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Dumbfounded. I am completely dumbfounded. This isn’t exactly the confession I was waiting to hear. But, as I stand in front of Damien with his wounds completely open, bearing his soul to me, I can see he is just as vulnerable as the rest of us.

“I understand why now, Damien. It’s okay,” I bring my hand to his face and wipe the tear rolling down his cheek.

“No, Avalyne. You don’t understand,” he furiously clenches his jaw. “I am a criminal. A gangster. Part of the world’s elite mafia. You name it. I’ve killed.Wekill. It’s what we do.” He swallows hard and continues. “It’s all a part of the job. And, as for me? Well, I have no fucking way out.”

“Why?” I can’t help but ask.

“I mean,” he gets close to my face, and his voice lowers as his eyes flick between mine. “The only way I can get out of thisjobis to die.”

My breathing quickens, and my chest feels tight. The mere thought of him dying makes me feel impotent and out of control. “But we won’t let that happen, will we?”

“We?” Damien asks, unsure, cocking his head to the side.

“What I mean to say… is…”Here goes nothing.“I’m falling for you, Damien Alarie.”

He looks off into the distance and swallows as I watch his jaw muscle flex. Damn, he is so beautiful. “You have to walk away. Walk away and don’t look back. I destroy everything I touch, and I don’t want to destroy you.” He takes a breath. “If I destroy you, it will kill me.”

Those words cut deep. But that doesn’t stop me. “Are you saying you’re falling for me too, Mr. Alarie?” My sarcasm rears its head, and I cross my arms, “You could have found a better way to tell me.”

Before I can even think about saying anything else, he crashes his lips into mine, leaving me breathless. His rough hands cup my face. A kiss of sheer urgency, like nothing else matters in this exact moment.

I know where this leads, and I am all for it. But not tonight. Not like this.

“Damien. I should go.”

He groans like a child.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t want to get into any more trouble.”

His fingers find my shoulders and run down slowly to my hands as he asks, “May I have one more kiss for the road, Firefly?”

Without waiting, I move in for a slower kiss this time. I tease his bottom lip with the tip of my tongue. He pulls me in gently as we finish our embrace. “Now, I really must go.”

He holds out his hand and helps me onto the back of his motorcycle.

It only takes minutes to get home, which makes me utterly disappointed. I would have loved to cruise the open highway with my new love. Holding him tightly, running away from any troubles we have. Starting a new life free of judgment and danger.

“Are you okay, beautiful?”

“Oh, yea. Just thinking.”

He jokes, “I’m aware. I saw those wheels turning.” Damien helps me off of his bike. “I’m sorry–”

I throw myself into his arms and hug him tightly, dreading the thought of going hours without seeing him. Desire has been creeping up heavily inside me for some time now. It’s only a matter of time before I surrender my soul, right?

I sneak back into my room, tuck myself in, and stare at the ceiling. It’s going to be a sleepless night, but you know that feeling of newlove.The kind you are running off of pure adrenaline. Your body and mind know nothing of being tired. I guess knowing the man of your dreams feels the same way as you do eases your mind, no matter who the hell you pissed off in the process.

The next day

This day has dragged on. I watch as the minutes pass in chemistry, and they seem to be moving even slower. Econ has never gone so slow.

Oh, thank fuck! A text.


You’re in deep thought
