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Chapter 32


It had been a long damn day. I’d had weight lifting, a football press conference, and then practice this evening. Normally I wouldn’t mind it with the season starting the following week, but after how amazing last night had been, I was desperate to see Eva again. I had been distracted for the first time ever at practice, wondering what she was doing. I had texted her all day, wanting to see her in between everything, and she hadn’t responded. She had told me that she had a cheerleading activity tonight but not what the activity was, and I was anxious that she still hadn’t responded. I felt like a junkie going without his fix, going so long without seeing her.

I was obsessed, consumed, fixated. I needed her. I turned the key to my penthouse door and walked inside. A trail of clothes was on the floor leading to the hallway where my bedroom was. Maybe Eva had grabbed one of the spare keys this morning before she left and she had come back to surprise me? This seemed out of character for her as I hadn’t even gotten up the nerve to kiss her yet, but I still had a lot to learn about Eva. Maybe she wasn’t as innocent as she appeared.

I walked down the hallway, less hesitant at this thought. I opened the door to my bedroom and abruptly groaned. Selena was laying ass naked on my bed. Her legs were splayed open and she was touching herself groaning loudly. I was furious. I had never slept with her at my place, and she had just been invited here on the few occasions Mason and I had thrown some parties whenever he was in town. She must have grabbed a key one of those times.

“What are you doing here Selena,” I ground out.

“Damon, I’ve been so lonely without you. I don’t know why you’re doing this to us,” she moaned out, as she continued to touch herself.

I idly wondered to myself how quickly I could order a new bed because I didn’t want Eva anywhere near where Selena’s naked ass had been. “Get up. Don’t make me drag you out of here.” She still didn’t move. I grabbed the sheet she was on top of and yanked it off the bed, sending her flying as well. She looked up at me from the floor, shocked.

“Why are you acting like this?” she cried.

“Get out,” I roared. I walked out my bedroom and into the living room, hoping she would get the hint. Selena appeared, still naked. She got down on her hands and knees and started crawling towards me on all fours. I looked at her horrified. In the past I had been amused by her antics and eventually turned on enough to fuck her. Right now I was disgusted.

Just then I heard a gasp. Eva was standing in the doorway looking at me shocked. Suddenly I realized how this looked. Selena was literally on her knees, naked, in front of me. Eva ran back out the door. “Fuck,” I yelled, turning to run after her. Catching up to her I grabbed her arm. “Eva wait, slow down. It’s not what it looked like,” I told her imploringly.

“I just need to get home,” she answered. “I was with the team at a concert, and there was a kiss, and I just thought…” she trailed off.

“What kiss?” I asked her, suddenly furious.

“It obviously doesn’t matter. I was being stupid,” she said to me sadly.

“Selena got a key to my apartment and came in without me knowing Eva,” I said. “I would never have invited her here after I’ve been hanging out with you.”

“I just can’t believe you were ever with her to begin with,” she answered. “She’s one of the most horrible people I have ever met.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. The truth was I had never been a great person. Lust had been one of the things to get me into my current mess to begin with and mistakes like Selena were riddled throughout my past.

“I’ll talk to you later,” she said, not waiting for me to say anything. I would give her space and then go after her I decided. Once she thought about this she would remember the time we had been spending together and not be upset. I still had the next part of my plan to implement as well.

“At least let Shelton take you home if you won’t talk to me,” I begged her. At that moment Selena slid out the door, now fully clothed. She kissed me on the cheek as she slid by.

“It was fun as usual lover boy,” she told me with a smirk.

I closed my eyes. This was looking worse by the second. Eva had tears in her eyes at this point and I wanted to rip out my eyes in frustration at the sight. She pulled away from me and ran down the hall. I immediately pulled out my phone to dial Shelton to be waiting downstairs for her. Then after grabbing a bottle of the first liquor bottle I saw on the bar, I slid down the wall until I was sitting on the ground, needing the taste to drown out the desperation that laid heavy on my tongue. What a disaster of a night.

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