Page 39 of All He Desires

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Chapter 15

“Show me,” he commanded.

The gravelly element in his voice caused need to explode in the epicenter of her core and her body trembled as it quaked through her. Heat swept over her from head to toe and she tried to quiet the voices in her head that were screaming, “This is really happening!” She didn’t want to be in her head, she wanted to be in this moment, the moment she felt like she’d been waiting for all her life.

Never breaking eye contact, she lifted the hem of her dress to her chest. She was wearing her black sheer corset bra with matching bikini panties. He wasn’t even touching her but liquid heat pooled in her core as her nipples hardened beneath the satiny material covering them. Wanting him to see more, to see all of her, she turned around. Slowly.

“Fuck,” he growled with male hunger and appreciation as she did.

When she completed her three-sixty, his eyes were roaming her body. His face looked…tortured. One quick glance down at his pants, and she saw that he wanted her. Physically at least. But in his eyes, she could see that he was fighting what he was feeling.

The only reason that she could think of was her past with Neil. It felt like a lifetime ago to her, but he was Nate’s brother. Maybe he felt like it would be some kind of a betrayal. The last thing she wanted to do now was bring up Neil.

“Do you like them?”

“Yes,” he hissed between clenched teeth as his hands fisted at their sides.

Not knowing what else to do, what else to say, she begged, “Nate…please.”

She needed him to say something. Do something. Touch her. Kiss her. Tell her this can’t happen. Make a move or stop this, either way she needed to be put out of her misery.

Her plea caused his stare to shoot to hers. As soon as their eyes met, an explosion took place in the energy between them that resembled a bomb. It was like chemistry class in high school—two chemicals in their separate beakers, sitting there completely still and inert, not doing anything on their own. But the minute they were combined? Boom. Explosion.

So suddenly and quickly that she couldn’t be sure if it was really happening or if it was one of her many fantasies, Nate snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She stared up into his eyes and her lips parted. Her breathing was coming so fast now she thought she might pass out. His was the same. The heat of their breath mingled and fanned over her face.

He leaned down, cursing beneath his breath before finally, with so much tenderness it brought a tear to her eye, pressed his lips to hers. She melted into his kiss. His mouth moved against hers more gently than she would’ve thought possible. But then again, that was Nate. So sweet with her, so considerate. Always wanting to take care of her.

Their kiss sent new spirals of ecstasy ribboning through her. Her head was spinning with the sensation of his feather-light touch, teasing her with tantalizing persuasion. Anticipation heightened her senses, and a carnal ache pulsed in her center.

All of the pent up desire, pent up passion, and pent up love rose in her like a wave building momentum as it moved towards the shore. She knew that at any moment someone could interrupt them but she could feel herself getting lost in his seduction. What she wanted at that moment, what she needed, was to finally…finally…give in to the urgency that only Nate had ever inspired.

She slipped her arms around Nate’s neck and pressed her body even tighter against him. A whimper ripped from the back of her throat as she felt his arousal straining against his pants and digging into her belly. Everything about him was rock hard, from the muscles in his arms that encircled her body, to the chest that she was plastered to, to the erection that was pressing against her. And she loved every rock-hard inch of him.

In a silent invitation, she parted her lips. He didn’t need more than that and he captured her mouth aggressively. Claiming her in a soul-stealing kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth the moment it touched hers and she felt a lightning bolt of pleasure shoot straight to her sex.

She couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. All the thought that she had given it over the years and she had never once imagined that it could feel this good. That he could feel this right.

In Nate’s arms was where she belonged. There was no doubt in her mind. This was perfect.

Well…almost perfect.

She unwound her arms from his neck, trailing her fingertips over his skin as she worked her way down the front of his shirt, unbuttoning with trembling fingers as she went. Breaking their kiss she moved her mouth to his jaw and down to his neck, covering him in open mouth kisses.

Nate moaned, and she felt the vibration through his skin as she uncovered the rippling muscles of his chest inch by inch, and she felt a primal urge tearing inside of her.

This still wasn’t enough. She needed more. She needed to be closer. She wanted to be naked with him, to have every inch of their skin pressed together from head to toe, to have no barrier between them at all. That might not be possible in here, but she was going to take what she could get.

When she had unbuttoned his shirt entirely, she pushed the two halves to the side and marveled at the sight of her small hand exploring him. She spent a few moments letting her fingers wander over the landscape of his ripped chest, immersing herself in the sensation of how powerful it felt.

She kissed her way down his chest, letting her tongue play where her fingers had just left. He groaned and tangled his hands in her hair. The feeling was intoxicating, like he was in control over where she kissed, where she moved. Like she was entirely in his hands.

She started to unbutton his pants, wanting to explore his steel erection the same way that she had explored every dip, every line, every crease of his chest and abs. She loved the rubber band-like tension that she felt in his muscles under the skin where she touched him. She loved affecting him on such a visceral level. It was only fair, since he had at least that same level of effect on her.

Once his pants were unzipped, without any hesitation, she slipped her hand into his boxer briefs and took his dick firmly in her palm, causing her inner walls to contract. She squeezed tighter and her sex once again clenched.

“Fuck,” he gasped, and it was like she’d just downed a gallon of Spanish fly.

She’d rarely even heard him curse before tonight, and knowing she was the one driving him to use profanity was a bigger high than making him laugh. She couldn’t think of a more potent aphrodisiac than the sound of Nate’s voice coming unhinged at her touch.

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