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Lexi must have decided it was time for her to leave, because she pulled Eva away from me to give her a big hug.

"Call me if you need anything," she demanded, her smile subdued.

Eva squeezed her in return, and Lexi walked away, not before giving me another evil glare of course. Eva started walking into her dorm, waiting by the door for me to catch up.

"Did you remember Mason's concert tonight?" I asked her since she hadn't said anything about it yet.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed.

She began to pat her shorts, looking for her phone in pockets she definitely didn't have in her tiny cheerleading shorts. I got momentarily sidetracked when I noticed how amazing her ass and legs looked in them. She looked up chagrined and started laughing, the stress of her practice seemingly out of her head.

"I forgot my phone today," she said still laughing. "I'm just not used to having one."

I kissed her on the top of her head as she unlocked her room door, and we walked inside. She walked to her phone and started scrolling through the messages that people had left. She blushed as she read through them. I involuntarily rolled my eyes, sure that most of the messages were from Beckham or Mason. I didn't ask about them though, which seemed to me to show pretty great restraint since most guys would freak out about their girlfriend getting texts from other guys. Girlfriend…I mused on the word. Technically I hadn't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but with the way I felt about her, it didn't seem strong enough of a word.

Eva set her phone down and went to the closet. She started rifling through the clothes that were hung up. I absentmindedly looked around her room, admiring how she had brightened up the place. I had never liked a lot of color in my home but I found myself wanting Eva to do this in my penthouse. Of course that vision also included Eva living at my penthouse with me, something that I was still set on making happen. I heard a door closing, and turned around. Evidently Eva had shut herself in the closet to change. I laughed.

"Everything okay in there?" I asked.

"Just changing," she said in a muffled tone.

"You know I could have just closed my eyes," I snickered.

"Uh huh," she said, like she doubted my eyes would stay closed.

This immediately made me start thinking of her naked…which made my body react accordingly. I don't think I would survive that if or when it happened. She already was perfection with clothes on…

My musings were cut off by her opening the closet door and stepping outside. She looked gorgeous as usual, wearing some kind of off the shoulder white blouse with a jean skirt.

"Ready to go?" I asked, checking my phone and seeing the concert was going to start soon.

"Yes!" she said excitedly.

I took her hand as we stepped outside of her room. I would never take for granted getting to touch her.

Shelton was waiting for us out in front of Eva's dorm. We got in the car and began to drive towards Metlife Stadium. Eva was quiet while we drove, and I could tell that she was thinking deeply about something. I signaled Shelton through the reflection in the rear-view mirror to put in his headphones so Eva and I could have a private conversation.

"Baby, something on your mind?" I asked gently.

She looked over to me and smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"You're being awfully wonderful about the fact that we're going to your friend's concert after I spent the weekend with him," she said quietly, a guilty look on her face. "We didn't talk about it this morning. I'm sure a part of you hates me right now. I don't know how you have even been able to be so sweet to me. I don't deserve it."

I knew I needed to choose my words carefully in response.

"I will admit that I was upset when I saw you and Mason on my tv screen, at the Grammys of all places. Especially after not hearing from you at all besides that first text the morning after you spent the night."

I laughed quietly and looked away.

"Maybe upset is an understatement. I felt betrayed honestly."

I looked back at her. Her gorgeous eyes were rapidly filling with tears.

"These past few weeks I've been falling in love with you, but this showed me that you obviously haven't been falling with me. It blew my mind that you could form a connection with them so quickly. It makes me feel like I've imagined the past few weeks."

She opened her mouth to say something, but I gently put my finger to her lips.

"Please, let me finish," I said. "The way I feel for you isn't going to fade, it's not something that I'm going to be able to forget or move on from. I've lived for so long that you would think it's been forever. But what that has taught me is that the way I feel for you is a once in existence kind of feeling. I know with every fiber of my being that you are the one for me. So I'll do whatever it takes. I'll be patient. I'll be supportive. I'll be there for you no matter what. I'm in for whatever you are willing to give me. I'm holding out for the end… even if it decimates my heart."

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