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"Yes I am," she said, looking surprised at the thought.

I laughed at her look, and then pressed an intercom next to the couch to ask for an attendant to bring us dinner. Within minutes, one of the staff came in with two trays. Eva politely thanked the man as he set down the trays. He blushed profusely, and almost dropped everything.

"It's not a problem, miss," he said with a slight stutter.

He hurried away after seeing the warning look on my face. I sighed.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to everyone's reaction to you," I said exasperatedly. "I try to take it as a compliment rather than being jealous, but fuck…you are too pretty for your own good."

She blushed charmingly in the way she always did when someone complimented her.

"I don't know why they look at me," she said.

I stared at her stunned.

"You're kidding right? You must know how gorgeous you are. I've never seen someone like you."

She was quiet for a moment.

"I've always known that there was something about me that caught people's eye, I'm not completely oblivious," she said. "But its never been a good thing. The people that I was with before this…they told me that the devil was inside of me. That I was responsible for all of the bad things that men…and sometimes women…wanted to do to me. I haven't ever been able to think good things about myself."

A rush of hate so great that I could have choked on it flowed through me. It had been obvious to me since I met her that she had a past. The more I found out, the more I wanted to rip apart everyone who had ever hurt her. Eva should have been worshipped her entire life, and instead she had obviously been abused and mistreated in the worst kind of way.

I tipped her chin up so that she would look at me.

"You are a gift Eva. The whole world should be grateful to receive even a glimpse of you, and should be bowing at your feet. I feel like I have been blessed a million times over to have even gotten to spot you in the crowd at the concert. Even if I had never seen you again, it would have remained the most significant moment of my life up to that point."

I kissed her again softly and tasted the tears that were now streaming down her face. She didn't say anything in response to my statement, instead picking up her fork and beginning to pick at her food. After eating, she curled up next to me, and we watched a movie that I had put on one of the screens. I soaked in the moment, wishing it would last forever.

Chapter 10


A cold fury had spread throughout my body. I had turned on the tv to watch the Grammy's, knowing that Mason was performing. Funny enough, all anyone could talk about was the mysterious, gorgeous blonde on Mason's arm that was not Courtney Rayne, his girlfriend.

Something inside me had known at that moment that it was Eva, but I hadn't wanted to believe fate could be so cruel. I sat on the edge of the couch, drink in hand, and waited for them to show his date on the screen. I didn't have to wait long. There she was. Looking so fucking stunning in a black dress that I couldn't breathe. He had his arm around her, leaning into her ear, and making her laugh. I didn't know how this was possible. Mason had been in town for two days, and Eva had just spent the night with me.

How was it possible for her to be close enough for him to take her to the fucking Grammy's as his date? Suddenly, I remembered her stilted words the night before. How she had mentioned a kiss. Mason had kissed Eva. It felt hard to breathe, the room was stifling and seemed to be spinning. Mason had been my fucking brother for centuries upon centuries. I had thought I would give him anything, that I would do anything for him. But obviously I had a limit. She was mine. I wasn't going to share her. He could have anything else, but this was the only thing in my life I actually wanted. She was my redemption.

My hands were shaking. I walked swiftly to the bar area, grabbing whatever was out, and pouring myself a large glass. Mason was about to perform. I watched in horror as he kissed her summarily on the lips before getting up to go backstage, like he had been fucking doing it his entire life. Like she had always been his. I threw my glass at the tv at that moment, shattering the screen. I overturned the coffee table next, desperate to get out the rage that was all-encompassing. I felt betrayed. I knew I hadn't even kissed Eva yet, but I thought she knew we were heading towards something. And then she picked Mason? Was this my punishment for the shit that Selena had pulled? It wasn't going to happen. Eva was mine. Mason could go to hell.

Chapter 11


I was already feeling anxious after dropping off Eva at her dorm room. I had wanted to walk her in, but she didn't want me to get mobbed by the coeds that were out celebrating their last night of freedom before classes started. I had kissed her until she started laughing and pulled away. Watching her walk away felt like a piece of my body was leaving with her. Her blonde hair reflected the light coming from the campus lights, making the gold in it flash brightly. And her ass as it swayed as she walked…she was perfect. I didn't know how I was going to make it through the rest of the tour. I usually lived for touring, but now it was the last thing I wanted to do. I looked out the window moodily as the city passed by silently.

The car pulled up in front of my building. I slipped out without waiting for the driver to open the door and hustled inside, pulling my hat down low. It wasn't uncommon for photographers to camp outside of our building trying to get a picture of Damon or I, and I didn't feel like dealing with them tonight. Luckily I didn't see anyone, and I was able to get through the lobby to our private elevator without any issues. I wiped a hand down my face. Fuck, I was exhausted. I hadn't slept at all the night before since I was so wired from the show and being around Eva. Sleeping down the hall from her when I could have had her in my arms had been pure torture. And now I wouldn't know what that felt like for months. Hopefully, I would just have to get to the Paris show I recited to myself, trying to ease my anxiety.

The elevator smoothly slid to a stop and opened to the penthouse. I walked in, eager to get to my bed, but stopped suddenly. The penthouse was destroyed. Our beautiful tv was laying in pieces on the ground in the living room, with a huge hole in the wall behind it. Glass was everywhere, and the sofa had been overturned. What the hell had happened?

I entered further into the room warily, listening for an intruder. All I could hear was the clinking of ice cubes on the outdoor balcony however. Fucking Damon. I bet this had a little something to do with seeing Eva on the TV with me at the show last night. He had told me he was going to watch. Of course at that point I didn't realize that anyone other than Courtney was going to be on my arm, and Damon was more apt to feel sorry for me about that situation than anything else.

I took a deep breath and cracked my neck, prepared for the shit show that was about to begin. I wondered if maybe I could just sneak back out and camp out on Lane's couch…

"Welcome home…," came a sarcastic voice from outside.

I walked out to where I could see Damon leaning over the balcony, several bottles from our liquor stash scattered on the ground around him.

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