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I laughed at him affectionately.

"Of course I do," I answered. "What classes do you have?"

"Well, I have Art History at 9:00am, and then Advertising and Promotion at 10:45am," he answered. "So I guess I will get to experience your first college class with you this morning," he said with a wink.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I had actually been really nervous about starting classes, but with Damon at my side I had nothing to fear. Damon grabbed my bag from out of my hand, and slung it over his back. I laughed at the picture of my masculine Damon carrying a pink backpack on his shoulder. He winked at me again, and I melted a little. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of my room and the dorm together.

It was a gorgeous day, the leaves around campus were starting to change, and there were bursts of crimson, burnt orange, and gold everywhere you looked. Students were everywhere, hurrying to and fro, yelling out greetings to one another after a summer apart. I soaked it all in, acknowledging that a few months ago I couldn't have even dreamed that I would have this opportunity. Having this chance meant so much more to me than going to the Grammy's or mingling with stars.

As usual, people were staring at us as we walked along, but I attributed it more to Damon's presence than my own. Damon had put on a pair of Ray Bans, and despite the pink backpack on his shoulder, managed to look the epitome of cool. I sighed inwardly at the fact that his lips had kissed me earlier.

As we walked I had a thought.

"Isn't it a little unfair that you play football?" I asked. "I mean you can fly…I'm sure there's some inhuman strength and speed mixed up in there as well."

He laughed, looking chagrined.

"So this is embarrassing...but there's actually a pill that Mason and I discovered that has a dampening affect on supernaturals. I take it before games so that I'm playing more on a human level," he explained. "Thousands of years would be pretty boring if we couldn't interact with humans at all, and I've always been obsessed with sports or things related to sports."

I shook my head in understanding, musing on what he had just said. Thousands of years caught my attention more than anything else. It was one thing for them to casually mention how old they were, but it was quite another to actually imagine it.

Suddenly I heard a squeal, and I was knocked to the side as a body collided with mine. It was Lexi, looking her usual beautiful, boisterous self in a pair of artfully torn jeans and a black tanktop.

"Eva, babe, you look gorgeous," she exclaimed.

As usual she didn't wait for me to respond, hurrying along.

"Wasn't this weekend amaaaazing?" she said. "I can't believe we are already starting classes! What class do you have first?"

Damon was staring at Lexi in shock, I think more amazed at how many words Lexi had managed to get out in so short a time, than anything else. I told Lexi my schedule and she squealed again.

"I have statistics too!" she said excitedly. "We can walk to practice together afterwards!"

My heart leapt a little at finding out I had another friend in a class. This day was going to be even better than I had imagined. Suddenly a group of girls passed by, one of them yelling "slut" at Lexi and I. I looked around shocked, and saw that it was Selena and her group. Lexi recovered quickly, flipping them off and telling them to "fuck themselves." The girls hurried off, looking appalled at Lexi's behavior. Damon chuckled beside me.

"I like her," he told me.

I grinned.

"Me too," I answered.

Lexi hurried off in another direction after a few more minutes of walking with Damon and I, pushing it to make it to her class on time. We walked up the concrete stairs into an imposing red brick building named "Abravanel Hall." I squeezed Damon's hand harder as we walked into a large lecture room where at least a hundred students were milling around, chattering with one another. The room went silent as people began to notice us. I saw Eric to my left. He had been sitting with a bunch of what looked like football players, but he had stood up upon seeing me.

"Eva," he called out, gesturing me over, and looking relieved to see me. I didn't really want to sit next to him, but I still felt like I owed him since he had been the first friend I had made here. Damon sighed as I led him over to the group, but didn't say anything. I realized we were still holding hands when I saw Eric staring, but wisely Eric chose not to say anything. Eric reached out to give me a hug, ignoring the little growl that Damon gave under his breath.

"I tried to get ahold of you a million times this weekend," Eric said. "I wanted to apologize about last week."

I took my backpack from Damon and began to rifle through it, trying to stall for time. I wasn't sure how to explain where I had been this weekend. Luckily for me the professor, a thin, distinguished looking man with the most amazing mustache I had ever seen, walked into the room.

"Everyone get seated please," he announced as he began to pull books out of a leather briefcase he had laid on the front desk.

I gave a small sigh of relief, and Damon let go of my hand, giving it a final squeeze before he settled himself into the seat next to mine.

The hour passed quickly with the professor providing an overview of the class, and a brief explanation of the art periods we would be studying. I stared enthralled at the slides the professor went through, slide after slide of stunning artwork, each with a much deeper meaning than I would have guessed at first glance. With the exception of the professor staring a little too hard at me while calling roll, it was the perfect start to my college experience. I was so caught up with everything that we were going over that I lost track of time and was surprised when the professor announced class was over.

I looked over at Damon. He had been doodling throughout class. I supposed if you were an ancient being, studying art that you had probably seen in its original time period just didn't compare. Still, I was grateful that he was in the class with me, and that I would be able to pick his brain about pieces that he had seen in real life. I got up and began to start gathering my things. I felt a soft touch on my elbow. Before I even looked up I knew it was Eric.

"Do you want to go to lunch with me next?" he asked me, giving me a pleading look.

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