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Chapter 35

I wasn’t surprised when my phone showed that it was almost eleven when I finally woke up. I had been exhausted after such an action packed, emotion filled night. I was surprised however by the 20 missed calls and text messages that were waiting for me on my phone. I hadn’t noticed that it was on silent. A lot of the calls were either from Damon or Eric, but there were a few from a number I didn’t know. I ignored all of the messages. I didn’t want to deal with Eric on a good day, let alone a day that followed a night like last night.

My thumb hovered over Damon’s name. I wanted to call him, to tell him that I forgave him, but something held me back. Maybe it was the familiar way that Selena touched him, or the look of shock on his face when he noticed me in the doorway as she was knelt in front of him. I just wasn’t ready yet to deal with him. I got up and decided to go for a run. I knew it would remind me of Damon since he had become my running partner but I needed the outlet for the nervous energy that was thrumming through me.

As I walked out the back door in my workout clothes a figure stepped out of the shadows. I jumped in surprise. Mason peeked out from beneath a hooded sweatshirt that he had pulled almost over his eyes.

“Eva,” he said, saying my name like it was a prayer.

“How did you find me?” I asked stupidly.

“Rockstar remember,” he said, with a cocky smile that sent a surge of lust down my body. “I wasn’t going to let you get away,” he continued. “Come with me somewhere private so we can talk?”

I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. The whole point of me ignoring all of Damon’s calls was to think everything over…by myself.

Being alone with Mason and Damon was maddening and all encompassing. It was impossible to think straight when they were around me. I must have been a masochist though because I couldn’t say no. I wouldn’t have been able to say no if it was Damon instead of Mason standing here either. He must have seen my decision in my eyes, because he grabbed my hand and started walking to the road where I saw a gorgeous gunmetal grey convertible parked by the curb. He led me to the car and opened the door.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“I want to show you New York,” he replied. “Don’t ask any more questions, it’s a surprise,” he said with a wink.

We drove in a comfortable silence for awhile until we arrived near the edge of the city, where it met the Hudson. I got out of the car and looked around in surprise. We were surrounded by cargo ships and freight buildings. “Is this what you wanted to show me?” I asked.

“Shhh,” he answered, taking my hand and pulling me forward.

We walked around one of the cargo buildings and I immediately stopped in shock. A large black helicopter was waiting for us on a pad located right on the edge of the concrete dock. A man who I assumed was the pilot by the headset he had around his neck, was standing in front of the helicopter talking to an older man dressed in navy coveralls. They both stopped talking when they noticed us. The pilot greeted us with a smile and walked towards us.

“Mr. Shaw, it’s a pleasure to have you with us today,” he called as he walked closer, reaching to shake Mason’s hand. His eyes drifted to me. Mason pulled me into his body proprietarily.

“This is Eva,” he said stiffly, obviously not liking the way the pilot’s eyes were drifting up and down my body.

“I’m Len Morgan,” he said with a smile, reaching out to shake my hand.

Allowing our hands to touch for a second, Mason then pulled me past Len to the helicopter. “We’re flying on that?” I said shakily.

“I told you I was going to show you the city,” he said with a smirk.

I stopped and pulled on his sweatshirt. “I’ve never flown before,” I told him softly.

“You’ve never flown in a helicopter?” he asked, still grinning.

“I’ve never flown at all,” I told him, still whispering for some reason. He looked shocked for a second, and then pulled me into his arms.

“If you don’t want to do this love you don’t have to, but its going to be amazing. You can hold my hand the whole time.”

I melted at his use of the word ‘love’. No one important in my life had ever had a sweet word for me and now Damon and Mason threw them at me all the time.

“I want to do it,” I said, getting more excited now after getting his reassurance.

“Come on,” he said, smiling widely again and pulling me into the helicopter.

Once we were inside he helped me buckle up the harness and put my headphones on so we could hear the pilot and talk back and forth. After shaking hands with the man in the coveralls who Mason has told me was his private mechanic, the pilot started up the helicopter and soon we were rising in the air. My stomach dropped as we got higher and higher but I soon forgot my fear as I stared in awe at the view of New York City I was getting. Len maneuvered the helicopter down the coast, pointing out sites along the way. Mason explained that some parts of the city we wouldn’t be able to fly over but that we would get as close as we could to some of the main sites.

An hour passed quickly as both Mason and Len pointed out famous landmarks around the city. My eyes would tear up from time to time as we went along. I couldn’t believe that I was in a helicopter above New York City, sitting with one of the most gorgeous men I had ever seen. I realized as Len turned the helicopter back that Mason had been holding my hand the whole time. I blushed when he looked at me at that moment, looking away from his gaze awkwardly.

Once we landed Mason helped me unbuckle and then assisted me out of the helicopter, pulling me into his arms and sliding me down his body as he helped me down. A rush of heat pulsed down my body, puddling into my core, and Mason’s eyes darkened with a look I hadn’t seen before. We stared at each other for a second before Mason seemed to shake himself out of it. He smiled at me before pulling me towards the car.

“Thank you Len,” I called out behind me as I was pulled along. Len had of course been checking out my butt as Mason pulled me away and chuckled when he saw that he had been caught.

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