Page 82 of Sex on the Beach

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I could hear her let out a little giggle as she shut the door. My heart melted at the sound of it. Or I should say, melted even more.

From the moment that woman walked down the dock and onto my boat, my heart had been a pile of mush. I made sure to be as quiet as possible as I crossed through the house. It was an ungodly hour and I didn’t want to wake anyone up.

The front door squeaked as I opened it and I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Mrs. B sitting in her rocking chair, sippin’ her coffee.

“Mornin’, Mrs. B.” I tried to cover how startled I’d been. “I used the hide-a-key, I hope ya don’t mind.”

“Hide-a-key, huh? That means you’re not doin’ the walk of shame?”

“No, ma’am.” I’d spent the night with Bella last night, but it had been at my house. “I’m just here to pick her up.”

“So I’m guessin’ y’all’s talk went well.”

She knew about the talk. “It did. Thank you.”

“You take good care of my girl, that’s all the thanks I need.”

I nodded and an unspoken understanding passed between us. The door squeaked again and this time it was Bella’s turn to be startled.

“Oh my gosh!” She jumped and clutched her chest.

Her wet hair was split down the middle in two French braids. She was wearing an ocean blue crop top that matched her eyes, white denim shorts that complimented her sun-kissed tan, and a pair of white Converse.

Between the sliver of exposed skin on her belly and her long, toned legs, I wasn’t sure this was any better than the towel. I was doing my best not to pop a half-chub in front of Mrs. B.

Bella didn’t help matters when she grimaced and turned her head as she lifted her hip in the air and tugged the already short hem of her shorts up revealing the bottom swoop of her backside.

My teeth gritted as I tried to control myself.

“Do I have a bite or something, Mrs. B? Can you see anything?”

Mrs. B lifted the glasses she wore around her neck, put them on, and leaned forward squinting.

“I don’t see anything.” Mrs. B turned her attention to me. “Can you see anything, James?”

I absolutely fuckin’ could see something. I could see the cusp of her ass and if she didn’t have a bite on it now, I could remedy that. I wanted to sink my teeth in her plump cheek.

Using the self-control of a saint, which I sure as hell was not, I leaned down. “It looks like you might’ve got a scratch.”

“Oh.” She straightened and dropped her shorts. “I must’ve got it from class this morning.”

I didn’t want to rush things, but we were on a time crunch.

“You ready?” I asked.

“Yes,” Bella beamed.

“Where are you two off to?”

“I don’t know.” Bella shook her head and looked at me.

“It’s a surprise.” I grinned.

“Well, you two have fun.”

Bella leaned down and kissed Mrs. B on her cheek and then practically skipped down the steps. Her excitement was palpable.

“Bye, Mrs. B.”

“Bye, James.” If I wasn’t mistaken, I caught a glimmer of approval from Mrs. B. It looked like I would live another day being spared the wrath of her rolled-up newspaper.

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