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Chapter 29


I was officially the world’s biggest idiot. “What’s your name gorgeous?” That had to be the lamest pickup line in all of history. My stomach felt like it was up in my throat. I was worried my palms were sweating in her hand. I had grabbed her hand at the end of our very short conversation and now didn’t want to let go for fear of her walking away from me. I’m sure she thought it was weird that I was touching her after just meeting her. My heart was beating furiously and my skin was tingling where we were connected. She was even more incredible up close. Her voice had this sexy earthy quality and my cock had hardened just by her saying her name. At least I actually did have decent plans to take her out to. I had told Kevin to book a fun night out thinking Courtney would be meeting us so all the reservations were set.

Man I was a dick. I suppose I should have had some sort of semblance of regret or guilt about how easily I had disposed of Courtney, but this girl holding my hand made it hard to even think about anything else. How could any other girl on the planet mean anything to me when she existed. I had never believed in love at first sight or anything like that but this feeling I was currently experiencing felt otherworldly, nothing like I could ever have comprehended feeling. I felt obsessed, enthralled, like I was under a spell. Was she some kind of witch?

There were limos waiting around the corner. I pulled her to the one in front and made a gesture to the other band members who were with the other girls to go in the other ones. I wanted time alone with her. I still didn’t let go of her hand when we got into the limo. Instead I found myself stroking her palm.

She was sitting stiffly next to me, eyes wandering all over the car, looking at anything but me.

“Do you feel this?” I asked. She looked at me.

“Feel what?” she asked.

“This connection,” I answered, not knowing how to adequately describe it. She blushed. She did feel it!

“Where do you live right now?” I asked.

“I’m a freshman at Rothmore College,” she answered.

Damon’s school? Shit. There was no way he didn’t know about her. My question was why he would let her out of his sight.

“How do you like it so far?” I asked, wincing inwardly at my lame attempts at small talk, but continuing to try and make her more comfortable. This question seemed to do the trick.

“I love it,” she exclaimed. “Everything about it, and New York City, is the best thing I have ever experienced.”

“I agree…at least about the New York City part,” I interjected. “I’ve only been on that campus for a few football games, but my buddy seems to like it.” I didn’t mention Damon’s name just in case she did know him. “My home base is in New York,” I continued. I’ve been on tour but I call here home during my off times.” She seemed to be relaxing and proceeded to ask about my tour.

“Are you a fan?” I asked.

“I am now,” she said looking a bit embarrassed. “I honestly had never heard any of your songs before tonight,” she said.

Was she for real? My suspicions were up. Where had she been living before this? I don’t think I had met anyone that didn’t know about me or profess to be a huge fan of my music.

“Where are you from?” I asked. She looked away, beginning to nervously play with her hair.

“Here and there,” she answered, pulling on her hair harder.

I grabbed her hand with the one not holding hers.

“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to,” I told her gently. She smiled at me.

“I’m a bit of a private person,” she answered.

I turned my questioning to other topics, asking her about her likes and dislikes, and what she had done in the city so far.

The more she talked, the more I was entranced. I didn’t even notice when the limo stopped in front of our destination, one of New York’s most exclusive clubs, ‘Covet.’ The driver opened the door, grabbing my attention.

“We’re here sir,” he said politely, opening the door wider so we could get out.

He had drove around to the side entrance. I’m sure the rest of my bandmates would choose to use the front door so the paparazzi could get their pictures, and the whole club could know they were arriving, but I didn’t want to draw attention to myself tonight. A part of me worried that as soon as Eva was captured in a photo with me she would be taken from me. She was too gorgeous for the world not to want to know everything about her as soon as they saw her. My thoughts strayed to the Grammy’s. I was supposed to be taking Courtney, but obviously that would not be happening now.

I wondered about taking Eva. If I didn’t take her I wouldn’t take anyone else but taking her down the red carpet with me at the Grammy’s would definitely go against this feeling I was having that I wanted to hide her. She smiled at me as I held out my hand to help her out of the limo. I was momentarily stunned and had to turn around to try and hide the effect she had on the front of my pants. A bouncer dressed in black from head to toe was waiting at the side entrance to escort us in. As we walked towards the door I could hear the music beating from within. We stepped inside, my eyes taking a moment to adjust to the dimness.

The manager of the club, a thin balding man wearing what I could tell was a very expensive suit was waiting for us.

“Mr. Shaw, we’re so happy that you decided to join us tonight,” he simpered. Looking around me he noticed Eva and his eyes widened. “And what is your name Miss?” he asked, salivating as he said it. I pulled her closer to me.

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