Page 85 of Sex on the Beach

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I wasn’t going to feel bad for being happy, even if it was an overreaction. That would be a total waste of my life, and I was done wasting my life.

He removed his hand and I couldn’t believe what I saw.

“A hot air balloon?” I breathed. “How did you? What… You just found out about the list last night.”

“I told you, I called in some favors.” He grinned.

“I…thank you…” I felt tears begin to prick behind my eyes. “Really, this means so much. Thank you.”

He kissed my forehead but quickly pulled away. “You can thank me later. We gotta go if we’re gonna catch the sunrise.”

We walked toward the balloon and I noticed a man standing inside the basket whose long white hair and beard would’ve easily let him blend in with the band ZZ Top.

“Frank, I’d like you to meet Isabella. Isabella, this Frank.”

“Hi!” I waved.

“Nice to meet ya, pretty lady. You kids ready?” he shouted over the roar of the burner.

I nodded, and the next thing I knew my feet were swept out from underneath me. Jimmy easily scooped me up and set me in the basket, then effortlessly hopped in himself.

He stood behind me, his arms on either side of me, caging me in, his cheek pressed against mine. There was a loud whooshing sound and then the basket lifted up off the ground.

Breathtakingwas an overused word, but in this case, it was the perfect description.

And I wasn’t talking about the scenery.

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