Page 13 of Overdosed

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elanie!” Theo’s enraged tone rang in my ears, but all I could focus on washim.

I watched Shane walking away, admiring the nonchalant way he took each step. He looked like a Prince Charming in his elegant, well-fitted black tuxedo, yet at the same time so dark,dangerous.

“Melanie, for fuck’s sake!” My fiancé-to-be squeezed my arm painfully, leaning down to my face, hissing through his clenched teeth. “Is this some twisted retribution?”

“Retribution?” I asked, still perplexed by Shane’s words. I could still feel his electric touch lingering on my skin. His magnetic sky-blue glanced before my eyes.

“Don’t play dumb! You know what I’m talking about,” Theo whisper-yelled against my ear, peeking around anxiously. “Who was that man?”

“I don’t know…” I let out a quiet sigh. I was asking myself the same question.

Who is the mysterious man with the captivating touch and an electrifying gaze?

What is he doing at my engagement party?

It can’t be a coincidence, can it?

“You don’t know?” Theo scoffed. “Well, okay. I’ll tell you who he is not.” He was seething. “He’s not your fucking fiancé. I am!” He barely kept his voice low before letting go of my arm’s tightening grip and trotting toward the exit, grabbing a glass of champagne on the way that he drank in one go.

It was so unlike Theo. He’d never acted so disrespectfully toward me. What had changed then? Had he felt that he was losing the ground beneath his feet?

I looked around to spot people staring at me, but I didn’t care. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t burning in shame. Instead, I was occupied by Shane’s husky voice ringing in my ears. “Meet me upstairs at the library in fifteen minutes.” I was occupied with figuring out a way to escape this ridiculous engagement party that shouldn’t have taken place, a way to sneak out to the library to meet my mysterious man.

I WAS CLIMBING UP THE STAIRS, and the clicking of my heels against the polished marble stone was the only thing masking the sound of my pumping heart. I headed to the library to meet Shane. I had to know who he was or what he wanted from me. I had to see him once more before making a lifetime commitment to another man. The adrenaline was rushing through my veins like never before. I felt like a thief breaking into someone’s property, sneaking out of my engagement party to see a man I knew nothing about. It felt so wrong yet so right at the same time.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I jumped out in fear hearing my father’s harsh voice as I reached the end of the stairs.

I swallowed, peeking behind him at the door leading to the library where I knew Shane was supposed to wait. Was I busted? Did my father find him? My hands started shaking, and I felt like I was suffocating.

“Melanie?” He said, his tone raised, watching me.

“I’m going to my room to change,” I managed to blurt the words, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“Change?” He stood there like a firewall with his arms crossed and frowning.

“Yes.” I cleared my throat to sound more convincing, straightening up. “I have another dress prepared for the proposal.”

“Women.” He rolled his eyes obnoxiously before heading down the stairs.

I slowly took a few steps toward my room, turning back to check if my father had walked away, nervously playing with my fingers.

“YOU CAME,” SHANE SAID, entirely composed, holding his hands behind his back as I entered the library.

“I was hesitant for a moment, but I had to come,” I stated, my voice trembling.

Shane slowly took a few steps closer, reaching his hand behind me to close the door. His gaze fixated on me, and a soft smile curled up in the corner of his tempting lips. He rested his hand on the doorframe and leaned down to look at me, holding me semihostage between his toned body and the heavy wooden door behind me. I kept holding my breath as if scared to let myself indulge in his intoxicating body scent combined with his smoky and spice cologne of musk and patchouli, which was like an aphrodisiac to meor a drug. Yes, definitely a drug. His scent alone made me feel like I was on the highest dosage of the most addictive drug that ever existed, the one that, once tried, made you crave more.

“You had to?” he teased, grabbing my chin with his fingers and running his thumb over my slightly parted lips as our gazes locked.

Shivers danced down my spine, but I tried to play it cool, pretending that his touch didn’t have such an overwhelming effect on me. “Yes. I need to know who you are and why you’re here. Are you a reporter? Did someone send you to snoop around?”

He scoffed, still hovering over me. “You really don’t recognize me?”
