Page 11 of Secret Desire

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I’ve already started looking at houses in the country. Far enough away from everyone not to be bothered. I’d only been waiting for the news she just gave me. I also wanted to be able to take my woman in my bed, our bed, instead of having to sneak into hers.

I’ve never taken her in my bed, never even let her cross the door because I’d shared that room with another woman. I wouldn’t disrespect her like that, not if I could help it. So there were a lot of good reasons to go ahead with the plans I’d set in motion. I have no problem with my ex seeing the kids, but it will be on my terms. But before we get there, I have to have my ring on Samantah’s finger.

That way, no one can come between us, not that I’d ever let that happen. But I know the power of a wedding ring and that piece of paper that tells the world she’s mine. She has no idea any of this was going on; I hadn’t divulged anything as yet; tomorrow was soon enough.

I started moving my cock in and out of her again from behind as she laid on her side, her head turned so we could feed on each other’s mouths. I felt the swell of love so strong it blinded me for a second, and I whispered the words I’d held back from her until I was sure.

“I love you.” I’ve never spoken those words out loud to another person before never felt them as much. And when she gave them back to me as she came on my cock, I felt my world settle around me.


I stood in front of the mirror with my hands on my extended tummy. I was at the seven-month mark, and everything was coming along just right. There were a few less changes than I’d expected. Just my growing size and a slight rise in appetite, but the thing that stood out most were my sexual cravings; I want him constantly.

Once we’d moved into the farmhouse he’d bought out in the middle of nowhere on the ten thousand acre plot, we’d sat the girls down and tried to explain the change in our relationship. They only understood that they now had a new mommy, that I was more than just the babysitting cousin.

When we got married, he asked me to adopt them so that they’d never be without a mother, something he said he’d thought of long and hard because of my age, but I assured him that that was not a factor.

Now we were just waiting for the triplets to be born. It seems my husband is a master at producing multiples. That’s why each day I find myself in the mirror as it looks like my tummy grows much faster than I’d expected as well. The doctor doesn’t think I can carry them to term, but I’m hoping to carry them for as long as I safely can before letting them induce me.

Drake is on the fence on that one. He’s become even more possessive than before, and with that possessiveness comes a heavy dose of over protection. He takes care of my every need both in bed and out.

I heard him enter the spacious master bedroom behind me and looked at him in the mirror as he made his way towards me. “The girls asleep?”

“Yes, mommy, I was able to get them down without too much fuss.” He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, taking over holding my stomach.

I love feeling his hands on my pregnant body. Love the way he loves me now that my body is no longer tight and firm the way it was a few months ago. He seems to find great pleasure in touching me, watching me, fucking me, with my distended belly.

He licked the skin behind my ear as he rubbed circles on my stomach, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. His hands moved over our child as he pressed his hardening cock into my ass, grinding himself into me, mimicking the act of making love.

“You want me?” His whispered words made my knees go weak, and I reached my hand back and placed it around his neck, moving mine to the side to give him better access.

“Always.” His hand left my tummy and made its way between my thighs, and I felt his long rough fingers looking for my pussy. I spread my legs wider, and he was there. First one, then two, then three fingers fucking in and out of me as he nibbled my neck. With his other hand, he tweaked my nipple until a spurt of warm milk sprayed across his fingers.

That was something new, my body had just started producing milk a few days ago, and he’s been fascinated ever since. I wasn’t surprised when he turned me around so that he could take my leaking nipple into his mouth.

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