Page 33 of All He Desires

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Chapter 13

“Wow. This place is incredible,” Brian’s cousin Josh commented as he stepped up to the bar and lifted his empty beer bottle, motioning to the bartender that he wanted another one.

“I know, right?” Eliza did her best not to let her teeth chatter together as she spoke to him.

A chill ran through her body as she sipped her fruity beverage, which she was hoping had enough alcohol in it to not only warm her up, but also loosen the knots that had formed in her stomach. The knots that had formed when Nate had arrived just before the wedding rehearsal.

She’d been chatting with Becca’s cousin-in-law Jamie about her son Joey and the differences between braces and Invisaligns when Nate had walked in and sucked all the oxygen from her lungs. The confidence, strength and just plain sex appeal he exuded caused her to stop mid-sentence, it was all she could do to just breathe. He was wearing a white button down shirt that contrasted with his olive complexion perfectly. With each step he took the cotton material of his shirt pulled taut in all the right places, aptly showcasing his incredible physique. He also donned a pair of aviator glasses and black slacks that were tailored to his tall, athletic frame. He was her ultimate fantasy come to life. He looked every bit the bodyguard that he was, and her body had immediately responded by tying itself up in knots that hadn’t gone away.

A chill from the air hit her and she had no one to blame but herself. She’d known that the rehearsal dinner was going to be at Stone Castle, but she hadn’t factored in how cold castles were when she packed for the weekend. All she’d considered was that Nate was going to see her in whatever she wore. Which is how she’d ended up in a little black dress that showcased her legs perfectly, but wasn’t exactly temperature appropriate.

After Josh was served another beer he turned so he was facing the great hall and casually leaned back against the bar top, resting his elbows behind him. He lifted the bottle to his mouth and took a sip before tilting his head slightly towards her. “Am I crazy, or weren’t you and I supposed to be walking together?”

“Oh…um…I’m not…I think…” Eliza wasn’t sure what she was supposed to say. She didn’t want to throw Bailey under the bus, especially since she still wasn’t sure why Superwoman had done what she’d done, but she didn’t want to lie either. “You know weddings. They change things up all the time.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Josh nodded his head in agreement, but his expression read unconvinced. He took another sip of his beer and glanced over in the direction that Eliza was actively trying not to stare at.

Nate and Bailey were talking to Amber and her husband Seth Sloan. Seth was Becca’s cousin and Nate’s boss. The four of them looked like a real life Armani ad. Nate had been Bailey’s shadow the entire rehearsal dinner. If she moved, he moved. Seeing them together wasn’t doing anything to loosen the knots in Eliza’s stomach or keep her unjustified jealousy at bay. They were standing next to a large, ornate fireplace which meant Bailey wasn’t only getting Nate’s undivided attention, she was also warm. At this point Eliza wasn’t sure which she envied more.

She forced herself to look away. When Eliza turned back to Josh she noticed his jaw tense and his grip tighten on his beer bottle. Her eyes shot back to where he was looking just as Bailey’s head fell back and she laughed, her hand brushing Nate’s forearms. The forearms that were bare because his shirt was rolled up to three-quarter length.

Josh inhaled slowly, as if he was forcing himself to calm down. She knew why she didn’t like seeing Nate and Bailey together, but she was surprised that Josh had a similar reaction. Earlier at the rehearsal, he’d acted like Bailey was a stranger. Of course, that didn’t really tell her anything since Nate had treated her the same way, and they weren’t strangers.

During the dry run of the processional, as the groomsmen began taking their places, Aunt Wendy had brought everything to a screeching halt. After a quick powwow with the bride and groom she was back with a total revamp of the bridal party layout. The wedding was being held outside in the courtyard of the castle under a gigantic archway. The fairytale setting was picturesque and gorgeous, but there was no way the space would accommodate everyone in the traditional formation of groomsmen on one side, bridesmaids on the other.

So Wendy instructed the pairs to stand together on each side of the bride and groom with the groomsmen standing behind the bridesmaids to cut the spread of people in half. The guys all walked out and then each bridesmaid walked up the aisle and stood in front of their designated groomsman.

Eliza was the third from the last to go. She’d watched each pair partner up. Then it was her turn. The whole groomsmen-swap already felt odd and it hadn’t helped that Aunt Wendy had positioned Nate and Josh standing right next to each other.

When Eliza took her place in front of Nate he gave her a small nod in greeting then looked away. She did her best to act like she hadn’t noticed that he took a slight step back when she turned her back to him, like he was afraid to touch her. She’d glanced over her shoulder and grinned at him, hoping he’d smile back and she’d be able to tell herself that the distance he’d put between them wasn’t personal. But he’d acted like he didn’t even see her. His gaze had stayed focused solely on Aunt Wendy as she directed the rehearsal.

Her heart sunk and just when she was about to throw herself a good ol’ fashioned pity party for one, Bailey took her place in front of Josh. If Nate had given Eliza the cold shoulder, Josh’s shoulder was the Tundra. Unlike Eliza, who’d just subtly smiled, Bailey actually said hi to Josh, and other than a tight grin he’d ignored her completely.

It’d been interesting to witness, mainly because, unlike Eliza’s reaction to Nate, Bailey didn’t seem hurt by Josh’s response. It was the opposite. A spark lit in her eyes that to Eliza at least, looked like Bailey was saying, game on. Eliza’s curiosity was officially piqued.

The entire wedding party stood in place for just a few minutes before Aunt Wendy had the pairs walk back down the aisle. Together. For a second, she’d been a little nervous that Nate wouldn’t offer her his arm, but she hadn’t had anything to worry about. Always the gentleman, Nate offered her his arm. When she wrapped her fingers around his bicep, she’d gasped at the rock hard bulge she’d felt. She’d never felt someone’s arm that had muscles that big and it was…hot.

Just thinking about it now had her warming from the inside out. Or maybe it was her drink.

“How has it been being home after all these years?” Josh asked as he set his beer down.

It was obvious to Eliza that he was trying to distract himself from the same thing she was. If she’d known him better, she’d let him know he wasn’t alone, maybe even commiserate with him. But other than a brief crush she’d had on him when she was in first grade, she really didn’t know him all that well.

“It’s been great!” She gave Josh the same answer she’d given everyone that had asked her over the last few weeks. The same answer that usually led to follow-up questions about what had brought her back. Since she didn’t feel like talking about that right now, she figured she’d change the subject. “So, is Brian having a bachelor party tonight?”

Becca’s bachelorette party was going to be a sleepover. All the girls were going to stay in Becca’s suite tonight. She was happy that it was going to be low-key, but knew that wasn’t everyone’s style.

“Nah. We’re going out on the lake tomorrow, but no big partying planned for tonight.”

It shouldn’t matter to her if Brian had a bachelor party or not, but she had to admit she was relieved that Nate wouldn’t be surrounded by strippers tonight. Which was ridiculous. What he did was absolutely none of her business.

“Oh there you are dear!” Nana Holmes waved her arms as she approached her, she appeared slightly out of breath. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Is everything okay?” Her eyes immediately scanned the room. If she wasn’t feeling well, Nate needed to know.

Her eyes quickly zeroed in on their target and found him engrossed in his conversation with Bailey. Amber and Seth had left and it was just the two of them in the corner, by the fireplace. For not being together, they sure were together a lot. Nate hadn’t left her side since the rehearsal had ended.

“Oh yes, everything’s fine,” Nana Holmes assured her. “I was just wondering if you could possibly go get my coat.”

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