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“I’m pouring myself a whiskey,” the creepy guy from earlier says, and I watch the brown liquid filling his glass. “Want one?” His hoarse voice rings in my ears. I swing on my stool to check where the hell Damien is, only to see him surrounded by beautiful girls.Of course, what else did I expect?

“Why the hell not,” I mutter before raising the glass. “Cheers, stranger.” And I swallow the liquid in one go. I know it’s reckless, but I couldn’t care less. I feel like a fool. The man I came here with dumped me for some hot chick, and so did his cousin, even though he’d claimed he’d take care of me. Except, it didn’t hurt me that Oliver left me as if I meant nothing as much that it hurts when it comes to Damien.

“What’s bothering you this evening, baby doll?” The man moves closer to me, and suddenly I feel sick. I want to go and search for Damien, but I can’t. My head starts pounding. The room is spinning, and I feel groggy. I rub my temples, trying to regain control over my body again, but in vain.

“I feel dizzy… Can you… find my friend?” I hardly speak, and everything is a blur.

“Let’s go get your friend,” the man takes me by my elbow and helps me to my feet. “I’ll help you.”

With a tight, almost painful grip on me, the man leads me through the crowd of people, and I’m tripping over my own feet.What the hell is happening?I can’t think clearly. The music is ringing in my ears. It feels like my head is going to explode. I can’t walk, I can’t speak, I can’t even see anything.

Damien. His name runs through my head like a mantra, and I’m not even sure if it’s just my imagination or if I actually hear his voice.


Help me.

And suddenly, everything goes black.

“Where am I?” I mumble, trying to open up my eyes.

“It’s okay,” I hear a male voice and a blurred silhouette approaching me from afar. “You’re okay, Ava.”It’s Damien. I feel as if a heavy weight is being taken off my chest. “You’re with me. You’re safe.”

“What happened?” I struggle to speak, and Damien helps me sit.

“Drink this.” He hands me a white mug. “Please, it’s water. You need it.” I can’t see his face clearly, but I can hear the pain in his voice. “I was so scared, Ava. I’m so sorry.”

“What happened?” I say, this time more comprehensively. I blink a few times before drinking the water. It helps, but not much. I can see Damien now. He’s sitting on the edge of the king-size bed in a dark, modern yet sophisticated bedroom with a massive window in front of me, covered with grayish curtains. His face is paining with sorrow as he hesitantly slides his hand on top of mine and squeezes it gently.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Ava. I should’ve known better. I should–” Damien clenches his jaw and looks to the side, fighting back his emotions.

I move closer to him and place my hand on his cheek, turning his face so our eyes meet, “It’s not of your fault, Damien.” I smile at him reassuringly.

“That fucking creep drugged you,” he breaks. A tear drops down his cheek, and I wipe it away with my thumb.

“I remember,” I whisper, and he leans his head forward, letting it rest on my forehead. “None of this is your fault, Damien. I should’ve been more careful.”

“No,” he leans back to look me in the eyes. “I shouldn’t have left you alone. Not even for a damn second, Avalyne.” Damien clenches his palms into fists. He looks like it’s tearing him apart, and I can’t help but wonder… Did the man do something to me? Did he…? A cold chill runs down my back, and I hardly swallow.

“Did… did he do anything?” My voice breaks.

“God, no!” Damien hastily stands up from the bed and nervously runs his hand through his hair. “I didn’t give him the chance.”

Thank God.I take a deep breath.

“You were slurring and off-balance from a shot,” Damien recalls the memories, and I can tell the images he has before his eyes are so painful for him. “By the time I came over, you were out cold.” He covers his face with his hands, turning to the window before he inhales and exhales a few times deeply.

“What if he does that to another girl? I–” I ask. The flashbacks from the horrid incident pop into my head, and I feel tears filling my eyes.

“He won’t,” Damien says darkly, and I shiver. “I have my men…,” he stops as if contemplating his words. “...friends looking for him. They will let me know. I don’t know how he got in.”

“So, is this your party?” I ask, intrigued by his statement.

“Kinda,” he turns to face me. The agony still presents on his flawless face. “This place belongs to me.”

I try to stand up but fail miserably. Damien rushes toward me and puts me back on the bed.
