional events, and performing though, that we didn't have much time to talk. He texted me throughout the day (and the night since we were so many hours apart) always letting me know I was on his mind. I hadn't asked what he was because I was a little afraid of the answer after the way Beckham had reacted. Plus, since we basically just had a texting relationship at the moment, I didn't think that the timing was right to try and have a serious conversation about either subject.

I hadn't heard from Beckham, and I tried not to be hurt by his silence. I'm sure his life was really busy. Still, I thought of the words he had spoken to me, and our moment on the beach, and couldn't help but feel upset that he obviously hadn't meant any of it. He wouldn't have let a week go by without reaching out to me if he really felt those things, right?

Damon had convinced me that I needed to spend the night with him in order for him to have a good game. Not that it was a hardship. I had discovered that I never slept better than in his arms…or Mason's…or probably Beckham's if we ever got to that point in our relationship…

Damon had already left to go have breakfast with the team when my phone alarm rang, signaling I needed to get ready to go to the stadium and meet up with the rest of the cheer squad.

I laid in bed for a second longer remembering how sweet Damon had been the night before. He had a mandatory team dinner he had to attend, but he had made sure that Shelton picked something up for me to eat. It had been waiting for me when I arrived at the penthouse. There were stacks of movies on the coffee table in front of the tv, along with an assortment of snacks like the first time I had come over. Over lunch this past week, we had made up a list of a hundred movies that I absolutely had to see to catch up with pop culture at least a little bit. I was pretty sure that all one hundred movies were laying on the coffee table for me to choose from. I had started one called Titanic, and was so engrossed in the film that I didn't even notice Damon get home. I yelped when he appeared beside me. Laughing, he scooped me up with an exuberant kiss, and sat me down on his lap.

"Good choice. Titanic is amazing," he told me, settling in to watch the movie. "Does it sound super cheesy that I love coming home to you?"

I smiled brightly at him and gave him a kiss, pulling a blanket around us both and laying my head against his shoulder. Leaning against him, feeling him absentmindedly play with my hair, I began to heat up. My imagination began to run wild with what would happen if his hands stroked other parts of my body. I began to fidget a little, trying to unconsciously ease the pressure I was beginning to feel. Damon paused and cleared his throat.

"Baby, I don't think I can handle you moving around like that," he said in a gruff voice.

I could feel something growing hard against me. I tried to sit still but the pressure only increased.

Damon's hands slowly moved from playing with my hair… to stroking my arms…to grasping my hips. My shirt had ridden up a little, and of course he had found the tiny sliver of skin that was showing and was now lightly teasing it with his finger. Suddenly he grasped me tighter, one hand coming up to tilt my chin up to him. He molded his lips against mine. I pressed against his lips harder, still trying to somehow ease the pressure that was building up inside of me. I opened my mouth, and let his tongue in to taste me. I had been kissed a few times before my stay with the Anderson's. Awkward boys had stolen kisses here and there whenever they got the chance. I remembered them all being awful experiences. They usually had bad breath, or their tongues felt slimy when they tried to slip them in my mouth. But Damon's kissing…Damon's kissing felt like he had been practicing for thousands of years, which I guess he technically probably had. Every stroke of his tongue was masterful. My senses were in overload between his clean scent and his delicious taste.

I squirmed more, and he let out a groan, finally depositing me next to him instead of on top of him. He grabbed one of the big sofa cushions, and placed it between us.

"This is my chastity pillow," he tried to joke, although the sexual frustration was very evident in his face. "I have to protect myself from all the sexiness you have going on."

I leaned back against the couch, trying to calm my breathing. Damon kept on sneaking looks over to me while we pretended to watch the movie, finally moving the pillow out of the way and pulling me closer to him. I had finally relaxed enough for the weird pressure inside of me to ease. As was becoming habit, I fell asleep halfway through the movie, cuddled up to Damon's side. I had woken up briefly when he picked me up and carried me to his room, laying me down in his enormous cloud-like bed. He had taken off his shirt and gotten in the bed with me. I had soon fallen back to sleep cuddled protectively in his arms.

I came back to reality when I saw a steaming cup of coffee from Leslie's laying on the counter along with a handwritten note from Damon saying that he missed me already, and couldn't wait to see me in my cheerleading outfit. Of course I blushed, despite the fact that he wasn't actually there saying it in person. I pocketed the note. Damon had made it a habit over the last week of leaving me sweet notes, and I had kept each one. After sipping the coffee, I dialed Shelton's phone number to see if he could give me a ride over to the stadium. He immediately replied he would be pulling up in the parking garage within five minutes, so I walked to the elevator to go downstairs.

Damon had lectured me about making sure I was only picked up in the parking garage because of the paparazzi that had been growing in numbers outside of Damon's building. Ever since video footage had been leaked of me singing at the club, and my appearance at the Grammy's had exploded on the news outlets, the press had gone crazy trying to catch a glimpse of Mason's mystery girl.

Somehow Damon and Mason's management team had kept my full name and location out of the press's hands, but Damon had become pretty paranoid, making sure we weren't ever photographed together and that we only did activities out of the public eye.

Shelton was already waiting for me when I stepped out of the elevator. He gave me a big smile as he opened up my door.

"How are you doll?" he asked, giving me a wink.

I had to admit that getting to see Shelton regularly definitely added to Damon's appeal. Shelton never failed to regale me with funny stories about Damon. We chatted about random things as he drove me to the stadium. I was full of nerves thinking about the game for both Damon and myself. Since Damon was so good, every major tv outlet would be at the game. I took a deep breath as we approached the stadium.

I could feel the energy in the air as Shelton navigated through the parking lot that was already full of tailgaters getting ready for the game. Damon had walked me through what to expect so that I wouldn't seem so out of place with not knowing anything. After thanking Shelton, I got out of the car, and walked into the varsity entrance where the cheerleaders' locker rooms were.

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