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Chapter 11


As he promised, Eric had gotten me a job as a waitress at Moxie. His dad must have held a lot of sway because they hired me on the spot. I felt out of place at Moxie. It was very posh, with dark navy blue walls and gold accents, and I could tell it catered towards the elite. I had told the manager, a short round man with rosy cheeks, that I had no experience but he had brushed my concerns aside. I would start training that very night with their most experienced waiter.

“Are you excited?” Eric asked. “You know you don’t have to get a job, I could help you with whatever you need.”

I blushed, I had known this guy for a few short hours and he was offering to give me money? “You are very sweet but I’ve always wanted a job, and I want to be self sufficient. Plus, you shouldn’t be offering money to perfect strangers. Didn’t your parents teach you that,” I told him with wink, trying to soften my tone.

He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. For some reason I immediately wanted to pull it away. I forced myself to hold still as he gave it a gentle kiss. I wanted Eric to be my friend, but he definitely seemed to want more.

“I think I deserve your number after this morning, don’t you?” he asked with a grin, finally letting go of my hand.

I laughed uneasily, “I actually don’t have a cell phone.” He looked at me incredulously.

“How is that possible?”

“The people I stayed with didn’t allow them,” I whispered reluctantly.

“The people? Not your parents?” he pressed.

“I would rather not talk about it,” I said more forcefully as I started to walk back to the college.

Thankfully he got the hint and changed the topic. I could tell by his pressing questions about my plans for the day that he wanted to spend the day with me, at least until he had football practice, but I really wanted to be left alone so I could go to the library. I hadn’t had the freedom to go on a computer for anything not school related since before the Andersons, and I was desperate to try and catch up with things so I didn’t look like a fool when talking to other people.

People were bound to catch on to the fact that something was wrong with me if I never knew any pop culture references or current events. Feigning tiredness and wanting to rest before my shift that night, I finally got him to reluctantly leave by agreeing to have breakfast with him the next day. Waving goodbye I slipped into my dorm, bypassing the red head in the hallway that shot me an evil look, and then slipped out the back door of the dorm to head to the library.

Slipping into the library I couldn’t help but be amazed. There were floors upon floors filled with books and computers. There was a café, classrooms, and inside study rooms as well. I found a secluded corner behind a row of books that had a computer, and started surfing the web. I looked up the latest news stories, sports scores, and more details about Moxie. After reviewing things for a few hours I finally typed in the name I had been wondering about for months…Damon Pierce. Immediately the search engine pulled up thousands of hits. Who was this guy? What college student had this amount of coverage?

Clicking on the first link, I scrolled through a Wikipedia page filled to the brim. Reading through it, it appeared that Damon Pierce was some kind of sports star, but not just any sports star, possibly the most famous sports star alive. Although just a sophomore he had already broken every high school and college record there was. In addition to his accolades on the field, it looked like he also had starred in some films, did modeling, and occasionally helped out with a band named The Riot. Going back to the main search page I perused some other sites. There were hundreds of fan sites dedicated to him and I couldn’t help but flush hotly at some of the pictures his fans had posted. He really was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

Clicking through some other images, I stopped. In this picture he was with two other men. Both had the same otherworldly beauty and it was beyond my comprehension how there could be three men that looked like that in the world.

Standing beside Damon with his head thrown back laughing, was a man around the same height. He had longer dark brown hair that was pulled back in a bun. He was tan with the most piercing blue eyes that I had ever seen. They were the color of sapphires. Like Damon, he also had lush black eyelashes that would be the envy of any girl, and the yummiest kissable lips. I could see a tattoo peeking out the top of his shirt. It almost looked like some sort of wing. He was wearing layers of necklaces and rings on almost all of his fingers and there was a piercing in one of his eyebrows. He was stunning.

The man smiling next to him in the picture looked like a prince out of a fairy tale. He had tousled golden hair that was sun streaked, and eyes the color of a picture I had seen of the Caribbean Ocean. He was also tan, but whereas the man next to him was wearing a vest and ripped jeans, the golden god was wearing a fitted tuxedo that looked like it had been made for him. All three would render anyone awestruck. Looking at the caption of the picture it listed the brunette’s name as Mason Shaw, and the golden god’s name as Beckham Stone. I could have spent hours looking at pictures of them, but I had suddenly noticed how late it had gotten. I only had forty-five minutes to prepare for my shift and get over to Moxie. I reluctantly clicked out of the browser and hurried back to my dorm to get ready.

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