Page 27 of Beautiful Rose

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I barely hear Brenda over the rustling of plastic.

Are they discussing Zander over a bag of chips?

My stomach hardens at the thought. How do people think they have the right to discuss and dissect someone else’s life?

“I hope so. As long as he’s single, I still have my chance with him.” The other girl laughs.

“Same here,” Brenda replies before they both start giggling.

I don’t like the thought of Zander with Brenda, or whoever the other person is. I turn around, ready to stomp back into my office, forgetting Kristy.

But two steps in and I hit a wall. A warm wall.

I feel the heat of Zander’s hands through my flannel as he grabs my shoulders.

“I-I’m sorry.” I gaze up at him, lightheaded.

Why does it have to be him?

“Where are you going in such hurry?” he asks, composed as ever while I’m brimming with foreign irritation and weird jitters.

“I’m…looking for Kristy,” I reply, creating a good distance between us.

“I saw her outside your office.” He tilts his head behind him.

Of course she’d be there now.

“Thank you,” I whisper before making a run for my office.

* * *

“How was your day? Anything special happen?” Kristy asks as I place the paper bag containing our dinner on the kitchen counter.

“Why do you ask?” As I remember my meeting with Zander earlier in the day, my insides tingle and the warm feverish feeling returns, heating my face.

“I got an email from Zander about your fabulous work. He says he wants me to pitch it to the sales team.” She arches an eyebrow at me.

“Um, okay.” Avoiding eye contact, I slide onto a barstool next to her and open my salad box.

“Um, okay? This is all you’re telling me?” She turns toward me, forcing me to do the same. “You met with him today?” Her eyes gleam with excitement.

I gently nod, trying to not make a big deal out of it.


“He asked me to give him details on the project.” I shrug, pushing my fork into the mozzarella ball.

“But no one knows about this project except Oscar and me.” Kristy’s full attention is still on me.

“I told him in a text.” I look at her under my eyelashes as she does a double take. “I mean, he texted me first, asking what I was doing. So, I sent him a picture of the code.”

“You guys are texting?” Her mouth hangs open, her eyes as wide as saucers.

“Yeah, he took my number in the café. When you left me alone with him!” I try to put some blame on her plate.

“Hold on, this is my chance to be pissed off. You cannot hijack my moment like this.” She gives me an irritated look for a few more seconds before her lips curl into a wide smile. Her hands clasp together above her chest. “Holy shit. Zander Teager, the reputable bachelor, is crushing on you.”

My pulse speeds up, my head becoming light. But then I remember his face when he told me how he can’t say my name.

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