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Chapter 27

We had done a stadium tour this time around. Of course by industry standards it was crazy that we were selling out stadiums only a few years after starting, but obviously it wasn’t a surprise to me since I knew exactly why my voice drew the crowds so well. One of my gifts was that my voice had a siren type quality to it and people couldn’t get enough of it. No matter where I was in time or in the world, I had always managed to gain instant intense notoriety with my singing.

The whole rockstar thing definitely was shaping up to be one of my favorite of those times though. Having the ability to easily travel everywhere and get laid all over the world instead of having to stay in one place was fucking amazing. I stepped out on the stage and the crowd went wild. Metlife was insane tonight and I soaked in the energy. There were around eighty thousand people here, and their excitement pulsed through me.

Damon, Beckham, and I were all alike. We loved being the center of the attention and the adulation of crowds made us thrive. I stepped up to the mic. “How are we fucking doing tonight New York City?” I yelled into the mic. The answering roar of the crowd made me grin. I looked back at my band. They nodded at me signaling they were ready and Lane began to beat out the opening notes of one of our many hits.

We were a few hits in before I saw her. I hadn’t looked at the seats in front of me since I knew I would have to start slapping their hands at some point in the show. I heard loud shrieking coming from in front of me and I looked down. I had been told that the daughter of a record executive was going to be at the show tonight with a bunch of her friends so I knew the shrieking was most likely coming from them.

As I looked down at the first few rows I saw Selena, Damon’s occasional fuck buddy. She was hot, but was such an annoying bitch. Whenever Damon wasn’t giving her attention she would try to climb in bed with Beckham or I. I think Beck had slept with her once when he was really drunk and she had basically climbed on his dick, but no amount of alcohol could make me forget what a cunt she was. I quickly looked away from her when she shot me a come hither stare and began looking down the aisle at the girls she had brought with her. I noticed a glow coming from farther down and looked for the source.

As soon as I saw her I lost all train of thought. I stopped singing and couldn’t even seem to remember where I was. She was a literal goddess. I had never seen something so exquisite in my entire life. Helen of Troy would have looked like a fucking pimply face school girl next to this creature. (I would know, I had slept with her a few times).

She had smooth perfect skin, long golden hair that was hanging almost down to her ass in ringlets. Her lips were begging to be kissed, and her eyes...fuck her eyes were gorgeous. Purple tinted, they reminded me of an amethyst, or a crystal. My chest got tight. I wanted to stop the show and go get her and lock her away so that no one could take her away from me. I came back to reality suddenly and realized my band was still playing. Danny was singing, trying to cover up the fact that I had dropped off singing in the middle of the song. I quickly jumped in but couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I didn’t know how I was going to get through the show. I was terrified she was going to disappear and I would never see her again.

I turned around and grabbed my water bottle, trying to gather my composure. My mind was racing and I was having trouble remembering what song was next. My bandmates were sending me questioning glances. I was freaking them out by losing my composure. I never let anything faze me. I turned around and determinedly stared the opposite direction from the goddess in front of me. I managed to get through one song before I had to get my fill and see her again. She was staring up at me, a smile lighting up her face. Turning around again I walked up closer to where Lane was drumming.

“Let’s cover Making Damn Sure next,” I told them.

They looked at me questioningly, but Danny started up the beat, quickly followed by Lane. I turned around and stared right at the girl, belting the Taking Back Sunday lyrics. None of my songs were enough to capture my immediate obsession but this one at least came a little close.

I just want to break you down so badly

I trip over everything you say

I just wanna break you down so badly

In the worst way…

I’m gonna make damn sure

That you can’t ever leave

No you won’t ever get too far from me

You won’t ever get too far from me…

I crooned the lyrics into the mike, staring at the girl intently. I wanted to make sure she knew this song was for her. Her friend, a cute red head (not the blowjob one thankfully), elbowed her and giggled something in her ear. The beauty flushed while holding my gaze and I nearly lost where I was in the song again. Everyone within eye view of the girl was staring at her. Guys and girls were trying to press closer to her but she seemed oblivious to it. She was bouncing slightly to the song as I continued to sing, drawing my attention to her ample, perfect breasts. She was wearing a white dress that clung to her every curve. I had never seen anything so enchanting in my whole life.

My mind raced, trying to think of how I was going to get this girl backstage at the end of the show. Suddenly I realized who the record executive’s daughter was, it was Selena. She was always trying to brag about it whenever she was around Damon and I, as if I gave a shit who her dad was. But I had totally forgotten. It would come in handy now though. I could have Kevin invite Selena and her friends backstage to give them special treatment as a favor to her dad. It appeared that the goddess was with Selena’s group so she would then come as well.

My blood started to heat with anticipation. At the end of the song I turned and slipped my phone out of my pocket, texting Kevin the plan. I remembered right then that Courtney was on her way into town. I followed up my first text with another text instructing him to text her it was over and to go to her own place tonight. I had never given her a key so at least I didn’t have to worry about her being at my place. I couldn’t even fathom touching Courtney after I had seen this girl. I finished sending the texts, slipped my phone into my pocket, and took a sip of my water bottle. I now wanted to get through this concert as fast as possible so my plan could be put into place. I turned around and squared my shoulders, determined to finish strong and hopefully impress this girl. It was going to be a long next hour.

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